Stargate Universe: Destiny's 50 Million Year Flight Path (HD)

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They're halfway to the end of the observable universe from Earth's perspective... Chills


This eerie feeling of being so extremely far from home was great. It´s like that "humans are naturally curious but maybe i don´t even want to know what´s out there"-feeling.


The Atlantis name-drop ("That was Pegasus") always struck my fanboy gong. I love the little details and name drops and wish there had been more. SGU was so different and needed tieing in to the overall canon.


I wish syfy gave this show a chance before canceling it after 2 seasons


"We're in another galaxy how much more out can you get?"

Think this scene answered that for you Dr. Beckett


One of my top 10 favorite moments from the series


Still in 2023 i think stargate universe was the freakin best sci-fi they ever have given us


Presumably it passed through the Ida galaxy as well where it encountered the Asgard. This would imply that the Ancients kept tracking it and were receiving information e.g. they knew Pegasus was an empty galaxy where they could resettle to escape the Ori plague.


Imagine how many hostile aliens destiny had to fend off for 50 million years along with her slow deterioration but still considered by her as merely as.. "tis just a scratch" ...god...


The mission of destiny was one taken, with what was the most advanced and what they had, sent on a mission that would take so long that it was a real possibility there would be no records of it left. Like if we launched a rocket to the nearest star with the best tech we have now, it'll still take, for us, thousands of years.


Asgard hyperdrives are very powerful. It takes just hours for an Asgard ship to travel between the Asgard home galaxy and the Milky Way galaxy. If Destiny had held position somewhere, I think it could take only a few months, maybe a year tops for a ship to reach Destiny if one of the 304s were retrofit with a more powerful hyperdrive and neutrino ion generators.


Can we just take a moment to appreciate how much data storage Destiny must have. She's been collecting date for 50+ million years. Hell, it took 5 petabytes of date just for us to take an image of a blackhole. That's 5000 terabytes people.


This is why I loved SGU. It made space feel BIG again.


Estimate: Destiny has passed thru [9, 901 Galaxies], times the [number of times] × the speed of Light that it's averaged over its journey. So if it's averaged 2× the speed of Light, then it's crossed thru 19, 802 Galaxies.
The average size galaxy versus the distance _between_ galaxies is like, 100:1, although there's quite a Range.
The Milky Way is about 100, 000 Light Years across, but there are relatively "tiny" galaxies only a few thousand Light Years across, and then there are some several times Larger than the Milky Way.
The average distance _between_ galaxies, however, is almost _10 Million Light Years!_
If we use the Milky Way as the "Average Size, " then the total distance traveled by Destiny can be divided into Void Distances and Galaxy Diameters, around 100:1.
So, a Million Years of Travel, at exactly the speed of Light, would mean they've crossed 9, 901 Galaxies (ish).
But we know two things:
(1.) Yes, they're going _faster_ than Light, but;
(2.) The Ship stops all the time, we even saw a three-week+ stop so far.
So, it would be impossible to determine the _average_ speed over the Million years.


Funnily enough, that still isn't as far as Abydos is stated to be in the original film, where they're pretty sure they're going to the other side of the universe.

That was altered for SG-1, of course, but I still think it's interesting


They sure don't make them like they used to.. those anceints built ships that lasted millions of years and traveled billions of light years... Did the X302 last more than a year?.. I don't recall..


I'm not sure about this theory that I have about The Destiny, and I'm more than willing to see anyone's opinion on this matter, but I think The Destiny's Mission was to go from one Galaxy to the next putting Stargates on each planet that is in each Galaxy, and once their done, they go to the next galaxy, so if this is what The Ancients did, I believe they've discovered the entire universe, that's just my take on it, anyone is more than welcome to share their theories on what they think.


They NEED to make a stargate show where we encounter Lovecraftian things at the very edge of the universe.


when you count the "pings" for every galaxy, destiny visited around 38 to 42 ... at least this many pings i counted.


Prequel series set during the time of the Ancients needed.
