Adnatomy | How Root Insurance Solidified Its Support of Bubba Wallace and Systemic Change

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When Nascar racer Bubba Wallace found himself at the center of racist backlash after the organization’s Confederate flag ban last summer, Root Insurance took the opportunity to support him and the push for real social justice in a big way.

“Progress Owes No Apology” synthesizes Wallace’s experience as Nascar’s only Black driver into an impactful short film. Blending shots of Wallace in training with images of the controversial flag, angry racing fans, Trump’s incendiary tweet calling for an apology, the minute-long spot reflects how much racism the athlete has endured just to do what he loves.

In this episode of Adweek’s Adnatomy—a video series that examines how brands, agencies and production companies continue to make commercials during the pandemic—we learned more about the work, communication and emotion that went into this work from three key figures.

#Adnatomy #BubbaWallace #RootInsurance

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I support you Bubba my brotha. Be the change that brings more African Americans too Nascar.
