Nintendo Shares GOOD & BAD News for Switch 2!

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Nintendo is releasing a new product this holiday and it might have revealed something about the Nintendo Switch 2!
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In brief, Nintendo is saying, "With newer, more advanced hardware comes longer software development. However, we have many protocols in place to shorten development as much as we can without cutting corners in terms of quality."
Sounds good to me.


It won’t happen, but I would love Nintendo to be totally daring and launching with a brand new AAA level IP. Mario for month two.

Will never happen but it would be super bold!


Metroid 4 a cross platform game, a nintendo switch 2 metroid console themed, with a deluxe edition metroid 4, and mario oddisey 2 the first year.


Nope. They still haven’t said anything about a new system yet.


1) Metriod prime 4
2) Mario 3d Game
3) Pokemon A Z
4) Mario karts 9
5) Any other mytery game

What a lineup it is😮😮


Man, these news sure don’t know how to fact check. it’s “Shinya” Takahashi not “Tetsuya”, the latter being the monolithsoft founder


The good thing about longer development cycles is that players will find new experiences to plug the gap, which only strengthens the other, less popular franchises


prime, this is old topic……..whats up??? loophole???? keep making nintendo news but nonold baked


I'm loving what Nintendo is doing right now, not just from a video game company standpoint, but as a business in general. They knew exactly what Iwata san meant almost two decades ago when he stated that you can only do so much in terms of realistic graphics for video games and how that'll be the downfall of a game unless you can provide innovative mechanics in the gameplay department. Nintendo is in a masterclass when it comes to the gameplay and fun factor in games and that's the major reason we flock to their offerings and Nintendo Switch proved it by literally dominating this current generation with ten year old technology and leaving the competition way behind. Now this might be a bit of a stretch but hey, one can only hope right. My ideal launch lineup for Nintendo's next console would be a brand new IP, preferably a AAA title that really pushes the console not just in the graphics department but also in terms of gameplay ideas, that would be great. Also a remake of The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time with new mechanics and side quests, new optional dungeons and bosses and the most beautiful graphics Nintendo has released would be incredible. Elden Ring Complete Edition with it's DLC included. Also a fighting game, either Street Fighter 6 or Arms 2, or even DragonBall Budokai Tenkaichi 4 would all be good choices. Last but not least, the next Mario 3D game and the next 2D Donkey Kong County Returns game would be beyond amazing. I hope Nintendo delivers and or surprises me so if I'm wrong that's ok as long as they do release a good amount of games with genre variety as well.


If Nintendo amps up their development pipeline appropriately shouldn't be much of a problem. They basically have a game planned a month which can still happen but that means they may need some more in development to fill in when something isn't done yet.

If its smart its already sitting on the launch year lineup.


For Launch we need: Ocarina of Time Remake, Super Metroid Remake, New Mario Kart, new 3D Donkey Kong, New Star Fox or remaster/Zero, Upgraded Metroid Prime to next Gen because the trailer looks ok but nothing that would blow me away like when Metroid Prime 1 & 2 released, also new 3D Mario, Jet Force Gemini Sequel, and Perfect Dark 1 n 2 package. Plus GC remasters. Also new F Zero or GX remaster. Eternal Darkeness remake would be awesome too


I'm sure we'll see more side series. Legend of zelda series had the main titles but their always releasing some good side series over the years. Mario & kirby the same too as always see their game coming out every few years. Even re-releases as well. Something like breath of the wild and tears of kingdom i can see them taking awhile to make but their other main titles often come out every few years.


Well my top 3 choices for a dream release it would have to be new games in the franchises of Donkey Kong, Super Mario and Zelda . I am an O.A.G ( old age gamer ) even if not in launch window I would be happy if they were just released . 👍


I hope new game for switch 2 super mario odyssey 2


Metroid prime 4 beyond is gonna be a console seller for switch 2


I think a 3d Mario is basically guaranteed for switch 2 launch or shortly after. I think Mario kart 9 is also likely. A brand new DK and Luigi’s mansion 4 are also games I could see being released on switch 2 release as well as a new mainstream pokemon


My hopes are something Zelda related and something that’s probably not going to happen Xenoblade chronicles X


The best possible launch lineup?
Well, part of that would depend on a different company, but...

New Pokémon.
New Metroid.
New Mario.
New games in some long forgotten IP, Like Custom Robo, Donkey Kong, or Wario World.
New Zelda.
New Smash Bros.
New Splatoon.
New Mario Kart.
Something Shiny and New.
Full Backwards Compatibility.

And if Former Competitor Sega ever listens to the fans: Remake of Sonic Adventure 1&2.

THIS would be the ultimate Launch Line-up.


3D Super Mario Game, whether it's Galaxy 3, Sunshine 2, Odyssey 2 or even Super Mario 64 2 or something at launch. Followed by a remaster of Banjo-Kazooie, Tooie, and maybe even toss in Banjo Threeie they teased before Rare was sold. And of COURSE a new Sonic the Hedgehog game WITH the Chao Garden coming back. That would make the Switch 2 a must buy for me.


Is this video sponsored by Nintendo? Ive been in bed sick the last two years fighting cancer and bought a Nintendo switch and started downloading games. I wish i never had. There are too many glitched games. I cant even color using the Smurf game because the menu for the tools doesnt work, and nobody cares. I matched for an extra ball in zen pinball but didnt get it, nobody cares. I play Beholger or Hoppy Hop and there are glitches, nobody cares. Dont buy a Nintendo.
