Amblyopia, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

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0:00 Introduction
1:26 Causes of Amblyopia
3:01 Symptoms of Amblyopia
3:14 Diagnosis of Amblyopia
3:48 Treatment of Amblyopia

Amblyopia, also called lazy eye, is a disorder of sight due to the eye and brain not working well together.It results in decreased vision in an eye that otherwise typically appears normal. It is the most common cause of decreased vision in a single eye among children and younger adults.

The cause of amblyopia can be any condition that interferes with focusing during early childhood.This can occur from poor alignment of the eyes, an eye being irregularly shaped such that focusing is difficult, one eye being more nearsighted or farsighted than the other, or clouding of the lens of an eye.After the underlying cause is fixed, vision is not restored right away, as the mechanism also involves the brain.Amblyopia can be difficult to detect, so vision testing is recommended for all children around the ages of four to five.

Early detection improves treatment success.Glasses may be all the treatment needed for some children. If this is not sufficient, treatments which force the child to use the weaker eye are used.This is done by either using a patch or putting atropine in the stronger eye.Without treatment, amblyopia typically persists.Treatment in adulthood is not effective.
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I have strabismus amblyopia, and have never really been able to explain it to others until watching this video. Thank you!


I want to see how it look like to see the World with both of my eye🥺


I've had this problem all my life and my vision always seemed normal to me, even when people think I'm looking behind them or to the side of them I'm really looking at them, one of my eyes only get slightly blurry when I'm not busy focusing on something


I have this started a week ago so now every night I'm crying and praying to make my normal vision back


I've never experienced and unfortunately will never experience vision from both eyes because of being born premature. I always try to explain to people my condition. This video really helps. Thanks.


I kinda of have it but I see perfectly fine. I can straighten my eyes when I'm ready and i can make a lazy eye when I'm ready


my right eye is weak af everything is blurry af, FML, left is not great either but it has to carry heavy load of work, driving at night is tough as hell, why life has to be like this man.


I wouldn’t consider this a disease but a disorder which means something went wrong with development in that time period with the connection between eyes and brain signals. I have the condition in my left eye. Nothing to do with my eyeballs or retina but my optic nerve. I got diagnosed at 20 years old. Never knew so I guess it’s too late to return 100% vision in my eye...


Thanks for this video, it gives me hope, am not stopping until I restore my normal view


I can control my eye but whenever i focus about something or daydream my other eye goes from straight to left. My vision in my left eye is also much worse than the other. My right eye sees everything clearly but my left eye is so blurry....


I have a lazy eye since childhood and came to learn about it years back


I have amblyopia in my left eye!! On an unrelated note my birthgiver was a righty.


My husband got a lazy left eye just recently? He is 75 years old. He wasn't born with this disability. I pray that he gets better. It upsets me to see him go through this situation as he can't drive at night because of the bright lights from incoming traffic and stop signs etc. Please pray for me that he gets better? God bless you all. 🙏🙏🙏🇦🇺💕💕💕


This is a truly dreadful disorder. If you are lucky and can catch a childs' disorder by 3 years old or earlier, you MIGHT get lucky and be able to fix it. Older than that there is still a tiny chance to get it treated before about 6 years old. Anything after that is VERY uncertain. This is sad. Herbs or nutrition supplements cannot help. Vision therapy results are not guaranteed and can take years to see any results at all. There are one-off cases where vision therapy works for a young child and even fewer cases for adults. A proper vision prescription cannot help unless the child is very very young. We will have an HIV cure before we get a cure for amblyopia.


When I go to school sometimes I talk myself why I have a lazy eye All of my classmates or school mates are bullying me 😢😢😢😭😭 Then I ignore


Vision therapy is a life saver
I did not got it 100% improved but I'll get it this time


I don't know if I have this specifically. But, I have not lost vision in any of my eyes or whatever it claims. When I wear glasses, I use my left eye to see far and my right eye to read... it's the exact opposite when I take my glasses off. It's not just one eye... When I'm using an eye to see(left or right), the other eye turns off to the outer side. Both eyes work fine though, as any eyes with glasses can anyway. In fact, I'd say I have better peripheral vision than most people... but that's just my opinion. I also like to say I'm watching your back when people ask about it(which is very rare).


My dominant eye developed eyestrain from over 50+yrs of relying on it, to stop double vision I have to patch dominant eye and rely on the weaker wobbling eye.


I have this but one of my eyes actually twitches. If I look really *really* close when it's happening, my eye is actually rotating sideways.. It's really slight and you can't see it unless you look really close, but I can feel it twitch and it causes double vision. It started happening when I was about 17 years old. I never see any mention of an eyeball actually twitching though.


My 89 year old father had amblyopia as a child. He wore a patch over his good eye -- but unfortunately he used to wear it when he was listening to the radio rather than doing it when he was actually using his eyes. So it was useless treatment. Over time, his bad eye just got worse and worse. He still can't see out of his bad eye. Just shapes and blurs. And his depth perception isn't good.
