Is This What The World Would Look Like If Hitler Had Won?

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On April 30, 1945, Adolf Hitler committed suicide as Allied forces closed in on Berlin, effectively bring WWII — the deadliest war the world had ever seen — to a close. Over the course of six years, Hitler nearly established full control over much of Europe. The Allied Powers ultimately defeated Germany and the Axis alliance, but that victory was far from assured.
So what if things had gone the other way? What would happen if the Third Reich had actually been victorious in Europe? That outcome was closer than you might think, so let’s ask: Is this what the world would look like if Hitler had won?

#Hitler #WWII #History

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What do you think it would have looked like?


Meanwhile, in an alternate timeline:

Is this what the World would look like if Hitler had Lost?


If German scientists such as Wernher von Braun were allowed to continue unabated, Germany would have developed some truly terrifying weapon technology.


No globalization? Sigh me up for this alternate timeline.


My Dad never cared for "what if" scenarios as they are all too hypothetical and by definition fictional. History has too many variables to make "what ifs" realistic. "If my aunt had testicles, she'd be my uncle", he would sarcastically say.


It's easy to see Hitler's plan. Just read his book. Totally outlines his experiences, motivation and plans for Europe.

If more people read and understood his book, he could have been stopped earlier and WW2 maybe could have been avoided in Europe.

As for Japan, they had their own separate plans and motivations.


WW2 hasn't died, it's still with us. I guess winning WW2 didn't settle anything.


General George S. Patton: "We've defeated the wrong enemy"


I personally find WW2 interesting since my dad & six uncles where in the war and only now I've looked up their service records. Both my dad and his brother Mike where actually born in Italy. Mike a US Marine Captain was in the Pacific. My dad US Navy called Mike a Navy cop. My dad was in the south Atlantic flying Consolidated PBYs hunting down German sub Wolf packs. They never said a word.


"The Man in the High Castle" was a great "What If" show if the the 3rd Reich had conquered the world.


Thousand Week Reich is a mod for a game called Hearts of Iron IV and it is perhaps the most acurrate Axis vicotry scenario. In it Britain surrenders after Dunkirk and then Germany annexes Poland, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, parts of France and later Switzerland and installs puppet regimes in Norway, Denmark and neutral military junta in France. Britain's economy crashes some of the colonies are lost. Germany then proceeds to 1v1 the USSR and completely obliterates the Soviets following the establishment of Reichcomissariats. While the german-soviet war is ongoing Japan attacks Pearl Harbor and in 1945 capitulates after Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Due to the collapse of the USSR, Communist China never sees the sun and instead the KMT China continues to exist. And here you have a Cold War between a Nazi Germany dominated Europe which is in an alliance called Neue Ordung similar to the Warsaw pact on one side and on the other side it is USA, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa in an alliance called Toronto Accord similar to NATO. Hitler had the potential to rule Europe but not the world. Scenarios where Japan and Germany rule the world like Fatherland and Man in the High Castle are utterly unrealistic while Thousand Week Reich very much could have happened.


Oh look, a comment section full of edgy people.


Everyone would drink Beer (Germany)
Everyone would eat Pasta (Italy)
Everyone would eat Ramen (Japan)


The whole “what if” is always fascinating 🧐 people often underestimate their opponents cuz they don’t know what they are thinking…or what they know…or even their connections…


Can't have been any worse than it is now!


during the second world war, Britain had a Home Fleet, the only way Germany could have invaded would have been to lure the fleet away and then landed a force on Britain's shores, IF they were lucky they could have landed around 60-70.000 men and then faced heavy resistance from the Army and the Home Guard


Germany was on it's way to create the nuclear bomb by end of 1944, but aerial bombing delayed it. Also the V3 intercontinental rocket to take it to New York in 1945.


I’ve always wonder about these “what if” scenarios. What if Japan never attacked Pearl Harbor? What if Germany built the A-bomb before the US did? What if Christopher Columbus, or anyone else, had discovered the New World?


We probably would have had a self sustained moon colony right now.


Quite a thorough analysis for the the length of the video. Very factual too. With family form the Caribbean, I think I would have liked that region, and also Central and South America to have been included as well. 👏🏾
