Novation FLkey Mini and FLkey 37 - The BEST keyboard for FL Studio?

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This is the Novation FLKey 31 and the FLKey Mini. The FLKey is a small, light, and cheap keyboard that Novation makes. The Novation FLKey is for FL Studio users - built around FL Studio and includes full control of the channel rack. Yes, this keyboard can control the FL Studio Channel Rack! In this video I show you everything you need to know about the Novation FLKey and I walkthrough all the best features including FL Studio control. I discuss the features, the size, the feel, and show you how to control the FL Studio mixer and channel rack with the FLKey. The Novation FLKey has lots of features including note repeat, drum pads, knobs, and more. However, the Novation FLKey is missing some features that other keyboards in this price range have. Watch and find out!

#Novation #FLStudio #SanjayC

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I've been a FL producer since I started making music crazy to see how far the DAW has come but even crazier to think about the support from the community and other companies, so dope to see people recognizing how dope FL Studio is


I really like the fact that many companies are adding chord mode which is a lifesaver for beginners


love this channel, its so informative for latest updates on plugins and cool tips and tricks for music production, love from India.


The fact that it took so long for someone to make a keyboard fitted for FL is actually quite astonishing. Great video!


The keyboard looks amazing and for travelling it's just perfect


Finally! A dedicated keyboard for FL! Thanks for the solid review Sanjay, I’m definitely thinking of picking it up


As someone who has both versions of the FLKey controllers, I have to say they are phenomenal to use. Was a pain to set up initially because my computer didn't automatically load in the scripts, but once I got those loaded it just worked. I agree with a lot of people when they say you don't have to mess with the mouse and keyboard nearly as much with these controllers.


The great thing is that there's a lot of choices for us users. Thanks for the review!


This is really gunna come in handy cuz after trying other DAWs, I really miss recording in FL Studio— now I can make beats with a dedicated device, so excited and thanks again for another great review!


I love that they decided to make a dedicated keyboard. I am sure this is a huge step foreward into the creative process of making beats. I currently use M-Audio Oxygen61(former model) between Garageband, Cubase LE and Ableton Lite and evaluating to go full FL Studio as the preferred DAW, especially for its lifetime updates and now with this awesome FL-keys it looks like a good investment. Update: Happy Birthday Sanjay!! Many blessings on your way!!! Thanks for the interesting content and videos!!! Peace and love...


Well, as a FL Producer for some years now, this DEFINITELY is a great start. The AKAI Fire just didn't cut it with it's 0 velocity response pads. This is SO much better!!!


Nice to c the FL. Keys come out... As an FL studio user I've always wanted a Midi controller specialized for the DAW... Thanks @Sanjay C for reviewing for us... It's very helpful


I love the channel rack control feature, I have my sounds mapped to the pads of my Arturia Keylab MKII so I know how powerful this will be for people. I do wish they would have made a 49 key version instead, and I would have preferred a 4x4 pad layout to match the FPC and other drum VST's. But this is a step in the right direction and I'd strongly consider picking this up if you use FL.


Hi sanjay!

I’m following you since you hit 90k subscribers and the journey was so nice to watch. I saw the quality of your content going up every video and it is still getting better.

This is my entry to the giveaway by the way😂.


Glad FL Studio finally has a dedicated keyboard. I currently use the Komplete Kontrol M32.


Well done to novation for getting this done, a lot of people are going to love this!! I think it may sell out


Love your channel so much, definitely my go-to for all things music production/gear related!


This seems like a great keyboard for a Fl Studio user like me, but I prefer bigger keyboards. Personally, I use a 49 key right now, and I'm happy with the size. Would be nice if novation made a 49 key version of it.


Finally! A midi keyboard for FL Studio! Most midi controllers in the market, though universal, needs some time to map it for FL studio.


I have a few keyboards (all thanks to this channel) including the Komplete M32, Arturia Minilab and the iRig 37, but with me getting more familiar with FL Studio, especially using it for hardstyle production, I had to pull the trigger on the 25 key version.
