roblox error code -1??? #viral #robloxfyp #robloxedit #roblox #robloxerror #error1001

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People who didn't had error code -1


My own ✨error codes✨ 💩

Error code 989= you and someone that is hacking ur account join the same game which causes unusual movement from the character

5 likes for part 2 😩

Here’s part 2 cuz I’m not one of those ppl that don’t do it when they reach the like goal 🌚

Error code 444: you got error code -1 but it didn’t load

10 likes for ✨part 3✨ 😜🤭🌚

Part 3 here 😜

Error code 10= Roblox recognised an all ages / 9+ / 13+ game as an 17+ game so u could do bad stuff (I ain’t saying) but Roblox realised as you were doing the bad stuff so you got banned

20 likes for part 4 :o

Part 4 ;))

Error code 1973= an error occurred while your outfit was loading

I’m evil so 50 likes for part 5 😣

Part 5!!

Error code 36= game failed to connect to the servers and u need to leave or you’ll have to redownload Roblox

70 likes for part 6 XD

Part 6 :o

Error code 200= game detected a virus in one of the used models

100 likes for part 7 😮

Part 7 :D

Error code 774 = you managed to get into Roblox when it was shut down (exploits/glitch) so it kicked u out of ur acc so u can’t get back in until it’s not shut down

120 likes for part 8 (btw tysm for actually liking u must be liking my error codes ig)!

Part 8 :)

Error code ! = u joined a game from a banned acc

150 likes for part 9

Part 9

Error code 56= Roblox detected somebody at your window, whatever u do dont open the curtains

170 likes 4 part 10 :ooo

Part 10

Error code 91= Roblox gliched and unbanned u when ur acc was deleted

200 likes for part 11!

Part 11!

Error code ^]*&£)” = Roblox severely failed to update so to continue on Roblox u have to use a different device

220 likes for part 12!

Part 12 (gosh pls stop shouting at me for not doing it I forget a lot :/ )

Error code 111 = your account was deleted but it said warning instead so when u play a game it shows the code

250 likes for part 13

Part 13!!

Error code tr4nsf3r_f41l3d = you bought robux but the transaction failed

270 likes for part 14

PART 14!

Error code _blank00_ = your storage is so full that Roblox is unable to join any server

305 likes for part 15 :oooo

Omg tysm for the likes I forgot about this!!

Error code ?! - you were able to access old Roblox so you had to update multiple times

400 likes for part 16 💀

Part 16

Error code 923 = accidentally downloaded a pirated version of Roblox

I need a break so 600 likes for part 17

Part 17!

Error code : 692 - ur screen time ran out

630 likes for part 18

Part 18

Error code *@)£/@(: = there is a hacker in ur server and u got kicked for safety

I’m bored 706 likes for part 19 :/

Part 19 !

Error code _5 = ur account was poison banned but u managed to play on an other acc

750 Likes for part 20!

Part 20: error code [ failed ] = a hacker tried to give players 1001 but Roblox patched it

800 likes for part 21!

Part 21!

Error code [reset_username] = your username was detected to be inappropriate (only seen in game)

850 likes for part 22

Part 22 !

Error code * = Roblox just banned a word that you just said

900 likes for part 23!

Omg I’m so sorry for not doing part 23 I was on holiday with no Wi-Fi

Part 23

Error code 497 = Roblox failed to update and u can’t play again

Cuz we’re on 922 likes 1K for part 24


Error code -33 = you’ve reached the maximum amount of robux and you need to get rid of some to prevent losing over 1m+ pounds

1050 likes for part 25

Part 25! (Sorry)

Error code 9003 = u have to update Roblox but u don’t have the App Store

I have returned!!

2k likes for part 26

PART 26!!

error code 2000: Roblox detected that u liked my comment :)

2.3k for part 27


My own error codes 😊

Error code -2: The game got corrupted and you got kicked for safety.
Error code -5: The game got corrupted but roblox didnt see it so your account got corrupted sadly.
Error code 105: You got verified meanwhile you were played, congratulations!
Error code 667: simmilar to 666, but they were real files...
Error code -9: You are brainrotten, you cant play any game untill you turn normal again.
Error code 0: Somebody is outside your house, whatever you do, DONT OPEN IT!
Error code -0: You didnt listen and opened the door. Oh its roblox! They said your the new admin! But only for a limited time sadly.
Part 2 at 5 likes!


my own error code:

error code 2: banned for 2 days for online dating

error code 7829: playing a game while someone on ur account (may be a friend/family member) trying to make a new avatar or buy robux.

error code 777: this error code appears when ur the luckiest player in roblox/sols rng. (so basically means only 1 person can get it which means that u are the luckiest player in roblox if u get error code 777.

error code 604: happens when ur 1 trillion studs away from spawn. (the extreme roblox farlands.)

error code %&@$: means ur game is corrupted and u will have to contact roblox support for help so its not corrupt able no more. (can also mean ur playing a game that is corrupted/glitched.)

part 2 at 1


error code 8793: means you are poison banned or you are extremely lucky to get it. (poison ban means u cant create more accounts which is bassically like a ip ban but on all of your devices i thinko.)

error code 4201: roblox detected a police car near your home which may lead to fbi/or another police thingys like getting in jail or even paying money.

error code 4004: this error code appears at a random possition at ur screen and even multiplies everytime u click reconnect/leave. it acts like a virus and how it happens is… when you have a roblox virus active temporarily. the only way to stop it is u need to somehow stop the virus or contact roblox support. to prevent from this happening again, download the virusblocker. (or idk how its called im on mobile.)

error code 3476: appears when ur autoclicking for 4 WEEKS (1 month) NONSTOP WITHOUT EVEN LEAVING. (so means ur afking for 1 month with an autoclicker.)

error code 174: this means ur playing roblox 24/7 without an autoclicker (so ur active unlike error code 3476).

error code 592: means u havent been online for 10+ years and deletes your account if u get this error code. (THIS ISNT A GAME ERROR THIS IS A WEBSITE ERROR.)

error code 6000: happens when roblox detects that u are moving somewhere else and if u are playing and roblox detects some moving out they automatically send this code so they dont forget to take you too. (only if they are your family ofc). (and this means when ur family goes on vacation and forget to take you with its also very very very very very very very very veryv very very very very very RARE EXTREME).

error code 1NN0V4TI0N: happens when you make a fake roblox innovation rewards event game which may lead to warning/ban or even T E R M I N A T I O N.

part 3 at 5 likes 😊

part 3! :D kinda late D: but atleast we got it now!

error code 404-404: reached roblox farlands into 1 studs away from spawn and thats when your computer/device/console just explodes. [DANGEROUS.]

error code 911: call 911 immediately, since roblox detected an unknown human go in or detected a window breaking sound.

sorry but this is not much since its LITTERALLY 23:24 IN TURKEY MANN [for pm itw 11:24PM].
part 4 at 15 like

i am late but heres part 4! (accepting the suggestion by @YumiTheLoafXD)

suggestion made by @YumiTheLoafXD: error code 878: when u have too much energy or data and u need to delete useless photos.

ok u can suggest error codes now but heres mine now:

error code 893: tried to join a user but the line of the server when its full goes over 1000 u will get this code.

error code 233: roblox detected exploits. (yes ik theres another REAL code of this but this happens when u can use exploits to avoid the kick. and all of these codes are not real here to keep in mind.)

part 5 at 25 likes! (im lazy…)

edit1: the suggestion from yumitheloafXD was actually: Error code 878: Your device has too much energy or storage used, Turn down brightness and delete useless photos.

ok i didnt reach 25 likes but im excited to continue

error code ΩΣΘ: account deleted…


error code У2ккк: roblox detected ur a very very very very very very very toxic y2k girl/boy so roblox POISON W/ IP BANNED YOU. (it means u cannot create more account on device and location.) (rip guy who got this in a alternate universe)

error code 4R0: roblox detected that ur playing roblox while watching NUMBERBLOCKS OR COCOMELO-

error code 662: roblox detected you twerking

part 6 at 30 likes!, , !!!!


My own error codes

Error code 271: You got warned for spamming or you are banned for 60 minutes (1 hour)

Error code 9881: You got banned for cheating

Error code 2112: You got kicked because error code 277 didnt show up

Safest ones!!

Error code 99: you just only got kicked

Part 2 in 100 likes btw it took too long to do this

Edit: Yay i got 1 like


-1 code it means that ur acc is in danger Experemination Means Someone is tryna delete ur acc


People who are not gay Error code:1-


Sometimes error code -1 says "DONT LOOK BEHIND YOU!!"


Ppl who didn't get 1001 and -1 code


My own error codes

Error 198: an hacker hacked your game that you created

Error: 085: your character is moving by itself.

Error 10: don’t worry it’s not harmful it means you buy an robux item without robux/money

Error 333/222: there’s too much players in the server *like 1B”

Error …: somebody is gonna restart your game

Error -999: you have 2 devices in your home and 1 of them an hacker is calling u.

Error happy: you’ve got free admin

Error T: everybody is T-posing


That one girl who got error code -1: WaT Ih Do?



1: http error
2: account is about to get deleted or someone is trying to delete it
3: do not look behind you


-1 someone is deleting your acc
And don't look behind you
When you look behind 0.01 to react💀


My own error codes

Error 892:you did something very horrible on roblox roblox is tracking you to kill you

Error 920 : your roblox outfit had a virus in the script

Error 623: roblox suspected you were hacking because you entered the baseplate part of the game

526: you got doxxed by a roblox admin

627: roblox had found out you played a pirated version of roblox more

More in 2 likes


My own error codes
4: exactly 273 error
89: Roblox has shut down
99: you got poison banned/hacked or get lucky and it’s a glitch
451: Roblox banned you for doing bad stuff
711: detected hackers in-game
1009: playing a banned game
: full storage on device
1002: making a bad avatar which = warning/ban or even your account being terminated
10001: unknown
00: dangerous error code
686967: VERY RARE doesn’t have any meaning tho so it really unknown
610: disconnected for nothing


-1-282: due to a caught moving game while disconnected
274-256: temporarily deveshutdown
272: key mismatch
271: no active friends
287: deleted games (deleted error code no shows now..)
286-292: Wrong memories
260-262: Wrong Data’s
285-267: kicked
291: no DataModel
523: unexisted access
529-273: banned/warned
405-404-403-406-402: IP bans
268: dispected behaviour
277: terminated/kicked for low WiFi
264: same device/hacked
278-279: idle and crashed
280-264: updating rblx


My own error codes✨️

Error 1004: YOUR PHONE IS OVERHEATING (only on phone)

Error E07: your wifi is on vacation


part 2 if i hit 10 likes✨️😌
Time for part 10 :D

Error 1000: disconnected for no reason

Error 36264626247: HAHA PRANKED

Error 5: someone in your house (the new 1001)

Part 3 if I hit 50 likes💩✨️
Woah thanks less

Error 2024: unknown

Error ???: roblox has been gone

Error 555: computer virus
Part 4 if 100 likes 😍✌️💅💅💅

I'm here again💀👌

516: you are extremely lucky to get this

Error 221: roblox is at the door :)

Error 342: someone's calling

Part 4 if you guess where I live👌


u get -1 if u disconnected and kicked at the same time


My error code:

Erros code 567 you has banned from the game

1 like for part 2


My own error codes
911: somebody tryna be sneaky (meaning you were afk for a long time and someone was exploitong so they hacking into yo account)error code saying (kicked: go to the closet asap someone is behind you...)

No:2 error code -108: kicks you out of the game for an unknown reason closest we can get is from if you said words like f## or s### three times in a row the error code says (kicked: HELP ME HES HERE)
More for three likes
