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#spine #stenosis #discherniation #expert #medical #healthcare #telemedicine #nurse #herniation #neurosurgery #orthopedics #orthopedicsurgery #ORnurse #xraytech #medicalStudent #pain #DiscReplacement #spineSurgery #acdf #radiculopathy #Spinedoctor #Internist #fusion #spondylolisthesis #MRI #crossfit
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Emotional Support Reps! I gotta get some of those!


I opted out of spine surgery for a slipped disc in 1994, I suffered repeat haemorrhaging until my first StemCell surgery/therapy in 2016. I was that impressed that I did it again in 2018, my back is stable and Iโ€™ve even been playing tennis since without relapse. It included a total ban on Alcohol and an eating plan to promote a healthy gut microbiota.


Ortho 35 yrs ago suggested surgery. He wanted me to get 2nd opinion from neurosurgeon. Ortho wanted to do 5 levels with bi-lateral fusion of my own grafted bone. Neuro suggested do one, if no relief in 6 weeks, do next level, if no relief in 6 weeks, do next level. I exited that office shell-shocked. Ortho asked me to 'donate' at least 12 maybe up to 18 months to rehab. He did his job, I did mine. 19 months later, gratefully back at work.

You guys are the best of the best!


This guy saves peoples lives every day. You get people moving again. Able to live and experience joy again. What an inspiration, thank you.


God bless you for what you do. I have C4, 5, & 6 fused, C7 is basically been replaced. I also have L3, 4, & 5 fused. All under a four year period. This was before the โ€œopiate crisisโ€. I was in absolute agony. I can happily proclaim I have been opiate free for 7 years now! This includes two hemorrhoidectomy surgeries post opiate clean with NO pain killers!!


Iโ€™ve had 11 back surgeries to date and hope I never have another. Worked as a PT and was using great body mechanics when my disc blew. Had a surgeon screw up and the rest is history. Iโ€™m functional but still have pain. I have a great pain specialist at the Brighams in Boston and without him and several other great doctors, Iโ€™d wouldnโ€™t be as functional as I am today. Lost my career but feel blessed to still have a life! Thanks for all you do!!!


It takes a lot of backbone to make a video like this oneโ€ฆ. ๐Ÿ˜Š


One of my relatives died on a highway on a motorcycle. There wasn't enough left to donate organs. ๐Ÿ˜“ Haunting advice.


I would never let this guy touch my spine and have had 5 spinal surgeries. I would need not only a knowledgeable surgeon but also one with a great deal of experience and self confidence.


After 45 years of riding a motorcycle, ive found that off parkway riding is more dangerous because people come flying out of side streets and running red lights.


In 2002 I herniated 2 discs in my lower back snowboarding and walked hunched over for 6 months to avoid surgery. I tried numerous treatments and the one that stuck was acupuncture. After 12 sessions all pain was gone and I was back to my active self. It's been 22 years without any problems. Side note; I ride a motorcycle everyday on the freeways of Los Angeles.


When our kids were little, my husband wanted to get a motorcycle. The deal was he couldn't ride without me (I didn't want to raise the kids alone, i told him). He never did get that motorcycle...


I had stem cells injected into the joint of my big toe โ€” after a year of increasing soreness from stubbing my foot on a mountain trail runโ€ฆ. Found out after ex rays that I had a piece of bone break off and become free floating and had a lost of over half of the cartilage in the main joint of the big toeโ€ฆ was told had approx 5 yrs than would need a joint fusion with a bend upward to the toe so I could have s semblance of a normal walk or a possible joint replacementโ€ฆ other Orthopedic wanted to cut a v notch in the bone so it would allow flex action in walkingโ€ฆ neither sounded good to me โ€ฆ in October 2019 got stem cell shot in the toe joint which worked for a 7 weeks than started to get sore againโ€ฆ got a 2d shot of stem cells in the joint and that worked!!! Itโ€™s now 4 yrs later and I can still walk without major sorenessโ€ฆ I got about 75% back- not all BUTโ€ฆ at least not feeling desperate to get toe surgery like I did before.


My surgeon must have had those emotional support staff plus a great anesthesiologist and neurologist because my back surgery was the best thing Iโ€™ve ever done โค๏ธ


I totally agree with you, and I'm just a Teacher and Mother of six children!๐Ÿ˜Š


highways are statistically the safest place to ride a motorcycle


I loved you in Scrubs. Stoked that you became a real dr !


This is hilarious - I've had spinal surgery. But what's funny is that my parents are trying to fix me up with an orthopedic surgeon ๐Ÿ˜‚


Doctor you are not wrong about riding a motorcycle on the highway.
Truth be told though it is my passion. And I don't know what else I can do in life that I enjoy nearly as much. Wife feels like it's flowing through me. As I drift around, the corner's sliding sideways on the dirt, roads at low speeis relatively speaking that is.
If I get my weight done by spring i'm going to take up skydiving.


I know 3 great guys in my life who have had horrific motorcycle accidentsโ€ฆ. One lost his leg and the other two died in their accidentsโ€ฆ. As a nurse / friend said to my wife โ€” if youโ€™re riding a motorcycle make sure to check off the Organ Donor box on your driving licenseโ€ฆ.
