16 Personalities in the '90s

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The 16 Myers-Briggs Personality Types in the 1990s. Read the pinned comment for a detailed explanation of all the retro references in this video!

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The 16 Personalities of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are INFJ, INTJ, INFP, ISFP, INTP, ISTP, ISFJ, ISTJ, ENFP, ENTP, ESTP, ESFP, ENTJ, ESTJ, ENFJ, ESFJ

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#16Personalities #16Types #90s #retro #MBTI #MyersBriggs #INFJ #INFP #INTJ #INTP #ENTP #ENFP
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✨Timestamps (and all the 90s references EXPLAINED for those who don't remember the 90s 👶)
0:00 ESTJ
Blockbuster (in the background): before streaming, you went to a video rental store like Blockbuster to rent movies or video games. Most TV shows did not really release seasons on VHS but sometimes would do a few episodes on a tape, so you'd have to wait for reruns on live TV to watch a show you liked.
The Internet: became a household thing in the mid 90s
“As if”: a common expression of incredulity among teen girls in the US
Pager: before cell phones, if you were an important person or at least thought you were, you probably carried a pager, a small device which had its own phone number and you'd usually clip onto your belt. If someone wanted to get in touch with you when you were away from your landline, they'd call your pager, which caused your pager to beep and their number would pop up on it, indicating that you should call them back when you could.
Payphone: payphones were the main way of calling people if you were not at home and did not have a cell phone (or car phone), which most people didn't until the very late 90s.
0:13 ENFJ
Tamagotchi: a popular toy in the mid-90s. It was a virtual pet that you could feed, play games with, and clean up their poop. They evolved into different creatures depending on how you took care of them, but they would die if you did not take care of them well!
0:23 ISTJ
Friends: one of the most popular TV shows in the US in the 90s. Ross is one of the main characters and has a PhD in paleontology, yet somehow also has friends.
0:40 ENTP
Chat rooms: like Discord in the 90s. In this particular case, America Online (aka "AOL") had many chat rooms that users could go to. They were usually about as chaotic and creepy as they sound.
America Online: The biggest internet browser in the 90s in the US. They would mail you CDs to install their browser, because back then you couldn't just download an app from the internet.
Dial Up: This log in screen is what you saw and these sounds what you heard as your computer literally dialed a number on your phone line to connect to the internet.
a/s/l?: means “age/sex/location” and was the usual thing you started off with in a chat room, which in retrospect is a little creepy. You would answer like “13/m/usa” because I was 13 and too scared to put a more precise location like my state because in the 90s the news made it seem like your children would be kidnapped if they logged on the internet. For this same reason I always said my name was "Jim."
“Welcome” “You’ve Got Mail” “Goodbye”: These are the things you’d hear on America Online when you logged in, got mail, and logged off. The first two still trigger a slight dopamine hit when I hear them.
“Get off the phone”: as mentioned, you accessed the internet through your phone line, so if you were on the internet and your mom picked up the landline to make a call (because nobody had cell phones, or they were not cheap to make calls) it would sound like a bunch of static on the phone and she’d get mad. If you were rich you’d get a second phone line just for the internet, but I did not know anyone who had this luxury.
“Whatever” became a popular exclamation of disgust and exasperation in 90s America, and you had to say it with this inflection, as though you were a 14 year old girl from Southern California. You could also make a W with your two thumbs and index fingers to emphasize that you really meant "whatever." You could also take one of those fingers and thumbs and make the shape of an L on your forehead for "loser, " a related word.
1:00 ESFP
Digital Camera: became more prevalent in the 90s, though they did not overtake film cameras until the early 2000s, because they tended to be very expensive, and computers had like 50MB of hard drive space, so it was not very practical.
Pound sign: before Twitter, the hashtag "#" symbol was known exclusively as the “pound sign”, like on a phone - this particular reference is just a silly anachronism that I ad-libbed. Nobody would ever say “pound sign worth it”, unless you were dialing some weird phone number.
1:22 ISFJ
Titanic: a very long award-winning movie from 1997. It was so long it was released on 2 VHS tapes.
VHS: Before streaming, before DVDs, you watched stuff on VHS cassette tapes. This was after the whole VHS vs Betamax rivalry (look that up if you don't know what that is). Some fancy people had Laserdiscs which were like DVDs but 12 inches in diameter.
Surge: a green soda released by Coca Cola in the late 90s to compete with Mountain Dew.
Bagel Bites: still around today, and rose to popularity in the 90s due to their commercial which stated, “when pizza’s on a bagel, you can eat pizza any time, ” as though somehow the bagel element is what unlocks your ability to eat pizza at another time besides lunch or dinner.
1:40 ESTP
X Files: a popular American TV show of the 90s, which had it's first movie spin-off in 1998
“Send it through the mail”: this is an allusion to how Netflix began by mailing DVDs to customers before streaming became popular in the late 00's/early 10's.
Netscape: another web browser of the 90s. This is what all the computers at my schools had for some reason. It was like Internet Explorer but somehow worse.
Gif: Website design tended to include a lot of gifs, which is why websites were better back then (check out the Space Jam website for a shining example of the aesthetic). However, the internet was very slow, so it often took a long time to load one of these websites. The pronunciation of this file type is still debated to this day, and is clearly "gif" not "gif."
“You’re killing me, Smalls” is a line from the 1993 movie “The Sandlot” which became commonly quoted by the youths of the day.
2:05 ENTJ
Pokemon cards: a trading card game that became immensely popular in the mid to late 90s. Everyone thought the cards would only increase in value.
Apple stock: in 1998, stock for Apple Inc. traded for 27 cents a share. It would not really take off in value until the release of the iPod in 2001, and later the iPhone in 2007.
Holographic Charizard: The rarest and most valuable Pokemon card. Every kid would say how they had one, but “couldn’t show you” for some reason. I think even then it was only worth like $50 but maybe due to inflation that was worth a lot more back then.
2:19 ESFJ
“This dance” The ESFJ is doing the “Macarena, ” a popular song and dance by Los Del Rio, which you could not escape for most of 1996 and 1997. Every wedding, birthday, baseball game, school dance, retirement party, bar mitzvah, you name it, they’d play this song and make you do this dumb dance
“The bomb”: a slang term popularized in the 90s to mean that something is dope
2:36 ENFP
Furby: a popular and creepy toy of the mid to late 90s
Tickle-me-Elmo: another popular and creepy toy of the mid 90s -- this one in particular was so popular that people fought over them during the Christmas shopping season. It was just a toy of Elmo from the TV show Sesame Street, and he laughed when you tickled him. That was it. Why was it so popular?
2:59 INTP
Pluto: was still a planet in the 90s... RIP
3:15 ISFP
Music: CDs passed cassettes in popularity in 1991. So before Spotify, before mp3 players, you had to carry a huge binder of all your CDs with you--mine weighed about 10 pounds. In the 90s it was not terribly common to have a CD player in your car, so you’d have to use an adapter to hook up your portable CD player (such as the Walkman brand). This particular reference is applicable through the early 2000s as well. For me, I did not get an iPod til 2010!
3:35 INFP
Beanie Babies: popular collectible plush toys from the 90s. Each one had a tag with a little poem about the character.
eBay: became popular in the 90s. People would try to flip Beanie Babies on eBay for a quick profit. Today you will find some rare Beanie Babies on eBay for thousands of dollars.
4:03 INTJ
January 1, 2000: In the late 90s, there was great concern over the “Y2K bug, ” which according to the media, had the potential to make every computer stop working when the year changed to 2000, because supposedly the computers would think when the year changed to “00” it meant 1900, not 2000, and the computers would be like “well we don’t exist in 1900” and they would turn off forever.
4:17 ISTP
Super-Soaker: a high-powered squirt gun that became popular in the 90s.
4:29 INFJ
“Bugging out”: slang for “freaking out”
Caller ID: you could pay extra for a caller ID box to see who was calling your landline. Otherwise, you had no way of knowing who was calling. It was terrible.


"Get off the internet! I need to use the phone!"

Wow! That reference took me back! I remember seeing commercials for cable internet (the first alternative to dial-up) around 2000, and the fact that it was way faster wasn't even the main selling point; it was that you could use the phone and the internet at the same time. That was a HUGE deal back then!



0:03 - ESTJ
0:13 - ENFJ
0:23 - ISTJ
0:40 - ENTP

1:00 - ESFP
1:22 - ISFJ
1:40 - ESTP
2:06 - ENTJ

2:19 - ESFJ
2:36 - ENFP
2:59 - INTP
3:15 - ISFP

3:36 - INFP
4:03 - INTJ
4:17 - ISTP
4:29 - INFJ



As an INFJ, the ironic thing is when someone calls that normally I'd speak to (when I see it on caller ID), I wouldn't answer, but if it's someone I wouldn't speak to, a stranger, I'd usually answer because there's no expectation of proper social behavior. I'm not "wasting" energy with a stranger. If that makes sense.


INFP: "I don't collect Beanie babies to flip them on eBay, no!! each one of them has their own tragic story to tell."

I remember back then, My toys have their own story 🤣 even my stuff like pen and pencil 😂 Damn it's too accurate!


Congratulations for the 1M subscribers Frank I have been there since the beginning n its really cool watching you grow this big


Congrats on 1 million!! 🎉
You've come such a long way. Though your content has always been great, when I subscribed to you 4 years ago, I never imagined your subscriber count would multiply by 33. It goes to show that you're amazing at what you do, keep it up!


I grew up in the 1980's and 1990's, and understood everyone of these references.


Congrats on the 1 Mil! You're content is genuinely amazing and you've deserved this for a while now! All the best to many more years on YouTube!


I'm crying 😂
You cramed so much in, it's unbelievable!
INTJ got new glasses or did I just missed it all of this time?

And, again, congratulations on 1 million subscribers!
Well deserved accomplishment 👏🏻


Honestly the thing I find the most underated is the background, it fits so seemlessly. I always enjoy looking at the background. The quality is also nice :D!


Btw, congrats on 1 million subscribers, Frank! And thank you for always brightening our days with your videos! I love your channel and I always look forward to your new uploads. Although 1M subs is a big milestone, you deserve way more! Thanks for everything you do, keep up the great work! 💜


As a 2000s kid, I do appreciate you making this video to tell me I was not missing anything XD

(Now please make them for the other decades and centuries, I would be very happy x


Good job on the 1M mark. Your vids never fail to entertain. Well deserved my guy


HAPPY ONE MILLION MAH BOI FJ!!!! Also as an ENFP, I actually had a tickle me Elmo that creeped me out as a kid 😭😭😭😭 what are the chances of that specific situation being spot on


My whole family is introverted, so my parents didn’t really mind me tying up the phone line when I went online for hours at a time 😂 But we got so excited when we finally got the caller ID and could screen calls when no one was online 📞 This video was perfect, love it! Congrats on 1 Million subs! 🎉


You got laughter and a few tears out of me! As an INFP and Taurus, I always related to the children’s story of Ferdinand the bull. I really felt for him because all he wanted to do was smell flowers and live in peace, but he is misunderstood by people and conditioned to fit Spanish customs of bullfighting. I teach 3rd grade and my classroom has a toy story meets Rudolph’s misfit island theme going on. Lol so naturally I had to rescue a Snort from eBay so he can hangout in my classroom with the other misfits. No joke. I’ll set him next to my Ferdinand book in the library : )


0:04 estj
0:14 enfj
0:24 istj
0:41 entp
1:01 esfp
1:24 isfj
1:41 estp
2:06 entj
2:20 esfj
2:37 enfp
3:00 intp
3:15 isfp
3:36 infp
4:04 intj
4:18 istp
4:30 infj


congratulations on 1 million subscribers, frank!!! you deserve all of us :) love your content, it's always so funny and it's great to see your hard work paying off 💖💖💖


ENFP here (with doubts of being an INFP), I once encountered a furby and now thank you. I've just discovered what it's called hahaha

By the way, happy 1 million subscribers, Frank! 🎉🍻 (I guess drinking beer with my family an hour ago is considered an advance celebration? \^o^/)
