What is Philosophy?

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Philosophy is the study of fundamental questions concerning existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. It involves critical thinking and reasoning to explore various ideas and concepts, seeking to understand the world and our place in it.
In this animation our host Thomas Metcalf looks deeper into defining philosophy, reviewing branches of philosophy and also the Purpose of philosophy.

00:03 Introduction
00:24 Defining Philosophy
02:51 Branches of Philosophy
04:47 The Point of Philosophy
06:11 Conclusion

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Bro your videos are really cool I know this channel is gonna boom some day !!


In this video, you will learn that philosophy is the pursuit of wisdom and truth, exploring profound questions about existence, morality, and knowledge. It goes beyond other disciplines, employs argumentation, and serves to discover truth and enhance critical thinking. While lacking empirical consensus, it remains essential and correlates with academic achievements. Philosophy invites contemplation of fundamental inquiries.

Philosophy encompasses a wide range of profound inquiries, such as the existence of God, the purpose of life, the subjectivity of beauty, the basis of morality, and the fairness of laws. It can be defined as the pursuit of wisdom, truth, and knowledge, with its name originating from the Greek term for "love of wisdom." Philosophy arises when contemplating fundamental aspects of the universe, human knowledge limits, personal values, and the meaning of life. This discipline exists worldwide, both in the academic realm and throughout history.

Philosophers explore questions that often surpass the scope of other disciplines, examining broader and more fundamental concepts. For example, while physicists inquire about the causes of events, philosophers question the very existence of causation. Historians focus on figures who fought for justice, while philosophers delve into the essence of justice itself. Economists study capital allocation, whereas philosophers engage in debates about the ethical merits of capitalism. As knowledge becomes amenable to empirical study, it tends to be categorized under specialized fields rather than philosophy.

Philosophy primarily employs the construction and evaluation of arguments to justify conclusions, drawing upon both conceptual and empirical content. The discipline branches out into distinct fields: logic, which analyzes good and bad arguments and symbolic languages; metaphysics, which explores the nature of existence and causal relationships; epistemology, which studies knowledge, evidence, and justified belief; and values, encompassing moral, political, and aesthetic inquiries. These fields contain numerous sub-branches and extend their reach into various domains, including science, art, literature, and religion. Philosophy also includes discussions centered around specific communities, such as feminist philosophy and Africana philosophy, acknowledging diverse cultural contributions. Philosophers often integrate tools and insights from other disciplines to enhance their understanding.

While philosophy lacks the consensus knowledge of empirical sciences, it serves multiple purposes. It aims to discover truth, improve personal lives, gain self-awareness of perspectives and choices, enhance critical thinking, and address philosophical debates that shape our understanding. Philosophy is not only intellectually stimulating but also essential for answering significant questions, such as the wrongness of slavery and the reliability of scientific consensus. Additionally, studying philosophy demonstrates positive correlations with achievements in various academic fields.

In conclusion, philosophy differentiates itself from other disciplines, encompasses distinct branches, and pursues several valuable objectives. Defining philosophy as a non-empirical inquiry seeking to identify and address fundamental questions about the world, including matters of value, invites further philosophical contemplation.


I'm genuinely impressed by your video; it's a level up from mine!


Excellent!! Just added this to my Doing Philosophy playlist :)


Truly a video of high quality. You go on, I'll advertise you. To begin with, I will send this video to some of my friends, who think philosophy is useless in the modern world (huh)


I always learn something new when I watch philosophy videos.
I had always thought of “values” rather as “ethics” but it makes sense.


Q. What is Ultimate Reality ?
A. Existence itself ( Existence without object ) .
Q. How do we know anything ?
A. By Consciousness we know everything, without consciousness no knowledge possible.
Q. What is the meaning of purpose of this existence or life .
A. Fulfillment or completeness ( love)
Sat - Chit - Anand
Existence - Consciousness - Fulfillment.


What is Philosophy? I think Philosophy means “Pursuit of Answers” in modern age. Because in modern age Philosophy asks questions about Metaphysics, Epistemology, Meta-ethics, Ethics, Aesthetics, Political Philosophy Etc. And trying to answer those questions. So, here I explain those branches:


Now I categories Metaphysics into 3 primary parts those are:

1, Ontology

2, Realogy

3, Mindology

So, I start with:

Ontology: So, Ontology ask questions about Existence, Physicality, Causality, Space, Universals, Property and Substance. So, questions are like:

1, What is existence?

2, What is the criterion of existence?

3, Is it possible for something to not exist for now but to exist in future?

4, What is causality?

5, Is causality a mental construct?

6, What is the nature of causality?

7, What is universals?

8, Are there any universals?

9, What is space?

10, What is the nature of space?

11, What is property?

12, What is substance?

13. What does Physical means?

14. Are all things are Physical?

And there is:

Realogy: It's a fancy word I made. So, the word “Rea” comes from the English word “Real.” And logy is a Greek word that means “Study.” So, if we coin it then it means “Study of reality.” But again terms are flexible. So, it's primarily ask about reality. But it also ask about Truth. So, questions here are like:

1, What is reality?

2, What is the nature of reality?

3, Do our observations and perceptions about reality match with reality?

4. Are there any subjective realities?

5. Is reality a mental construct?

6. What is Truth?

7. What is the nature of Truth?

8. Are there any relative and subjective Truths?

9. How can we get to the Truth?

Then there is:

Mindology: Again it's a fancy word I made. So, “Mind” means ”Mind.” And “logy” means “Study.” So, if we coin it then it means “Study of mind.” So, it asks questions about Mind, Consciousness, Identity, Self, Soul, Personhood and Free will. So, here questions are like:

1, What is mind?

2, Do mind and brain are same thing?

3, What is consciousness?

4, Where consciousness arises?

5, Does consciousness arise from non-physical things?

6, Does everything have consciousness?

7. If not, what things have consciousness?

8, Can I be certain that other living beings have consciousness when I can't check their consciousness?

9, What is self?

10, What is identity?

11, How can a human have the same self and identity when he changes all the time?

12, What is personhood?

13, What is soul?

14, Do we have any soul?

15, What is free will?

16, Do we have any free will?

So, that is Metaphysics in a nutshell. Now there is:


So, Epistemology asks questions about Knowledge, Knowing, Certainty. So, questions are like:

1, What is knowledge?

2, What is the nature of knowledge?

3, Where does all knowledge come from?

4, Is knowledge empirical or rational?

5, How do we know things?

6, How can we be sure we know things?

7, Can we be certain about anything?

8, How can we be certain about anything?

9. Is there any knowledge we can never know?

10, How can I know my beliefs, positions, ideologies, assumptions are right and wrong?

So, you can see Epistemology ask questions about Knowledge, Knowing and certainty. Now there is:


So, it asks about the nature of morality. So, it's ask questions like:

1, What is morality?

2, What does good and bad mean?

3, Why should we be good?

4, Is morality objective or subjective?

5, Are there any moral facts and truths that exist independently of mind?

6, If there are independent moral facts and truths can we know it?

7, Does morality's foundation is logic and reason or morality's foundation is emotions and feelings?

8, Can we prove moral statements?

So, you can understand what Meta-ethics ask. Then there is:


It asks about morality of actions, way of life etc. Questions are like:

1, What makes actions good and bad?

2, Do actions are good and bad inherently or externally?

3, Do we have any moral obligations?

4, Do we have any moral responsibility?

5, How should we act?

6, How should we live our life?

7, What is a good way to live life?

So, you can understand what kind of questions Ethics ask. Then there is:


Very underrated branch of philosophy. But it ask questions about beauty, art, morality of art Etc. So, questions here are like:

1, What is beauty?

2, Does beauty matter?

3, Is beauty subjective or objective?

4, Should we judge things based on beauty?

5, What is art?

6, Should we practice art?

7, Does morality should be considered in art?

8, If so what makes an art moral and Immoral?

So, you can understand what kind of questions Aesthetics asks. Then there is:

(Political philosophy)

So, it asks questions about justice, government, society, fairness and rights . So, here questions are like:

1, What is the government?

2, How should the government act towards its citizens?

3, Does the government have any rights to restrict citizens' freedom?

4, Do we need a government in the first place?

5, What is rights in the first place?

6, How can we determine, someone has any rights or not?

7, What is justice?

8, Is justice good or bad?

9, What is fairness?

10, What is a fair society?

11, What is a just society?

12, How should society be arranged?

So, you can understand what kind of questions political philosophy asks.
I know you might say what about Philosophy of language, philosophy of science Etc. I will say those are branches of Philosophy but those are not primary branches of philosophy. Here I talk about primary branches of philosophy.

Nature of Philosophical questions: Now I think Philosophical questions are those questions that are difficult to answer through mathematical and empirical ways. So, if a question can't be answered empirical and mathematical way then it's a Philosophical question.

Purpose of philosophy: I think Philosophy's purpose is to give better answers to those questions. By better answers I mean answers that are very probable but difficult to challenge.

Ways to do Philosophy: Philosophy can be done through Discourse, Critical thinking, Logic and Intuition. I know they are other ways to do Philosophy but those are primary ways to do Philosophy.

Practicality of Philosophy: If you are talking about practical implication of philosophy then do Meta-ethics, Ethics, Aesthetics and Political philosophy. Because they touch on practical things you can see. And don't do Epistemology and Metaphysics because they are not very practical.


Just a quick question for the person who created this video. If apriori means "not empirical, " and "empirical" presumably means, "ultimately based on seeing, hearing, etc. through the senses, " then what is the foundation of apriori methods?


This was hard to keep up with, to be honest, but I learned.


I have found philosophy to be the study of fundamental assumptions!


Hypothesis to discuss: Philosophy is all about what is right:
Logic is about what is right to conclude.
Epistemology and metaphysics are about what is right to believe.
Ethics is about what is right to do.
Aesthetics is about what is right to aim for.


i used to wonder about things like this when i was a 14 year old girl


I think the definition is largely good, except for the word “non-empirical”


My question in my head is ..does god exists, if god create the universe who create god, did god just spawn in out of nothing ❓
