How Gratitude Rewires Your Brain | Jim Kwik

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Every Thanksgiving, people reflect on what they're most thankful for. This tradition can actually rewire your brain, and giving thanks year-round has tremendous benefits for your brain and body. Gratitude is an appreciation of what is meaningful to you. You can train yourself to constantly be thankful for the little things in life.

Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for. - Zig Ziglar

Your hypothalamus is the part of your brain that regulates critical bodily functions like your appetite. A National Institutes of Health study found that when you express kindness or feel gratitude, your hypothalamus floods your brain with dopamine. This gives you a natural high, motivating you to do good and express gratitude even more.

UCLA's Mindful Awareness Research Center found that regularly expressing gratitude changes the molecular structure of your brain, keeps your gray matter functioning, and makes you healthier and happier.

0:00 Gratitude during Thanksgiving
0:48 What is gratitude?
1:09 How gratitude rewires your brain
2:07 Studies on gratitude
2:39 Benefits of gratitude
5:14 Gratitude journal
6:28 Express gratitude
7:14 Practice mindfulness
7:49 Reduce judgment

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I practice gratitude every day and I can assure you that he is correct. I don't ever compare myself to anyone, I can be happy for others, my happiness level is at an all time high, and I learn not to care about what other people think of me or talk about me. It's having the self awareness and desire to be better and do better each day


i remember doing 100 days of gratitude challenge when i was going through a difficult time in university, it helped tremendously with my anxiety, depression and my wellbeing overall. gratitude really helps you to deal with your life or unfortunate things that happen to you positively.


The best way to show gratitude and benefit from it is to give your gratitude and praise to your creator, God.


I am thankful for my children 👧 and my good husband and food that we have every day, because some people don’t even have that; thank you Jim!


I walk for exercise every day, and as I do, I list my blessings. It raises my spirits, and makes me want to improve on the things I can.


I have learned gratitude over the last 15 years. I'm 75, and live modestly, but with such gratitude.


I was out of school for 3 years but God came through and made a way . I just graduted my high school yesterday Glory to God


I am grateful to be alive
I am grateful for the opportunity
I am grateful I grow every day
I am grateful to have found Jim kwik


Being in a state of gratitude tricks my brain into living in the present. I'm less likely to ruminate about the past or worry about the future.


My everyday and forever gratitude are my 3 kids. We don't always see eye to eye but I thank God every seconds of my life.


I thank for my body, my senses, my people around me, my neighbours, my baby, my ex husband, my work, my parents, my cat, food, water, air, my house, the night, the seasons, clothes…❤❤❤❤…


Me and my son always saying gratitude every night before we go to bed, and in the morning we say prayer to God to protect us from danger, and we ask our angels to guide us and protect also to all people in the whole world.


I am thankful for you Jim Kwik! For sharing your knowledge and making us believe that we’re “Limitless” 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


I always thought that gratitude is what opens more doors.


Starts with be humble and being appreciative concerning the small blessings. Thank you


I’m thankful for having a secure roof over my head and my health and the health of my loved ones.


I keep trying to tell everyone I know they can’t understand why I act so crazy happy all the time they think I’m on drugs or I’m drunk, but they know I don’t drink or take drugs and they want to know what I do and I said I’m just so thankful for you for my children for God I’m thankful to be alive I’ve always believed but my great grandma tell me this have an attitude of gratitude and that stuck in my brain and there’s things I can see that other people don’t even notice I tell you what you are a great example for people and how appropriate is your name?❤


Thank you James. We are told to say Alhamdulillah which means Thanks to Allah, even at the moment of adversity.
Jazak Allah ❤ you’re a legend


"Spend time in nature, away from digital devices." -Jim Kwik
Yes, so needed...


I know you said you should not list things that money can buy but I'm so grateful for being able to buy all the nice things I want and doing well in my career. I'm grateful for a safe place to live with a comfortable bed and a nice hot shower. I'm grateful for the nice people I get to work with and I'm grateful I can help other people with what they need. I'm also grateful for loving myself and putting myself first as it feels amazing. I can go on for days so just to say I'm grateful for being grateful.
