...Why You're Wrong About E-bike Battery Fires 🔥🚫

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The internet says you're not safe and should worry, I disagree.

To me this information is just (mostly) common sense, but a lot of content creators thought this info was important enough so let's break it down quickly:

Some resources and info that can help you (I'm not sponsored by anything or anyone, these links are just for information):

Battery Chemistry:

1. Only buy ebike batteries from reputable sources.
Look at reviews, look at how many units they've sold, do at least 5 minutes of research before you buy a battery.

2. Not all battery chemistry is created equal.
Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries (LifePo4) are by far the least volatile and dangerous of the 3 main chemical compositions (lithium Ion, Lithium Polymer). If you have the option to go with this type, it is safer.

3. Most battery fires occur when charging.
be mindful of where and when you're charging your ebike battery. In case something does go wrong you want to be attentive and close by with a plan of action. Keep a fire extinguisher that is rated for chemical fires at hand, or a burn box that can handle containing your battery.

4. Charge and store your ebike battery in a safe environment
If you can charge your battery or store it outside or away from flammable things (like your house) do so. There are receptacles safe for containing fires.

5. If your ebike battery is showing signs of wear (physically or electrically - rips tears, leaking fluid, swollen) it's better to replace it before it becomes a problem.

This ebike fire sensationalism is really freaking people out. Just look at the comments on some of these videos, it's making people paranoid. Some to the point where they have exited the hobby. I'm not saying you shouldn't be safe, or care about your property, but most people aren't even going to partially watch these, they'll just see an inflammatory title and thumbnail and take it as that's how all ebikes are, dangerous and something you should be worried about. If you're taking up the cause that ebikes and EVs are good for the environment then it's better to educate than sensationalize.

Ebike batteries are safe to use and store, think of how many ebike batteries that are out there and the massive infrequency of battery fires. Is it a potential? Of course, if you're worried about it then I would not recommend getting into ebikes, but I'd also have to ask you if you own a cell phone and if you're worried about that causing a fire as it's the same battery tech. I think all of this ebike fire sensationalism is mostly to drive clicks, but at least there are some people using it to educate and help others. There are far more dangerous and troubling things regarding ebikes that I do think you should at least consider, but I'll save that for a future video.


⛧ \\ Table of Contents: \\ ⛧

00:00 - Intro \ Sensationalism *intensifies*
02:08 - What You Can Do To Decrease The Probability Of A Fire
03:53 - "Mom, That Guy On The Internet Is Ranting Again" \ Outro


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Another banger! The most I do for my charging safety is that I connect it a smart outlet where I set the timer for 2-3 hours and it shuts off. Then I go unplug the chargers from the bike. I also charge my bike in the garage and I have a fan blowing on it. Other than that I’m not so much afraid of the fires. Also, what a cliff hanger 😅 great discussion/rant!


Ebikes (and scooters) ARE different from cars in their costs and accesssility. They are also technologically less complex and regulated. This is significant because there are more manufacturers and consumers. This results in different risk profiles.

Your points are still valid, however. As long as we are informed and responsible, the actual potential of catastrophic fire is low. The risk remains high, but the likelihood can be low (but not eliminated).

The issue is that uninformed, irresponsible people will have fires, and the resulting regulation will impact all of us.


I seen article showing statistics about vehicle fires in Sweden, and there was registered more than 6000.000 electric vehicles in 2022 year. And this article says that if you compare E vehicles to petrol or gas vehicles, E vehicles in 0.08% catch the fire and petrol vehicles in 0.4%. That's means gasoline, diesel and gas vehicles ( cars, trucks, scooters, motorbikes) are catching fire 20 times more often than E vehicles ( bicycles boards, cars, scooters, motorbikes etc) . All this drama comes from people that hate this type powering or from people that make some how money oil and E competition is not good for them.


I won't do any fear-mongering here, but there is a detail that you left out. Batteries for things like Ebikes are riskier and more complex than batteries for iphones and tablets. The reason is the number of cells and how they are stacked up to make a sufficient voltage. A Lithium-ion cell is about 3.6V ideally. That voltage is high enough that only one cell would be needed for a phone or several other applications. However, electric motors need much higher voltages.
Consider a 54V battery pack. That would be 15 cells stacked in series. In a stacked arrangement, one would hope that all cells charge or discharge at the same rate, but this is not guaranteed at all. To avoid fires and other problems, a stack of rechargeable batteries needs a battery management system (BMS) to monitor each cell and make sure none are getting overtaxed. With a properly operating BMS, fires should be quite rare. But unscrupulous manufacturers may not bother with any BMS or not bother to test is properly.


i love the topic, been dabbling in scooters e bikes for a few years, defiantly when looking for battery active bms is recommended and individual cell fuses if possible(or if pushing the cells to the max), and if cells are showing lower voltages than others better replace the pack before it becomes a heater cell. also parallel battery's while useful need switching to separate them from each other. and i reckon your topic for next vid is PPE aka helmets and pads


Man!! So glad you made this video, so these trolls can stop commenting in my battery build video, beast of a video 💪👊💯


if i was you i would make a cyrax from mortal kombat ebike build yEllow anD black electronica disco dance cmon bro u can do it


gotta have a jet sound or something i just dont feel the same feeling as a gas bike i rode a fast onyx yesterday and the whole time i was wishing i was on my 212cc ducar


I've been riding diy electric bikes for just over 2 yrs now, I have 2 down tube batteries and 2 triangle batteries, I damaged 1 down tube, it fell off my bike, didn't have it locked in all the way, but no it didn't go boom, actually, twice on the same battery, but yet it still works but I am not using it cuz of the wire's inside, but I have no fear of the batteries going bomb,


Did you ever make the follow up "Other Topic" video? If yes, what is its' title? P.S. Maybe this is it -> (The Scariest Thing ALL Ebikers Face (...no, it's not battery fires))


it's almost always a faulty BMS, battery management system where the shutoff is faulty
this usually occurs in cheap chinese systems . the big reliable players like bosch, brose, yamaha, shimano etc use high quality cells that have a reliable BMS.
however if in doubt, then simply plug you charger into a timer .


It is not like a battery fire is completely impossible. In fact I have seen a parallel bank in one of my DIY packs dying this year and at least one to two cells got hot enough during this process to melt the cellholders. But in general I charge all my e-bike batteries outside during the night while I sleep. As with everything in life there are dangers attached to e-bikes in general but the same applies to riding your car.
Most of the videos regarding the topic similar to the news outlet are only click bait.


Very nice HT\\LL, and a teaser... Very clever...


Samsung phone is reputable brand but they have issue with their lithium battery. This prompt me to go with lifepo4 batteries.

If you're new to e-bike world, using lifepo4 would be a way to go 👍


This was a great topic I can't whait to hear more


That was a lot of waffle. There is a problem with ebike batteries, they need to be sealed and tamper proof and only supplied by registered dealers. With a proper papertrail and insurance.


If you are a lispy wimp that does not possess the strength to pedal a real bicycle, then chances are high that your soybike might burn your house down while you sleep.


Road rage from idiots who think the road belongs to them, don't want to share the road with bikes and want to see how close they can get to you, to send you some sort of delusional power trip message, is the scariest part...I build other things than just Ebikes, for such circumstances....


And I know what that topic is going to be, (THEFT).!!!


6. Store your ebike and or battery outside if possible.
7. Charge outside in a cool shaded area, if you are in a warm or hot climate wait till it's cooler at night to charge it.
8. Batteries heat up when charging so try to charge them with a lower current like 9 to 10 amps.
9. Get a laser thermometer or keep an eye on the battery temperature periodically, keep it below 40c/104f.
10. With lithium cells, configure BMS and or controller to cut off the system to the battery if it goes beyond 48c as 60c is the max and will cause thermal runaway hence a fire.
11. Always do things with safety as a priority.

Enough hijacking of the comments, back to you HT\\LL 😉
