Ray Tracer Challenge in C Sharp - Chapter 5 - Intersections

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Chapter 5 of the Ray Tracer Challenge is where I take everything created so far and unite it into a system for detecting Ray - Sphere intersections and then drawing any hits onto a screen. The final challenge of the chapter has transformations of scale, rotate and shear modifying the ray and creating oblong and rotated spheres.
Overall, this was a longer chapter than I expected, with lots of work implementing the intersection tests and uniting everything together. There are systems that will be necessary later on such as proper scene management that just start being formed to keep things organized and automatic.

Remember, if your following along at home in your own language, let me know how you are doing. Next chapter we get to performing basic lighting calculations, so our picture should start to look interesting!

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For anyone struggling with this Chapter. It is presented to the user in the worst way! Go to page 62 and implement the intersect() function FIRST. Then go back to page 59 and go through the intersect tests. I can't believe this book was published in this order. The reader is left clueless as to wtf the author is doing until 3 pages later!


hello sorry I'm also trying to do this challenge of the raytracer but I can not I am stopped at chapter 5 is not that you could help me?
