The 8 Best Business Books You’ve Never Heard Of

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You’ve probably already read: Good to Great, Zero to One, and The Lean Startup...

Those are all amazing books, but a lot of times, to get the advantage in life, you have to read the books other people are not reading.

In this video, I share with you some books you probably have never heard of that will help you with SPECIFIC problems you’re facing in your business

Whether that’s getting customers, hiring people, becoming a better leader or delegating, I’ve got a book recommendation for all of those.

Links to books mentioned in the video:

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Ideas that stood out:

Million Dollar Consulting
Value Based Pricing
Follow Up
Dream 100 list (Dream 10 list)
Hand to hand combat/marketing
Keep your desk clean.
Create Dashboards
Be repetitive about your mission.
Journal every morning (reinforce)
Spend time alone.

Thank you Noah! You're the best older-brother type business coach. God bless you for all the work that you do!

You're right about following up. Many of my wins are from following up, despite that, the rejections sometimes derail me. This video reminds me to keep going. I won't prevent silence of others prevent me following up. The right people will buy. I just have to be persistent.


Definitely a different list than the usual "The 4 Hour Work Week" recommendations


I like the way you spoke about each book by pointing out takeaways. I also like how you mentioned books that are not extremely popular.


I own two of these books (The Ultimate Sales Machine and The Road Less Stupid). Another 2 of the books (Work Rules & The Score Takes Care of Itself), I am hearing about for the first time. The other 4 books ( Million Dollar Consulting, Maverick, Mastering the Rockefeller Habits and the Artist's Way), I have heard of before but I don't currently own them! Thanks for the recommendations, Noah. Appreciated. I also appreciate Noah's insights on what the highlights from the differnt books were for him.


Noah Kagan is "high signal, low noise". I love how much useful information Noah packs into a short video. High-density! High-value!


Thanks, Noah! Greatly appreciated. Million Dollar Consulting is in its sixth edition as of November (McGraw-Hill).


Make a vedio about how did your Lifestyle changed and What did you did with the money when you became rich, did you gifted your mom something or buyed a car, what did you did with that huge amount of money? I Love your content, seriously, youtube is an amazing platform to learn if you use it rightly, I am young and these type of content influence my mind so much in the right direction, thankyou so much!


Thanks Noah for this! It's great to have unique but effective books on my list.

By the way, I really like how you structured your video - You started first with the PROBLEM then added the solution (books). Made a lot more sense to read those books and read more solution-based books. :)


I don't always go on YouTube but when I do it's for Noah Kagan.


Noah, I'd like to also respectfully suggest that you take a look at "The Chutzpah Advantage - Go Bigger. Be Bolder. Do Better." You and every one of your side-hustling, entrepreneurial, determined, self-help-minded fans will see themselves in the book, and leave with actionable takeaways. It has been endorsed by colleagues of yours, including one author you recommend. Oh, full disclosure, I'm also the author. (That's chutzpah.) Great list of books - thank you!


7:20 I have a better analogy: video games have dashboards. Health, shield bar, stamina, exp, etc. Now you can incorporate a dashboard into your business and make it feel more like a game


Just read The Road Less Stupid few weeks ago... A M A Z I N G !

I will liste to the others. Thank you :)


Noah, this is a holistic, powerful guide to mastering the fundamentals of business. Thank you for sharing.


Why doesn't this video have more views by now? This is fire! 🔥


I can't recommend the ultimate sales machine enough


That ocean wave graphic was a nice detail :)


Great list, Noah! Many new suggestions I've never heard of here. I'm in the middle of reading _Work Rules!_ now, and it's a phenomenal resource to have as a startup entrepreneur.


I own Ultimate Sales Machine but never read it. I think I’m gonna pull that one off the shelf.

Also I love that as I am watching this video I get an email from Noah Kagan. I love Noah’s emails and just the way he markets in general. I am the type of person who signs up for everyones email lists and always lets my email be captured just so I can observe the way people market and how they follow up. Noah is definitely top tier in this regard and provides A METRIC SHIT TON of value.


Love the Artist's Way! Julia Cameron is fabulous! Will have to check out some of your other recommendations. Great job Noah!


thanks soo much for this. currently working through my stack of business books and always need more.
