THE END OF THE MORNING MOVEMENT (our coffee business)

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Instagram: @thenomadicmovement
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Well…..I don’t like the change. You gave up a total winner with a sweet little humor included. Making people laugh is soooo healing and missing in this serious only change. You made yourself less unique. Every time I share about your company and tell my friends the name they totally laugh and remember and really love the name.
But as a long time appreciator of you wholistic uplifting plan and the best coffee….I will of course stay for the excellence.


I feel like you over thought this. Morning movement was fine even if it was cheeky.


You drink coffee, and you poop. It is as normal as a sunrise. Morning Movement was a great name. The new name is meh.


Shouldn't have changed the name. Morning Movement is what makes it quirky and unique. There's history and a story behind that and an outlet for us all to laugh and not take everything too seriously. I especially love your brand because of the personal touch and care behind it. Because real people are behind your business. Not just a corporation or a business, but it's people's lives they pour into it. And it's okay to have jokes in life. I know you've probably put a lot of thought into this, but you're overthinking it. The name is beloved and special. "Movement" is not as good of a name and not as unique. It sounds like all the other abstracted modern business names that are just supposed to sound cool or hipster, but not as much meaning or substance behind it. I still love you guys, but changing the name is not a great decision.


The very first time I heard the name of your coffee brand, I chuckled, because I got the inference to the double meaning. I think it was (and still is) a good marketing strategy, even if it was started from a joke. Sometimes things like this are what keeps people coming back.

So now you changed the name, and the logo, where I don’t get the reference to the black bear, (unless it is a Vermont thing) Just using the word Movement, took away from the coffee reference, whether it was the joke, or the fact that coffee is the movement. Coffee moves people to get going, jumpstart, and greet the day. So yeah, to me The Morning Movement was more than the joke, it was something pretty cool in ingenious.

That’s just my thoughts, and I hope you move forward with just as much success as you have had in the past. ❤


I am joining most of the people, I think you overthought this.
If we think global:
There are 1 billion english natives.
There are 7 billions other languages natives.
7 billions people had no clue Morning Movement had a double meaning (like myself, even though I score 980 at TOEIC test)
If somebody asked me to guess what is the double meaning, I would have guessed it refers to doing sport in the morning.
1 billion of english natives probably did not care about the double meaning, because the first meaning you hear is the first thing you do in the morning (which is coffee).
With just Movement (and a bear), it's unclear how you reach new customers.
Plus, Morning Movement conveyed implicit health prevention: "coffee is for the morning"
From the outside, it's like you just threw almost all the hardwork you did to build the brand for a technicality that almost did not exist.
Love from France


🤔I’m curious to know if some PR/Marketing biz advised this? It’s not often a business can find a clever double entendre and you guys did that. Unless there was a trademark issue, I would have kept the brand name - it’s so rich in your history, it’s your brand story, now your brand story is ‘we had a great name and decided to make it generic’ 😟 I don’t get the significance of the bear - how does that represent Panama and the other countries where you’ve sourced beans?
I wish you success and I hope this wasn’t at the advisement of some pricey marketing company. Been there.


I normally don't comment but I have to say I don't think this change was necessary. I personally liked the Morning Movement it was fun and a great gift option. I used it as a gift all the time for coffee lovers because it had a fun bit of humor. Movement coffee just seems really generic and the bear on the front may work for the roastery, but I think looses it's Panamanian roots. Just my thoughts, I hope it works for you but maybe you should have workshopped it with the people who buy your coffee before the change.


I think changing the name was a terrible idea. Movement, "really" ? with a bear ? If it ain't broke don't fix it.


Good luck on all the progress you guys have made and the new name but I know I’m not the only one who’s going to be sad to say I did really like the name Morning Movement it will be missed …. never saw the name as a bathroom joke ❤😊


Hahaha, @ 7:10, you said, "If we are being honest with you guys." You should never use that phrase again. People always prefer the honest version.


I have to agree with virtually everybody on here, big mistake!


It’s your choice but I liked the old name. The new name is lame.


I like the new name, but I do not like bait and switch titles and 10 minutes of telling us you are shutting down. Love you guys, but I do not like the tricks. A better way would be to name this Business Name Update …. Or something like that.


You “fixed” something that wasn’t broken. 😢


You guys should have given it more consideration and brainstorming. Why make a big fuss about changing basically nothing, especially when a brand change can be detrimental to your operation? My family works in PR and marketing. I’ve also worked in niche third wave, farm to market coffee in the past. Just saying… you had something unique and memorable. If you’re going to do a brand change, you need a more long term strategy and cohesive brand… Like “Nomad Coffee”… and keep “Morning Movement” as the name of one of your blends. That’s about $100 worth of advice for free right there.


You took a fun name and made it boring name. Bad business move.


Well 😢, love you guys but not feeling the new name, change is inevitable but you may be shooting yourself in the foot with this one, best of luck😊


Not a huge fan of the new name because it just sounds like a generic corporate name, especially to new people who don't know who you guys are.

"The morning movement" is a joke, and I could see why you think it's unprofessional, but it's also a statement to the public not to take ourselves too seriously. It's saying "our coffee company can take a joke, we are real humans with a sense of humor, not just corporate overlords".

I would literally buy "the morning movement" coffee to send to friends as a little inside joke cause they'd laugh, and they loved the coffee too! Not everything has to be professional, but sometimes defying those standards is what makes you special and stand out in a crowded marketplace.


I am sorry you are getting so much push back from the name change. I am sure you had your reasons but it seems like some of the “magic” around the business and business name is gone. You stood out from others with humor and quality. I hope you are able to prove everyone wrong about the need for change. Best of luck. I admit I am very sad about the change.
