Q&A + BREASTFEEDING TIPS With ME 🍼 A Lactation Counselor

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Lactation Counselor answers your breastfeeding questions!!

Lactation education makes breastfeeding a newborn so much calmer! It is so crucial If you’re preparing for birth or are already breastfeeding, it’s so important to understand the basics of how to breastfeed… the more you know the less you fear!

In this video, I’m answering questions you asked me about how to breastfeed, increasing milk supply, tandem breastfeeding, breastfeeding in public, breastmilk supply, painful breastfeeding, postpartum blues and hormones, and just so much!

I know how challenging breastfeeding can be, especially figuring out how to breastfeed a newborn baby. So, at the end of this video, I share my top breastfeeding tips for any breastfeeding mama. Knowing breastfeeding basics and getting the breastfeeding help you need early can mean the difference between an empowering and disempowering breastfeeding experience.

What questions do you have about breastfeeding? Tell me YOUR personal breastfeeding experience down below!






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I’m a dad and I don’t even make milk but I’m watching this for my wife who is struggling while she naps and hopefully this can help when she wakes up


My baby is 3 weeks old tomorrow. We started him on formula as my breastmilk was not flowing. I started pumping when we came home from the hospital and bottle feeding, gradually reducing the formula but baby just refuses to latch n feed from the breast. What can i do?


Dear all mamas out there! This video helped me to go through first few weeks of breastfeeding, and keep on going. First few days were the worst, I’d rather give birth few more times than breastfeed, it was that painful but I kept on going because I wanted it to work so badly. What had helped me was switching to pumping for few days and giving my baby my milk in bottle to let my sore, bleeding nipples rest and that helped so much. I kept on pumping every two hours to boost my supply, and after few weeks I tried breastfeeding again. And at that point my nipples were strong enough to “survive” my baby’s strong latch. And here we are, 7 months and going for more of exclusive breastfeeding. I was even able to donate some of my stashed milk.
What I want to say mamas is that you can do this, I believe you it’s hard and painful sometimes, and that you want to give up but believe in yourself, you can do this, and once all that pain is gone, breastfeeding will be the best thing ever. I remember myself feeding my baby once in the middle of night just crying of joy, that was one of the first painless feeds and he just fall asleep on the breast, the best feeling in the world.
You can do this!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


My daughter was 7 weeks early, I was very sick, sedated for her birth and hospitalized for 2 weeks in a coma for 5 days. I was not able to see my baby or hand express until I got home. I was so weak I couldn’t walk so it took me weeks to be able to try to breastfeed. As soon as I got my pump I began to pump and was barely getting 1/2 an oz. At about 4-5 weeks pp I was finally able to get her to latch and suckle. My body totally kicked into gear and began producing. At 14 weeks we are going strong breastfeeding and I am now producing about 4 ozs every 3 hours. BF was so important to me before I gave birth and even more so after because I needed to bond with my baby. God was so gracious and kept my baby healthy with no complications from being early. With every obstacle, I prayed to be able to breastfeed, and it has gone so well. Being able to bond and feed my little girl has been the most beautiful experience of my life💕💕 P.S. I binge watched your channel while I was pregnant 😅


I believed I would exclusively breastfeed my kid until he was on solids, and then continue breastfeeding through the first year. I did everything right; he did everything right. And it didn't work. With triple feeding, feeding on demand (and adding in scheduled feedings on top of that as recommended), meditations, careful diet and supplements, the works, my supply started dropping a few months in. I was forced to supplement more and more as the months went on. And at month 9, my kid rejected breastfeeding entirely, permanently. Videos like this are so encouraging for people who aren't the outliers. For those of us who are the outliers, the messages that your body will produce and your mindset determines the outcome are honestly hurtful. You give so many good tips in so many of your videos; your channel has honestly been one of the most helpful resources I've had over the course of early motherhood. I watched this one hoping there'd be something in there--some kind or encouraging theme that could help people through experiences like mine. But If you've only had the experience of everything working out, it's easy not to see the need to address the experiences of those who really struggle to do this and ultimately fail. I wish I'd had someone kindly telling me before my baby was born that I could still be a mom even if breastfeeding didn't work out the way I'd envisioned. That that kind of thing is common, and it sucks, but I didn't need to beat myself up over it or be afraid for my kid. That sometimes things do not work out; sometimes the supply and demand doesn't work. Sometimes the kid stops breastfeeding. Sometimes you do everything right, and make every best decision you can--and sometimes, the best decision you can make is to buy your kid some formula so he can be full and you can be sane again. I've got baby #2 growing right now, and when they're born, I plan to breastfeed. I plan to do my very best to show up for them. And if I end up having to supplement, I plan to accept that and move forward. For the mamas out there who do everything right and have it end up not working out the way you'd hoped: I'm with you, and I don't blame you for circumstances you didn't choose, and I support you taking the steps you need to take in the circumstances you're given. If it ever crosses your mind to wonder, because it absolutely did for me: You can still be a mom if breastfeeding doesn't work out the way you'd planned.


Can you dedicate a video on how to wean baby from nursing? My baby is 13 months. I’ve started supplementing with almond milk bottles during the day and breastfeeding in the morning before work and before bedtime. Should I cut out pumping at work too so he won’t have the option of having breast milk during the day once my freezer supply is gone? And do I cut the morning or night feed first? I never made it this long breastfeeding my first child and my second never would take formula so we just continued nursing til he was old enough to transition to whole milk. This weaning process is tricky!! I have mixed feelings about it. 🥺


May The Most High continue to bless the time and effort you put into the experience and knowledge you share with us. Your videos have helped me a lot. My husband even ran across your videos while helping support me (on his own☺️❤). Be blessed, beloved.


Love this! Been exclusively breastfeeding my first since 8 weeks, and he's now 18 weeks. Had to supplement early on because of jaundice and a lot of TERRIBLE advice from an LC. I urge anyone who wants to breastfeed/nurse to find an LC who actually supports EBF. I learned the hard way that some LCs will encourage you to supplement with formula because it's "easier", tell you you "just have low supply", and discourage nursing in favor of pumping. All of it could not have been further from the truth. A good supportive IBCLC saved my breastfeeding journey.


Thanks so much for this video, Bridget! I would like to add something about pumping: how much you pump is not necessarily indicative of how much your baby is getting. I have tried pumping for both my babies and can literally sit there for an hour+ and get not even ONE drop of milk. But my babies gain weight beautifully and I know are getting a lot of milk. I just can't let down for the pump, I think it's connected to the oxytocin hormone. Covering it with a blanket and trying to forget it's there sometimes works, but even then I'll only get maybe an ounce. So mamas, if you're not getting anything with the pump, it doesn't necessarily mean your baby isn't getting anything! You're body may let down for the baby, but can't for the pump bc it feels too invasive or something.


I really hope I don’t get attached for this but I know I’m not the only one. What if your fear isn’t that you can’t breastfeed but that you can. I truly to my core don’t want to. If I think too much on it I cry. I’m due in a few months and I plan to give milk with pumping but the act of a baby latching disgusts me. I literally hate that I feel that way. I truly do.


I just want to say that you are amazing! I’ve watched all of your videos through my pregnancy and now after having my son and you’ve helped and encouraged me so very much. YOU ARE APPRECIATED!!! 😍🥰🥰🥰


My baby is a week old and my nipples are in bits. Both sides have been bleeding and the skin is mostly gone on the tips. I think we have the latch worked out now, but it's still excruciating. I have the silverettes. Those have been life saver. I've been using lanolin. Anything else I can do to speed up healing?


I watched your meditation videos and listened to my body what to do and when to push... I just want to say thank you! my baby boy was born in a span of 9hrs natural. Had my natural birth that I wanted.


This is the first time I have heard somebody say that pain breastfeeding in the first few weeks is normal, and that is so refreshing and helpful to hear. I’m on baby #3 and have experienced painful feeding with all 3, but with two of them the pain subsided after a few weeks and I went on to enjoy easy breastfeeding. But at the time I was so anxious I was doing something wrong and every professional was telling me that pain isn’t normal. Thankfully 3rd time around I’m a lot more experienced and confident in knowing myself and my baby and after a few weeks of adjustment, we are thriving with breastfeeding again. Thanks for a really helpful video.


You are a life saver! As a first time mama your videos have helped me the most out of anything, when it was 1am, 3am, 4am and I was frustrated with my newborn and feeling blue I would watch your videos and man did they help! They calmed me, calmed baby and I learnt so SO much. Thank you hun you got me through and are truly an awesome mama and Doula ❤️❤️


Baby girl is 5 1/2 months. I’ve been exclusively pumping going on 3 months now (haven’t nursed at all) is it even possible to go back to nursing and try again?
I nursed my first son for his first year.


I had no option but breastfeed, from the get-go, because I think there is nothing more stressful than hearing your baby crying and not being able to soothe them because you need to get the bottle ready first. Moms who had to rely solely or partially on bottle feeding are heroines, in my eyes.


Teyler, you were a saviour during pregnancy, labour and now post partum! Thank you a million for your wonderful videos


My daughter is 10 weeks old today and i love your answer on question 13! Everything works fine and she is gaining weight and growing quickly. The only think that makes breastfeeding a worrysome situation for me is all the different tipps I get, sometimes even very contradictory... It is hard for me to find my style and still feel like i am doing everything right...


Omg im currently breastfeeding my baby now and worrying cause my milk supply seems cant keep up with my baby 😭
