American Reacts to SURPRISING Differences Between the UK and USA (Part 2)

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As an American I am constantly shocked at learning just how different the UK and USA. Today I am very excited to continue learning about 8 surprising and random differences between the United Kingdom and United States. If you enjoyed the video feel free to leave a comment, like, or subscribe for more!
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From what I gather (I've never been to America so I could be wrong) In the US, it seems it's quite normal for a waiter to take your credit card away to process your bill at the counter. Here in the UK, the waiter will have a portable card reader with them so they can process the transaction right in front of you. Anyone that wants to take your card out of your direct sight will immediately be suspected of cloning the card behind your back.

Here in the UK it's normal to have your eyes on your card, at all times, if it's not in your pocket.


It's interesting that Tyler thinks card readers are advanced technology when most people in the UK think of them as clunky and out of date.


To many of us in the UK, gardening is a passion. We have front gardens and back gardens, or just window boxes or patio tubs to fill each Spring. The Garden Centre doesn't just offer plants for sale, but advice about the plants themselves - where they would best be planted - in full sun or partial shade etc., how long they flower and so on - but they also sell everything you need for them, like compost, nutrients, tools, garden furniture, large pots and sometimes garden sheds. We like to go there - well I do - and saunter around the outside displays and sections with a trolley (cart) and, if with friends or family sit down after we have loaded the car and have a cup of coffee/tea and a cake, or if its near lunchtime, a meal. Usually the Garden Centres are just outside the town and a very pleasant place to be.


I think the root of travel insurance is when you come from a country where you get healthcare for 'free', you are very aware that if you travel to a country where that doesnt apply, you need to have something in place instead.


As a Brit I’ve travelled around the entire world twice, been to Australia, New Zealand, China, Singapore and Hong Kong as well as most European countries and the USA. Of course you need travel insurance in case you have an accident or get sick, or lose your cases, it’s a necessary safety precaution.


I spent about £20 for a family insurance policy when I went to the states it covered Theft, flight and hotel cancellation personal injury and 100% of medical costs, My son needed to stay overnight in the hospital and my wife and son had to fly back a day later than the rest of us, which meant for £20 I saved myself about £8000, in medical costs and alternative transportation.


I knew an American nurse who took her mother on holiday to Thailand. Were she fell ill. The nurse totally freaked out, because she knew that it could cost thousands and thousands of dollars to medivac her home to the US without travel insurance. Her mother did recover, and was apparently oblivious of all the drama she caused. Then there is also the cost of repatriating a body, if somebody dies abroad without travel insurance.


Many people in the UK make a visit to a Garden Centre a day out. Some of them are enormous, with a vast display of plants to wander about among. They include all sorts of garden equipment, furniture, sheds, statues & ornaments etc. They often have special displays at Christmas, with lights & Santa's Grottoes etc. They include outdoor clothing, furniture & anything you can think of connected to gardening. They will also give advice on what & how to grew stuff, % all things plant related. Gardening is a big thing for much of the UK population, whether they have a tiny patio or acres of land.


Banking in the UK is at least a decade ahead of America. We've moved on from card readers years ago


I love garden centers, the atmosphere, the smells, the cakes, the tea, the genteelness of it all, the knowledgeable staff, there isn't a more pleasant place on earth.


Note that the British don't call what's behind our houses our "yard", unless it's a rough area of hard standing. Otherwise it's a "garden", and many Brits are fanatic gardeners!
The first proper description of our island is by Tacitus about 100 AD. He says that the weather's pretty miserable, but the land is very fertile? That's still about right


In 97 I travelled to US, Florida with the family, we got travel insurance and while over there we were hit by a rolling death machine (we call a lorry) anyway he fell asleep and we ended up in hospital, the insurance paid for all our stay in that hospital, covered all the bills, paid for our flights and compensation. As a family of 5 EVERYTHING was covered, we were flown home on a chartered flight as my wife had to remain on her back, with medical a medical team. I think it cost around $4, 000, 000 in just medical fees and flights. Yeah, so I never go anywhere without it, and that its quite cheep for cover.~Trooper


Here in the UK, roundabouts are literally EVERYWHERE!! They are brilliant at keeping the traffic flowing smoothly!


In 2005, whilst on holiday in Florida, my Husband became ill and ended up spending several days in Hospital. If we had not had travel insurance, there would be no way that we could have paid the costs and at that particular Hospital, they wouldn't let you leave if you didn't settle your bill. At that time, many people in the Uk travelled abroad without insurance, we had decided we would get it..Thank God we did!


I think that card reader is probably old technology that was introduced before everyone had smartphones. There were also small devices that displayed security codes you would use when logging in for online banking. Personally I get infuriated by the banks that sent a code by text message. This is because I live in a rural area with no phone signal.


As a Canadian who has always travelled with travel insurance, I am so grateful I was well covered when I caught a skin infection that sent me to hospital intensive care for10 days. Not only was I completely covered for an ambulance, my care, my procedures, my room, my drugs, but also additional plane flights, hotels, etc.. Until I got home and was able to use our own Canadian universal healthcare. We are not into paying out of pocket and going bankrupt, so we all get travel insurance.


Travel insurance can cover accidents and emergency whilst abroad so you dont get huge bills. My friend fell off a mountain whilst we were hiking in Spanish mountains and it covered all the mountain rescue and hospital costs plus it paid for an interpreter to talk with hospital medical staff so we knew what was happeing, hotel costs for the rest of our party and repatriation flights back to the uk when they were well enough to travel. This was in the 1990's but best £20 ive spent!


Gardening is a totally different concept in the UK to the US. Here it is a hobby for more people and less of a chore.

People from the US think a UK garden is just like.a US yard lol. Where you just have a square of grass. That's most often not the truth. The British are known for their green fingers (meaning their love for gardening), planting flowers with pretty colours everywhere and planting flower pots and hanging baskets on wall brackets next to your front door, having garden ornaments like gnomes and maybe a garden pond with fish in it.

My parents are one example of this. They spend hours and hours in their back garden planting many different colourful flowers in the various different flower beds. In summer it looks like a scene you could imagine from the lyrics of the song "English Country Garden".

Many British people pride themselves and even compete with neighbours to see who can have the prettiest and most colourful garden.


One thing that roundabouts do is eliminate those horrific, high-speed t-bone collisions that seem common in America.

A roundabout means the junction/intersection is never “clear”, so there’s no reason to gamble and not slow down. With a roundabout, if you don’t slow down you’re hitting an immovable concrete object.

Same goes for those crashes where someone misjudges and turns across the incoming traffic. Roundabouts eliminate them because you’re never directly facing off with oncoming traffic. There’s still accidents on roundabouts of course, but they tend to be fender benders rather than the fatal collisions that can occur at intersections.


Garden Centres are popular in Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and Switzerland as well. Think of it as Centres for the life in the garden. You can buy plants and furniture for your back garden, grills and barbecue smokers, pottery, fences, corckery and cuttlery for eating in the garden, glasses, lanterns etc. Futhermore there a special Garden Exhibition, very famous ones in the UK but also on the continent. Mosten often the exhibition is in a chastle park or a historic town center. Good food and drinks are expected to be offered as well.
