Generate Safe Weekly Passive Income (Wheel Option Strategy for Beginners)

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𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞: I’m not a financial advisor. The information contained in this video is for entertainment purposes only. Before investing, please consult a licensed professional. Any stock purchases I show on video should not be considered “investment recommendations”. I shall not be held liable for any losses you may incur for investing and trading in the stock market in an attempt to mirror what I do. Unless investments are FDIC insured, they may decline in value and/or disappear entirely. Please be careful!
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Much Love Henry. I will remind viewers that 5% a month on an account is approx. 80% ROI over 12 months. The consistent percentage is the KEY. $1K plus 80% is $1, 800. You do the math after 10 years, My Guy. You have given Us all a viable way to get 4-6%. Thank you.


I Hit 12k today trading. Started last month 2024. Financial education is indeed required for more than 70% of the society in the country as very few are literate on the subject. thanks to Louise O'Brien for helping me achieve this.


Great video. I'm looking to start investing in the stock market and other asset classes with $60k this quarter. Should I focus on index funds or individual stocks? Preferably want the route with the best return in investment. Thanks!


Ce fain ai explicat. Mii de multumiri, fratele meu Sa stii ca daca cauti o fata de familie pentru a-ti face un viitor....trebuie sa te intorci acasa in Moldova. La noi mai sunt fete si oameni la locul lor cu frica de Dumnezeu. Astea din Vest sunt aiurite rau de tot.


It took me four years to discover that forecasting the market based on charts is pointless; you never know what will happen. Without a mentor, those four years were miserable. Now, I watch market trends and keep things basic and disciplined. I currently earn an average of $35k every week, despite the fact that I barely trade myself Thanks Rolando Diaz....


Hello Henry, I have subscribed and followed your videos for about a year now. I am a small investor but I have done well with your financial advice. Thanks so much and God Bless you. -Bob


Thank you for taking the time to make this video it is very informative and it's obvious that you want help traders increase their income.


Thank you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last months for a $113k total profit. Financial education is indeed required for more than 70% of the society in the country as very few are literate on the subject.


We Are in Unchartered Financial Waters! every day we encounter challenges that have become the new standard. Although we previously perceived it as a crisis, we now acknowledge it as the new normal and must adapt accordingly. Given the current economic difficulties that the country is experiencing in 2024, how can we enhance our earnings during this period of adjustment? I cannot let my $680, 000 savings vanish after putting in so much effort to accumulate them.


Even for big corps like META they could easily crack down 10, 15% a day at the earnings. Beginners should be very alert on upcoming sensitive dates…


You are using a very visual (clear and not cluttered) trading program. What is it?
Are you happy with your broker? Do they give your portfolio margin?
How do you pick a group of stocks to watch and then choose the best at the time to trade? Do you keep notes of the trades to review your positions?
How often do you review your positions? Do you prefer to use weekly over monthlies?
You make this look so easy?
What happens if there is a severe downturn in the "good" stock below your strike price by about 30% or more? Do you bailout?
Please cover the exceptions to the rules and how to deal with them.
Thanks for your educational materials!


Selling puts is great unless the market has a rear tumble and you get assigned at a much higher price than its current value to which you then can't initially sell the covered call because to make any money you have to offer the covered call at a price that's less than you paid for it, that's the only problem I've ran into a few times with the wheel strategy otherwise if you leave yourself some room it works great


I started doing the wheel in January 2022 with $30k. I had no prior options experience. I'm now making $12-14k per month selling CC and CSP. This has allowed me to retire early. Selling options has been a financial game changer.


Hey Henry, appreciate the great content as someone learning to do the wheel strategy. Out of curiosity, is there a best time of day or buy/sell contracts? At market open, before close? Also is there more risk closer to earnings season?


Great info henry,
Question, since 30 day option is now paying 5.45 at the 116 strike .46 delta it seems the 30 day options would pay better as you could repeat in 30 days collecting almost 1100 dollars after two month instead of a single 60 day contract which pays 830.


Henrey What do you think about DAL since it has 4x the market cap, actual positive income as opposed to negative w/ AAL and they both have a similar Forward PE?


What students have 50-100k laying around in their portfolio?


Henry thanks as always I just sent this to a few people. I am few years into my wheel and really enjoy this strategy


🤔 this is really works. Thank you Hanry


Very informative and easy to understand.
That being said, I am a beginner, and your tutorial still leaves a couple very important questions unanswered.
First of all, what happens if the market crashes when you have a number of open put contracts. Using NVDA as an example, what happens if by the beginning of November it is down under the strike price? Suppose it craters and you wake up on Monday morning and in pre-market, it has gapped down to 100?
How do I protect myself from this scenario?
Could you please make a video on how to set stops to protect myself from this sort of scenario?
