China Is Quietly Becoming The New Superpower of the World

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China is growing at a much faster rate of clips economically than the USA, so much so that they've almost caught up. Let's discuss the possibilities of China becoming the next superpower of the world...


1898 was a special year for the United States. It was the year, they won the Spanish American-war, they gained temporary control of Cuba, and a strong influence across nations throughout the globe. It was the start of USA being the superpower nation of the world. Since then they have grown and enjoyed a relatively strong period of being the nation at the top.

However fast forward to 2020, and it’s been over 100 years, of dominance by the United States. However there is a nation that is quietly building it’s economy, it’s power, and it’s influence across the globe and we’re coming to a stage where they’re almost as big as the United States. I’m talking about China of course.

Ok, so let’s look at some hard factual data. The best way to measure, how strong a country is becoming is through GDP growth. Gross domestic product, it basically measures how much a country is producing in any single given year.

Now if we go back over the past 10 or so years. We can see that China’s economy is growing at a much higher rate of knots, compared to the USA’s.
You know in 2019 China had GDP growth of 6.1%, compared to the USA’s 2.3%. That’s almost 3X the amount of growth. (1 please use website listed below)

And these big discrepancies, in terms of economic growth has been going on for more than 30 years, to the point where China is getting within distance of catching up now. The USA’s GDP as per the latest figures is $21.44 trillion dollars compared to China’s $14.14 trillion. This means China are now within $7.3 trillion dollars in nominal GDP of catching up…
But unlikely the USA they’re growing at a faster rate of knots.
This is why you’ve got groups of people predicting that by 2030, China will overtake the USA in terms of total production…

You know, it’s very important to take a step back and look at both countries as a whole…China has a population of around 1.4 billion. The USA’s population is around 330 million. That means china has over 4X the amount of people compared to the USA. Essentially China can have 4 people working for every 1 of USA’s person. This is a huge reason why they are growing at a much higher rate of clips compared to the USA. They just have more manpower.

And it’s the reason why you have people like Elon Musk predicting China’s economy to be at least twice the size of the states.
Musk said “A thing that will feel pretty strange is that the Chinese economy is probably going to be at least twice as big as the United States’ economy, maybe three times,”.

“If you have half the resources of the counterparty then you better be real innovative, if you’re not innovative, you’re going to lose. It would only require getting to a GDP per capita half the size the United States for their economy to be twice the size of ours,”.

At the end of the day China just has more to work with compared to the current superpower the USA. It’s because of all of these resources that they’re able to produce so much and sell a lot more than they need to bring in.

I mean just think about how many times you go to the shop to buy some random item, it could be any item, then you look on the back of it and say’s “made in China”. There’s a reason for that. It’s because China has the manpower and resources to produce all of that.

The U.S tend to have a massive deficit each year in terms of trade. These are figures from 2013 to 2018, so they’re a tad old, but as you can see the exporting is around 3 to 4X less, than then the amount they import (3).

This is because China are so good at producing things, and producing them for cheap prices.

And it’s not just the U.S, that China are good at selling to. It’s all around the world. And basically what this does for China, is it brings them a lot of money…

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(p.s. watch out, there are a lot of bad actors in the comment section)


China is focusing on it's economy while U.S is trying to figure out what gender they are.


He said that the 5G technology developed by China will monitor, he may have forgotten Snowden is still alive in Russia


The key word is, in my opinion, "quietly". It is their way of thinking. Winning the war without even fighting it. That is mind-blowing for people like us.




“The youth going outside of the country to find a better life elsewhere”. I think you should do some basic research on that part... in recent years, 80% Chinese international students chose to go back to China after they graduate, compared to more than 90% stayed in the 90s. Every change has its reasons, especially a change of this huge.


Good video, but there were a couple of claims made by you that just don't make sense. In any society, capitalism or not, you need govt oversight, otherwise the intrinsic disadvantages of capitalism will prevail. So to say Chinese govt having regulations over businesses will stifle business growth or innovations, or whatever you want to spin, is just wrong. Also when you claim the world doesn't want to see China rise, who is the "world"? I know you mean the five eyes, and let me tell you, their containment policy towards China is not even ideologically based, it's racially based. It's got nothing to do with communism or socialism, coz they know China is neither. China is a pragmatic problem solver, that's what China is. So it will employ whatever tools that fit the problems they are solving. And the five eyes (the Anglo Saxons) can't compete with it. They know very well what they've done to China during the colonial times and they have a strong sense of guilt and fear of revenge. Their sense of racial supremacy, however, made them look down and underestimate the Chinese and now they're in a panic.


Usa has met its match. The world has now an option where to buy or where to have alliance.


"When China World will tremble" Napoleon Bonaparte around


2 party system is definetely not democracy.


The US is so divided in 2020 even at 2021, from shootings to BLM protest to capitol. It really amazes me how they have the highest covid cases and act like its nothing.


A few corrections. The US has only been a superpower since the end of the Second World War, and specifically the British loss of Empire. The US has only been the sole superpower since the fall of the Soviet Union, about thirty years, not 100 years, as the video stated. Also; China is projected to overtake US production by 2028, not 2030.


When Anglo's can't compete they scream everyone is cheating!


China doesn't seek Super Power as USA do. Super power means nothing for China, but making China more wealth and prosperity, and promoting world peace and development is even more important. By the way, Chinese people have quite different culture and mindset with USA people.


An average Chinese is a today leading a better quality of life than they have in last 2000 years while an average American is leading a worse quality of life than he did 40 years back. And the credit of this goes to the Chinese political system.


Stick to the facts and not add pathetic personal views with unsubstantiated info.


They don’t want to be leader they want a respect in this world


Don’t forget, China doesn’t print money like the US & exchange rate is 6CHN:1USA. Meaning there’s so much upside for China.


China has always been superpower before 1800, so what the problem?


Lol "A frugal Graham Stephan" the guy who buys a 2 million dollar home in Cali and brags about saving 80$ on a ceiling fan install. Not the best example.
