R demo | Correlation | Pearson, Spearman, Robust, Bayesian | How to conduct, visualise and interpret

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Having two numeric variables, we often wanna know whether they are correlated and how. One simple command can answer both questions by visualizing the data and conducting frequentists and bayesian correlation analysis at the same time. So, let’s learn how to do that, how to interpret all these results and how to choose the right correlation method in the first place.

Here is a quick R code:


data = mtcars,
x = mpg,
y = hp,
type = "p") # or "np" or "r"


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Рекомендации по теме

Incredible video really. I mean it was to the point, code was shown and the short explanations of all aspects made this video so helpful and easy to understand. Thank you very much


Wow this is golden. I truly appreciate the awesome editting and reasons and explanations behind the interpretations. Thank you and look forward to watching more!


you always have the best and very clearly understandable tuts. Always eagerly waiting for the next. 1000x thanks


Subscribed! I am very excited to explore your video playlists. Thank you!


top content, very concise and to the point! thanks!


Amazing Yury, always clear. Love your tuts !


This video has been awesome to watch, Sir.
I have, though, 2 small questions. Where could I find the step before of a shapiro-wilk or kolmogorov-smirnoff test for normality? I'm new in R, by the way. And a little question about the aesthetic appearence of the present correlation graph, is it possible to change the colours within this function ggstatsplot? I mean, if it could be, for example, one just simple colour but with different tonality for the variable x and y. Is that possible?
I thank you so much for the answers in advance, Sir.


Hey sir, just for information, it seems like the package is under maintenance or remission because the feature no longer works. I tried several datasets and variables, even copied your example character by character, but it just always shows the same error:

`stat_xsidebin()` with `bins = 30`. Choose a better value with `binwidth'.
`stat_ysidebin()` with `bins = 30`. Choose a better value with `binwidth`.
Error in `plot_theme()`:
! The theme element must be a <unit> object.

I've tried to troubleshoot it but no success jet, and I know it's out of your control, but I just wanted to give you a heads up.

PD: I noticed one drawback to this feature: it only has 4 types of correlations, and you cannot use e.g. Kendall's, Gaussian's or Shepherd's correlation, which is not bad in itself, but it would be great to test these other types of correlations as well.

As always, thank your for your labor and fast responses.


Helllo, I have a question on changing the type of test. When I change it from "parametric" to "nonparametric", the axis still shows the raw data and not ranks. Thanks for this super helpful video!


Hey there! I'm wondering where you get the information about the conventional thresholds for interpretation (like for p-values, Bayes, etc). There are so many different versions from different authors out there, which one should we trust? I'm really struggling to make up my mind! I already know about the effectsize package, but should we trust their frames of reference? Thanks in advance sir.


Wow, super clear explanation. If my variables x and y are non linear and I use spearman's instead of Pearson's, how can I graphically justified that? I mean, using scatterstats I see a lm model blue line, how can I replace with a monotonic curve that describes better my association ?


Hi! I'm trying to replicate the analysis you showed but the package no longer exists. Can you share where this function can now be found?


Can't get started after installing. I'm returned 'no package called dplyr' on command of line 2 and at line 4. I installed it successfully but not sure if I missed you mentioning another package to install


Hi, nice video. How about stats for 3 variables?


can we do multiple correlation using this sir ?


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