Trucut edger -Honda GX120 Carburetor Replacement. OEM or Aftermarket? #edger #lawncare #reelmower

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In this special episode of DW🌎, Dwayne shares one of his best 2nd hand find since being a lawn enthusiast. Tune in and see Dwayne change the Honda GX120 carburetor with aftermarket HIPA replacement. Is it as good as OEM? Will it start? Tune in and find out

Equipment used -

Trucut Edger
Honda GX120 motor

Replacement carburetor

Video timeline

00:00 Intro
00:23 Video Overview
01:01 Trucut edger
01:45 Why the Trucut
03:29 Carburetor replacement
15:39 Start Up
16:11 Edger Highlights
17:17 Test Pass
17:57 Edger results
18:19 Video Recap/Outro
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Welcome back to the crispy walk-behind edger world. That Tru Cut is a beauty! Did you say how old it is and I missed it? I will never part with my 40 year old Trail Mate edger! It has two sealed bearings supporting the blade shaft and they are still rolling smoothly even after 40 years without being re-greased. It is powered by a 2.5 B&S flat head with a pulsajet carburetor. I keep expecting the diaphragm to fail but it just keeps on ticking! It has 2 front wheels like your old McLane so it is a little harder to edge the curved sidewalks than your new Tru Cut. I just lift the back wheels off of the ground a little and pivot around the curves balanced on the front wheels. My driveway is long and the radius is much lower so I leave the back wheels down when I edge it.

I used a HIPA carburetor to repair my 5 HP B&S OHV engine on my Chipper/Shredder. It needed partial choke to remain running, so I cleaned and rebuilt the OEM carburetor but it still ran lean. I couldn't figure out what I did wrong so I bought the HIPA carburetor. It worked smoothly without any adjustment so I can heartily second your recommendation!


Good find! That thing looks brand new! The other day I was going down Gosford and noticed a city worker edging the walk way while on his phone! 😂


That edger is super clean man. I gotta say a tru cut c27 would be nice to add to the arsenal collection


I got one of those at my local scrap yard for $25. Got it home and put gas in and boom! - absolutely nothing wrong with it.


There is a "curb jumper" option.
I have it on mine.


Hi Dwayne. Is it possible to replace the oil bath air filter with a conventional air filter?
