Roblox Error Codes

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277:bad internet
272:security key mismatch
273:Roblox turns warn ya that u should change ur password(264 is older version
274:game updating
275:Roblox shut down the server for maintenance
278: Roblox disconnect u beacause u were idle for too long
279:failed to connect to the game
280:ur Roblox app needs to be updated
282:u just got disconnected
285:i think it’s beacause u are trying to rejoin a game while it was banned
403:u don’t have permission to view the page
404:page not found are no longer exists
407:the proxy cannot be accessed
522:the user u attempted to join has left
524:u don’t have permission to join the game
525:u have been waiting to join a certain server for 1-5 mins .I almost forgot
526:not authorised to leave game
528:your party is too large to join the game(can’t get 528 anymore)
291:you have been deleted or destroyed from a game file
292:extremely low memory
340:not authorised to leave server
256:developer shut down the server
257:internet is low
529:technical difficulties
769:make a new account and go on the same account I were using
770:games root place is not active
771:teleport failed
772:server is full
773:user must reset password
774:to many teleport request
796:data has been modified
999:must be verified before joining
610:mobile http error
500:trying to access a page while the servers are down
503:Roblox doesn’t recognise what language your using to play
Pls just ten likes for part 2


Error code 268: The client crashed.
Error code 264: As of now, 264 means you have been hacked. More specifically, someone from a different ip address is on your account. It can also be a glitch if the game you were still playing at the start froze and you rejoined. The only way you can get 264 on purpose is tab glitch on the current game you are playing, and quickly join another game while tab glitching, and you will receive this.
Error code 273: You only get this sometimes when you leave and join too quickly, you get banned, or you got secure logged out. Someone else on your account changed your pass, or you changed your pass while in game.
Error code 274: The owner of the game you are playing shut down the game, or the developer got banned.
Error code 280: This happens if you don't update your Roblox every Thursday.
Error code 277: Your internet connection got you disconnected, or your connection timed out.
Other errors:
Error code 264 (when it was called GAME not experience) it was a glitch, which you joined too fast.
Error code 273 (when it was called GAME not experience) Someone from a different ip address logged onto your account, or you got logged out by secure log out.
Error code 610: (old) http error
Error code 266: (old) you got internet disconnected
Error code 400: Bad Request
Error code 403: IP BANNED
Error code 403 (Restricted Completely) PERM IP BAN
Error code 404: Page no longer exist (viewing termed account or deleted game, or a page that doesnt exist)
Error code 6: Roblox had an error starting up
Error code 112: (doesn't exist anymore i think) Your roblox app malfunctioned or got terminated during a game.
Error code 110: Unavailable Experience
Error code 266: (new) You lagged out
Error code 260, 261, 262: Data problem
Error code 271: Everyone in the server was inactive, or afk, causing the server to shut down, or you joined a server that was already shut down.
Error code 272: Exploiting, or security key mismatched.
Error code 275: Roblox shutdown for maintenance, or the server was just super laggy. Could also mean you got hacked
Error code 278: Idle for 20 minutes (i think it was usually 30 minutes)
Error code 279: Client disconnection, teleported to illegal place, or roblox was out of date while in game.
Error code 517: Unavailable game
Error code 522: Unavailable User join attempt
Error code 523: game privated, or shut down
Error code 524: No authorization to join game
Error code 529: this happens if you try to join a game after you got banned, only happens when you try to join on app
Error code 769: Unable to teleport, could be that someone is on your account trying to tp you somewhere, or you tried to tp to a nonexistent place. You tried to reconnect from 273, 277, and reconnecting when you got secure logged out.
Error code 770: Trying to teleport to an inactive part of the experience or game, or theres an error of teleporting.
Error code 771: Unavailable server
Error code 772: This only happens when you try to join a server that is full, or you teleported to a game that someone else tried to join a millisecond after you joined.
Error code 773: Restricted Teleport, or you tried to reconnect from 277 or 273, but it failed. This also happens if you got secure logged out.


273 can mean both, you're either hacked or got warned/banned/terminated, etc. When you get 273, press reconnect. If it shows a teleport error, aka error code 773/769, your account was warned/banned/terminated, or someone changed your password.

If you successfully reconnect, then you're hacked or maybe left a device on, sibling, etc. 403 means IP banned.

267 means kicked, but also means your account was warned/banned/terminated as I get that error when i'm banned.


People who know error code 1001


Nice video


The normal erorr codes:😒
The bad wifi codes:😤
The code 1001: 💀


**most creepiest error code pops up**
**also plays a happy/cute sing to go with it**


Him: Error 264 it's only a glitch
Me: **pells pain and start ritual**


Error 273 happens usually when you leave and rejoin too fast and most of the scary times when you get a warning or get banned in a Roblox game.


273 and 264 Have the same context but different meaning

273:You got Kicked or you got banned or it could be that your device is way to close to the one your playing Right now.

264:It’s kind of the same thing with the kicked or warned but it goes deeper
It means that you clicked on the play button 6-2 times fast or someone is actually trying to log in
(I once got 264 and someone actually tried to log in cause when I left it said “Suspicious activity alert” on the Roblox web)


People who just stared at the guest


Who hate client behavior and didn't even exploit

Edit"you can get client behavior if. Your wifi is low power or server problems:) pls don't comment my comment cuz my notifications and exploit don't comment or il deleted it AND PLS DON'T reply my comment it's so annoying even my dad show up and beat me up because the reply keeps lowing my power of my wifi and my mom and my siblings fail there exams cuz low power wifi BECAUSE OF YOU GUYS


260: web servers are not working
262: game data not properly sent
1001: raid warning (got removed in 2013, now its just a trend on TikTok and such.)
264: trying to play 2 games on the same account
279: failed connection to the game
103: unavailable game (only occurs on Xbox one and later, or you crashed)
403: trouble connecting to Roblox servers
6: startup error (only occurs on windows)
769: teleport failed (mostly happens to me on Xbox s in pet simulator x)
267: the developer banned or kicked you from their game
610: join error
292: low memory warning


The error code 280 one is also useful because a lot of exploiters use older roblox clients to avoid newer anticheat like byfron or byfron updates so they can exploit again.


Tysm for picking this cute song bc i'm so scared of these codes!


Error code 273 can also be caused if you’re joining to fast and they can’t keep up with it so your account will still be in the last sever but on your screen you aren’t


I always get that i didn't do anything like hacking and exploiting ugh 😰


Finally one that isn’t unsettling and has an unsettling audio 💀😭 idk why but they made me feel anxious even when they weren’t scary but js had an unsettling audio lol 🥲🥲


I got error code 273😢

Who got error code 273



Story: Once I was on roblox I was playing natural disaster when I was in middle of a round round when there was a tornado I got a report on my screen that said error code 273 I thought it was just a bug until I saw someone out my window...
