Muscles of Anterior Compartment of Arm | Anatomy Tutorial | Doctor Speaks

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This anatomy tutorial is about the Muscles of the Anterior Compartment of Arm. We have discussed each of these muscles individually in our previous tutorials but in this tutorial, we have worked out to explain all the muscles of this compartment combined in a single tutorial. So there are three muscles in this compartment which are the Biceps Brachii, Coracobrachialis and Brachialis muscles. These muscles form the bulk of the anterior or flexor compartment of arm. All these three muscles assist in flexion and of these, the Biceps Brachii is biarticular and acts to produce movements on both shoulder and elbow joints. While the Coracobrachialis and Brachialis act on shoulder and elbow joints respectively.
So this tutorial contains a good concept of the anatomical features of these muscles.
Hope this tutorial is helpful!
Thank You.
For similar anatomy tutorials, follow the given links.
Rotator Cuff Anatomy;
Deltoid Muscle Anatomy;
Teres Major Muscle Anatomy;
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#AnteriorCompartmentofArm #BicepsBrachii #Coracobrachialis #Brachialis
Welcome Back to Doctor Speaks!
This anatomy tutorial is about the Muscles of the Anterior Compartment of Arm. We have discussed each of these muscles individually in our previous tutorials but in this tutorial, we have worked out to explain all the muscles of this compartment combined in a single tutorial. So there are three muscles in this compartment which are the Biceps Brachii, Coracobrachialis and Brachialis muscles. These muscles form the bulk of the anterior or flexor compartment of arm. All these three muscles assist in flexion and of these, the Biceps Brachii is biarticular and acts to produce movements on both shoulder and elbow joints. While the Coracobrachialis and Brachialis act on shoulder and elbow joints respectively.
So this tutorial contains a good concept of the anatomical features of these muscles.
Hope this tutorial is helpful!
Thank You.
For similar anatomy tutorials, follow the given links.
Rotator Cuff Anatomy;
Deltoid Muscle Anatomy;
Teres Major Muscle Anatomy;
Follow us on Facebook at:
#AnteriorCompartmentofArm #BicepsBrachii #Coracobrachialis #Brachialis