run Linux on Windows Docker containers!!

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I get super excited when I see NetworkChuck videos! There's always something unique with your style of teaching! Now I'm more than excited about learning Docker! Thanks a lot and keep up the good work!


Bro, we all make mistakes. Glad you are atleast making the effort to teach others and keep growing.

Thanks for the video.


Thanks for this extra video on Docker, it takes a lot of time to prepare those videos, keep the good work:)


Everyone makes mistakes man.. you owned your mistake, learned from it, and corrected yourself!! That makes you better than most people out there!! Keep up the awesome videos!!


This is a gem, glad I found this channel. I have a request, if you could give us some episodes on how Dockers are being used in organizations and some kubernetes, the lunch is on me when you are in Dubai.


just wanting to say that i really appreciate the work you put into these videos, love seeing someone as passionate as you, keep up the good work


I do a bit of programming and the most exciting thing about docker for me is the isolation and scalability of Docker, I can build my program/microservice into a container, I don't have to worry about a different application updating part of the operating system that my program relies on, thus breaking my program or bringing my service down. If I want to make a program that is based of python2.7 i can start with that image, build my program on it and deploy it on the same virtual machine as a python3.6 container and not have them fight or have separate VMs for each sub dependency. Then the scalability comes in when the program is built into microservices. Take a web application, if your current setup can't handle the current amount of traffic with one command you can add any amount of copies of the front end software to cater for the increased traffic, then if your number crunching part is not getting through the work fast enough you can always add more workers, or if the requirements drop you can always scale down and save some money on the cloud.

I have even had times on my home Nas where the OS update has killed one of my home services which would require a full uninstall and reinstall to work again whereas if I was running it in a container the container would not care one bit because it is isolated, so you can have your VMs updated with the latest security patches and not worry about the applications on them, admittedly the programmers should be making sure their images are secure but that's another docker topic...

I think this is where @NetworkChuck is getting at, you may not need to know how to build the image as a service/network/devOPs admin but you will need to look at traffic and scale dockers up and down to suit the application needs or you will need to define the auto-scale rules if your doing something crazy with Kubenetes, i'm still trying to work that one out lol


I just watched your previous video, and I thought that was super odd you said it. haha. I am currently using and learning docker, and cloud, and how they could work together and it had me shook for a second. Thanks for clearing it up! I LOVE your videos!


@NetworkChuck I understand that you're still learning this stuff and I appreciate that you're open to learning more. Please don't take any of the below as anything other than for the purpose of clarification and edification. Having spent decades on both network development and network engineering(including stuff to make containers a possibility), I've picked up a few things that may be helpful to you and your audience.

The main difference between Virtual Machines and Containers is not that you can use a GUI or remote into it or whatever(both of which can be done in containers, anyway). The main difference is how it provides and presents hardware resources to processes running within. Virtualization provides the ability to present hardware resources even in such a manner as to facilitate easy development on other platforms. Being able to code and run applications intended for a different platform(ARM on x86, for example) is still a strength of virtualization that does not exist in containers. Such a situation is not an intended use-case for containers and until we take another step in technology, virtualization will be required to fill this role. That is why 'containers cannot replace virtualization'.

Additionally, the 'typical' usage for virtual machines has been development(as mentioned above) and full-system virtualization(from the perspective of a network engineer). For web services, using virtual machines to provide a fully-functional system to clients made things easier than providing co-location or dedicated machines for clients, especially when shared hosting options were fraught with dangers and complications. Even at the beginning, it was known to be a non-ideal situation and there was a heavy preference for being able to run services in isolated, private environments without having to provide a full system to the client. In a way, we're still chasing that goal. Containers go a long way in providing an application environment suitable to the micro-service design philosophy(which was a concept created long before containers existed; I still remember the headaches of those early days).

You've also mentioned the potential to provide a VPS via containers; OpenStack can do this and many hosts exist which have implemented this style of hosting for years(right up to the beginning of Docker, which was one of the driving forces behind it and why most docker images are for an entire Linux installation). The ideal usage for containers is still in the deployment of micro-services without dependence on a full OS installation, but so long as the host provides the necessary services to sustain a container, providing a 'full' OS for use as a VPS will remain commonplace. It is much easier, and cost-effective, to duplicate a container and launch it than it is to duplicate a virtual machine and waste precious resources providing a simple fully-functional, flexible, and familiar hosting environment for a client.


Remember Microsoft's way:

Embrace, extend, and extinguish


Network chuck look how far your docker journey has come 😱😂 crazy how fast things move and everyone learns / adapts, thanks for all you’ve taught us! I’ve learned so much through your content!


Chuck you missed the crazy dance party after you left! 🤘🔥🤪. Thx for the inspiration, as always!


Chuck, I love your channel and the way you explain with some fun. Thank you.


Awesomeness again, completed, built all locally to success. Nice to have people give old PCs for "shop class" !!!


I'm not surprised. Microsoft has 3 stages when it comes to competitors. Extend, Embrace, Extinguish. Microsoft is on stage 2. You'll notice, while Microsoft has added linux to their OS, they have not reciprocated by open sourcing their kernel so that linux machines could do the same and run windows docker containers on linux. Thus, windows ensures their dominance by pointing out that they have more flexibility than linux, even though linux has no technical limitations preventing linux from doing the exact same thing, but it would be illegal for a corporation to implement it.


It is really nice but it is just Hyper-V with a Linux virtual machine, this is how you run containers on Windows 10 as Hyper-V is free and integrated with Windows 10, so somehow the terminal redirects the terminal commands to the Hyper-V Linux Virtual Machine maybe with power shell aliases but in the end Docker for Windows uses WSL 2 and this is a VM on Hyper-V :) . Before you needed Virualbox to do the same thing, if you search the Docker documentation, you will find it.


Always trust a person that doesn't make the effort to clean up their desktop.


Mixing Cocoa powder with coffee avoids side effects of too much coffee for me. Also use Theanine magnesium and amino acids but that's a whole subject so be careful.


Network Chuck is my guru i always follow him i want to learn cloud, docker, kubernetes


You can right-click the start button and open Windows Power Shell straight from there. So much faster.
