WHAT HAPPENED TO KAUFMO? - The Amazing Digital Circus

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What happened to Kaufmo in the amazing digital circus!

#amazingdigitalcircus #pomni #jax
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Theory: The void is NOT the way out of TADC (The Amazing Digital Circus).

Firstly, at about 21:45, when Caine discovers that someone is in the void, he says, "Oh, no! - Someone's venturing out into the void! They'll get totally spoiled!". Notice how he doesn't say, "They'll escape!". There is none of TADC main characters around. So there is no reason for him to change his wording to make it sound like the void isn't the way out.
-Secondly, it is unlikely that Caine would have just told Pomni not to venture into the void. He likely would have told the others. It is likely that at least one of the 6 other main characters would have tried the void as a means of escape. But you may be thinking, "what if there were 7 characters and one of them used the void to escape, leaving us with 6?". However, the other TADC main characters would have noticed their disappearance and eventually come to the conclusion that they used the void to escape.
-Thirdly, I highly doubt that the creator of any YouTube series would make a reveal, like the way to escape from TADC, so obvious within the very first episode of the very first season. They probably made the void sound like the way to escape TADC so much at first so that it would be a great plot twist when it would be revealed that you can't escape using the void.
-Fourthly, Caine has spent years with TADC characters. He has probably formed close bonds with them. But you might argue that he's just an AI program, and that AI can't have feelings. But that is simply not the case. We see Caine get annoyed with Bubble at various points throughout the episode. When Pomni mentions the exit doors to Caine, Caine seems frantic to make sure Pomni thinks the doors are digital hallucinations. So he absolutely can have feelings. If he truly loved them, he would have sent them into the void to escape so that they would never be abstracted.
-Fifthly, think more about the void. What would leaping into the void actually achieve? Think about it. The answer is absolutely nothing. There is no reason for why leaping into the void would cause you to wake up in your own body.
Sixthly, do you want to know what I think WILL happen if you stay in the void too long? You get abstracted. Think about it. Remember how at 21:45 Caine said, "Oh, no! - Someone's venturing out into the void! They'll get totally spoiled!" I thought about for a long while until I realized that what he meant was abstracted. When something becomes spoiled, it becomes rotten and loses its good sides. When Kaufmo became abstracted, he turned violent. Sometimes when things spoil, they gain unusual spots. When Kaufmo abstracted, he became covered in eyes, which could also be seen as spots. When something spoils, its texture often changes. When Kaufmo abstracted, his skin when from smooth to this weirdly spiky and rough.

So now you may be thinking, then how do you actually escape TADC? And the answer is, there is no way.

-Firstly, Jax says at about 2:45, "We've been stuck here for years." If they have been stuck in TADC for years, their bodies would have died from thirst or hunger a LONG time ago. But you may be saying, "What if they are in a coma?" And that's a perfectly logical explanation. But I have more evidence that just this.
-Secondly, at about 1:22, Pomni says, "How do I...take this...headset off?!" The only thing I could come up with for why Pomni can't take the headset off is because her personality was "copied and pasted" into her new body. But one might argue that her conscience was probably transferred to TADC. However, you should probably think about it some more first. Which would be easier to get away with: entrapping people onto computer programs OR duplicating them, allowing their physical selves to go while keeping a virtual copy on the computer? The second one would be a lot simpler and easier.
-Thirdly, look what happened to Kaufmo. He was abstracted when he focused on the exit too much. So this could theoretically happen to anyone who focuses on the exit door too much.

So is that it? Is this a story with no happy ending? You see, it's not quite that simple.

After watching TADC 5+ times, I began to notice a theme: Denial and Acceptance. Remember my sixth argument for why the void was not the way to escape? Kaufmo became abstracted when he was in denial. He kept denying that there was no exit.
And I noticed that Pomni was in denial throughout the entire episode. First she was denying that she couldn't take the headset off. She kept trying despite it not working. She was in denial that this was "reality". She said at multiple points throughout the episode that it was a dream. Then she was denying that there was no exit. She kept on mentioning the exit as if it existed throughout the entire episode. Now look at all the other characters. They have all accepted that this is there new body and home. That is why they haven't abstracted and Kaufmo has.
This whole series is going to be an allegory for denial and acceptance. When we live in denial, we are living a lie and are blinding ourselves. When we have accepted things as the way they are, we see the world through a clear lens and are able to be happy.

But that's just a theory (a film theory!).


i think caine makes the characters abstract, think about it, whenever pomni talked about the exit, caine would try and brush it off, maybe when kaufmo started to tlk about the exit to much, caine made him abstract?what do you think!reply to this


I honestly feel like Caine is keeping them there on purpose, everytime the exit is talked about he shuts it down immediately, then when Pomni found the "exit", it was a seemingly infinite maze until she reached the void, that void (I believe) is the exit because Caine has a warning watch if anyone gets too far, and in the final shots, the void zooms out of the computer screen meaning that his "unfinished exit" is an excuse to keep them there longer. I don't know why he's doing this or what's happening but this is just my theory.


i think the computer pomni saw after going through the exit doors and its relation to the real computer possible housing the digital circus program is key. perhaps pomni could break the computer (assuming it’s just this one computer holding the program)-this could either end in the program shutting down and the circus residents being free, or the world collapsing and the residents either die or a trapped in a void like emptiness.
Another way they could escape is by using the computer. They may find the program and from there either shut it down (but this may be risky) or reprogram an exit.
In the final shots we see the full extent of the void as they zoom out, eventually to reveal the same computer. This hints that continuosly travelling into the void could lead to an exit, but they could end up trapped from there on, unable to escape through the computer. - So prior, they may have to break the computer.
Also seeing the computer is in an office we could assume this is the device which is in charge of the game. Another supporter of this is how there’s a vr headset nearbye and how pomni went insane at this sight. this could also mean that this is the device used by pomni, and possibly the other members of the circus to get in.
Breaking this device could take two turns: 1, they are free, and 2. They lose their last hope and are trapped forever.
However, reprogramming it could end in the residents making an exit and using it to escape.

Essentially, the computer pomni sees and the one in the final scene are almost DEFINITELY related, so tampering with this computer could end up freeing them. This could also be the main computer holding the program, otherwise, why would the circus have such a resmblance to a random computer of a random company?

sorry this is practically an essay.


I think Caine takes place in abstracting the characters because when pomni tries to talk about the exit Caine ignores it, so if you think about it Kaufmo would’ve completely lost his sanity, because of the other characters, or possibly, Caine.


He is just in the hole to think about the exit alone. Everyone who abstracted is in the hole to think about the exit alone..


Honestly, i think he probably did see something on that computer. My theory is that he saw pomni. Yes, pomni. He knew that the number of the characters had to be even, ( since they were six at the time) so thinking about how he was going to somehow disappear all because of a new character ( pomni ) he went insane and abstracted.


To add on the fact that caine purposely abstracted kaufmo, he said ‘now who can tell me what happened here?’ When he saw the wreckage and then said ‘oh right. That was my doing”


if kaufmo ends up still being alive, i would throw a party (bc he’s my fav character) ❤


I actually had my own theory too. But it is not about Kaufmo. Pomni, the jester. if she kept moving the void, would she make it to the real world? but after some thinking, I saw she was sorta stuck in the void in the pilot. I felt really confused yet curious at the same time.


Has anyone ever thought that Caine turned Kaufmo into cardboard


I think the void is the screen. Tadc is the amazing DIGITAL circus, so the characters might be trapped in the computer. And i bet if Pomni may have kept going, she might have escaped, but u could see her hypnotized. I wonder if a other character escaped, and caine put some sorta spell so they others cant get passed


WAIT WHAT?! You read my mind! A few days ago on your ‘who will abstract next?’ video, I commented that EXACTLY theory! Also, I have another theory. When you abstract, *you leave the circus.* also, if you know too much, the replacement comes.


And when Jax broke Gangles comedy mask, he was trying to get the anger away from Pomni so she does not get punished

What a chad


And the reason why he went insane is because his dog (rett)
Rett was Kaufmos dog but he ended up being abstracted and Caine put him into the celar so that’s the reason why he went insane

My theory:I don’t know if it’s just me for yall but Caine said no one is able to go to the void cause he doesn’t know what’s out there what if that a way to leave the circus cause when pomni went into the exit door
It teleported her to the void
And it was the exit door that took her there so what if the void was a way to leave the circus? But what if it was an exit


what if the characters who were abstracted just left but Caine put monsters to replace the characters that have been abstracted


Idk why thsi dude reminds me of matpat😭


Glitch Productions is still saying that Caine is maybe still making a exit💀 hopefully this helps


Theory 2 : when characters find the void and wander continuously there is another door to the escape the circus but when Caine finds them multiple times he abstracts them to free them from pain.


It makes sense, because there were just too much characters from the last one who got abstracted like Dego the dog, for example it was the time when he got abstracted Jax join the circus
