HOW TO KEEP CITIES HAPPY - Game Guides - Rome: Total War

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Having trouble keeping a city happy? Wondering why your public opinion is falling? This video goes into depth about all the factors contributing to public order and how to keep it high.

In this episode of Game Guides I will be talking about public order in Rome: Total War and how to keep it high. This game guides series consists of short, to-the-point gaming commentary videos that teach players how to accomplish certain tasks in different games.

The factors contributing to public order in a city are:
----Positive factors:
1. Governor influence
2. Garrison strength
3. Public Health
4. Entertainment
5. Population boom
6. Law Bonus
7. Culture/Religion (if your own)
8. Tax level (can also be negative)
----Negative factors:
1. Unrest
2. Squalor
3. Culture (if foreign)
4. Distance to capital
5. Poor governor

Strategies to improve happiness:
1. Responsible building strategy and management
2. Allowing a city to revolt and then retaking/exterminating the population (make sure to destroy military buildings first so that the rebel army is only peasants)
3. Moving in more military forces or a more capable governor
4. Lowering taxes and throwing gladiator/horse racing games
5. Converting foreign buildings to your own cultures
6. Moving capital closer to city

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it's cool to see people that still play this game, it's one of a kind even the newest total war won't be as good as this one


Two more important factors:
Enemy spies in a city increase unrest by 5% for every subterfuge "eye". So it's good to keep spies and governors with high influence in your border cities. This will give you a better chance of discovering a spy.
Unrest is also high after conquering a city and it decreases by 5% by turn, until it reaches a certain value (set by other factors)


Law is the best temple attribute. It reduces unrest and corruption while giving good governor traits. Happiness give you a population growth boost.


December 2020, still sit and play a couple nights a week. It’s like therapy from the stresses of everyday life.


One really mean way to adjust public order is if a city is in the red despite all the above is to remove garrison, let it rebel, take back the city, exterminate (which also gives you gold), and then reoccupy. Rinse and repeat. But also, don't build up farms in high pop areas except for revenue.


I actually modded some buildings like barracks to give law bonus, walls happiness bonus and Barbarian factions being able to build stone walls. Makes the game so much better.


I didn't know the stuff about the culture penalty. I always come back and play this game. :D


My strategy is pretty simple; I never assault a city without at least a half banner on a small-large town or full banner on a city and once I take it I leave the garrison in the city. I then proceed to destroy the religious or purely cultural buildings of the other civilization and build my own because they do not help and in fact hurt your public order in the long run due to culture penalty. Overtime I slowly phase out my garrison and if I can remove the whole army (also having taken the time to retrain the units) and the city stays at least yellow then I move it forward. This works incredibly well on the frontier especially if the enemy has lots of army's or is aggressive.


Thank you verst much for these vids, they really helped me out. I think you’re channel is very underrated!!!


the city of Patavium is a notable exception. It has a high natural pop growth (think 7, 5% without any buildings) and enables a Julii player to "settle" gaul and get some nice recruitment centers up there in the northwest courner of the map.


Still here 2022 ! Thanks for this, was really bloody helpful . Happy new year ! Yarrrrgh !!


Anything that grants public order but not growth is good. Anything that grants growth but not public order is at best dangerous, or even really bad. Anything that grants both public order and growth is pretty much treading water in terms of public order, long term.

At least that's always been my rule of thumb for handling particularly unhappy cities.


My favorite game. I'll always play it.


Great video. Thank you! I saw this in my recommended and it got me back into the game :)))


I love that you upload multiple times a week.


Great series mate, watching them all, keep up the good quality


Great video, love this game, so thanks for the guidance


Currently playing a vh campaign as the Western Roman Empire on Barbarian Invasion. It is absolute nuts. Literally everyone attacks you, and you have massive problems keeping control over your settlements. I actually think vh setting is too much, hard setting is prob a better option.


I never kill civilians. I train troops (including peasants to move to disband in smaller settlements) to reduce population.


Are usually just click on auto manage always helps me a lot for the most part. Sometimes I do you have to take things into my own hands
