7 Ps of Marketing by 7PDM

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The 7Ps of marketing by 7PDM (7 Peaks Digital Marketing)
Product - Price - Place - Promotion - People - Process - Physical Evidence

Product - In order for a product to be successful, it should match the needs of the consumer, it should function and it should provide the result they expect.

Price - It should always be considered that the product provides good value for the money. A marketing tenet states that customers are usually willing to pay a little bit more for something that works really well for them, but this does not mean it should be the cheapest.

Place - Your target consumer should be able to purchase the product anywhere they are most comfortable shopping. E-commerce or online shops are more recent options; High Street stores, mail order companies and mail order catalogs are all options.

Promotion - Amongst a company's key communication tools are Advertisement, Public Relations, Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, and, in recent times, Social Media. Messages should be conveyed through these tools in a way that the audience can understand, whether the message is informative or emotionally appealing.

People – The success of every company relies on its staff, from sales staff to the Chief Executive Officer. It is important to hire the right people since they are as important as the products and services you offer.

Process - Almost all of the time, you deliver your services to your customers in person, so how you deliver your service is part of what they pay for.

Physical Evidence - Most services have at least some physical components even if they are primarily intangible. Hair salons provide their customers with completed hairstyles, and insurance companies provide some form of printed material to their customers. By this definition, even if the material is not physically printed, it is still a "physical product."
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