Thermomix TM5 Review : Does It Whip Up A Success?

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It dices, slices, cooks and does so much for you in the kitchen. Charlotte goes hands-on with the Thermomix TM5 to whip up a delectable cuisine with minimal fuss.

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the chicken chopped smaller because she don’t install the butterfly whisk to stop the chopping process / I’m using this thermomix I love it esp if you want to bake cake much easier for preparation


I think this is pretty good for a first time use, but obviously shows a lack of understanding and knowledge about the product. She mentions that it must be the mixing that generates heat - No! It has a heating element built into the base of the stainless steel bowl. If she was familiar with Thermomix cooking, we generally leave the 'wet' rice in an insulated bowl while cooking the rest of the dish. This allows time for the remaining liquid to be absorbed. You also need to adjust the cooking time for different rice varieties, i.e. short grain cooks faster than long grain. Also you don't have to boil your rice first and then make your sauce/curry - you can steam rice in the Varoma steaming basket as you cook your curry below. She says you don't know what's coming up next because there are no instructions, but there is always the option to switch to full view which shows the entire recipe so you can scroll forward or back at any point during the cooking. She also had the cookbook with the exact same recipes right in front of her that would have shown the entire recipe! Thermomix owners love that there is a long period with nothing to do in the kitchen - who doesn't love being able to walk away from the kitchen and do something else without worrying about overflowing, burning or stirring! If you want a more concentrated/thicker sauce you can always remove the measuring cup for more of the cooking time so that more water can evaporate. All of this highlights why buying through a consultant is invaluable, because they teach you how to use your machine and are always available to provide tips on adapting recipes to suit the owner.


Really enjoyed this and there should be more reviews on the internet with straight talking like you guys :)


Thank you for your honest and clear review. I think I'll skip it. If you are still chopping most ingredients yourself and waiting first for rice to complete, then making the main dish, having more than one dish cooking at a time - like normal - makes quite a bit more sense. Also, since you still had to chop and prepare ingredients prior to putting them in the "robot, " the time savings seems minimal. Other reviews have said how great it is that you can do other things while your meal is cooking - but I don't see how that's any different than cooking a stew on the stove, or having a chicken and vegetables cooking in the oven, or, of course, adding ingredients to an Instant Pot and pushing the "on" button. When doing all of these things, I can still go do other things while the meal is cooking. And none of those methods cost as much!


Thanks for the honesty.. I will keep my money then haha


Hi i need this thermomix but in my country is it really expensive . Where can i find cheaper thermomix please help me please


I'm not sure about the new TM6, but my wife and I only bought the TM5 about 3 years ago and just the other day the shaft that spins the blade completely sheared off when using the machine to create a simple smoothie. I called up the customer service and our consultant to get a replacement blade and they both said they wouldn't replace the blade because it was out of warranty and that the blade is an ACCESSORY. I'm pretty sure the definition of ACCESSORY is as follows (taken from a dictionary):

"a thing which can be added to something else in order to make it more useful, versatile, or attractive."

If I am not mistaken, the blade is the core function of the thermomix and without it, the machine is completely useless. That is by definition not an accessory. And if you are expected to pay over 100 dollars for a new blade every couple years because it breaks, then why would anyone pay for the massive over 2000 dollars investment in the first place? People pay that kind of money to get a good quality product. The blade completely shearing off means my machine is absolutely useless now. It is a massive paper weight. That doesn't sound like a good quality product.

Most good quality products also have substantial warranties. Why does Thermomix not have a warranty for the integral parts of their machines for the entire life of the machine? Good quality products also have great customer service. That's also something else I felt Thermomix was lacking when trying to get this problem sorted so my wife and I could resume using the thermomix. The customer service rep that called me told me that THE BLADE IS DESIGNED TO BREAK BEFORE THE MOTOR so that you don't have to replace the expensive motor. That is fine and all, but I was just making a smoothie when this happened. It's not like I was trying to grind a brick into dust. I am a structural engineer and while you definitely take into account ways a structure can fail, you don't say that you have designed the structure to fail under normal every day loading conditions so that you can replace it for cheaper!! Sure maybe work needs to be done on the building, but a broken thermomix blade is the equivalent of my whole structure becoming unserviceable.

The consultant that sold us the Thermomix definitely did not tell us that the blade was designed to break before the motor. If I new this, we definitely would not have bought one. How about you make this right and send us a replacement blade and take responsibility for the product you are selling?


It’s nice to see an honest review of Thermomix that isn’t sponsored by them, by somebody that knows how to cook and what good looks like. Having to do everything sequentially and keep everything else warm, I don’t really see the point. It’s perhaps useful to make things like sauces or soups that need cooking and emulsifying, for everything else I’ll stick with the tried and tested methods


Thanks for your honesty, its not all amazing, amazing but your real with your experience love you for that !!


I found this review to be very honest, useful, and quite valuable.  As a consumer, we should all be aware of what to expect from a product in "real life" situations/use.  Commercials and demos from a company representative does not provide the consumer with all the details...they're main pupose is to sell the product and not to determine whether or not it is a perfect fit for an individual's needs/wants.  I'm tired of buying high-priced items that promises so much, but then fall flat once you have it at home.


Great review! Would like to see more of this style of review.


That machine is the jack of all trades, master of none.


Great review thank you. I'm considering one as my friend said his is life changing. Hmmmm I'm not convinced yet though. Cheers


I want one of these. I first saw it in Portugal. There it’s called a Bimby. For 2 people it seems great.


I cant troll this because she is too cute. Who feeling the same.


My wife bought this machine and it absolutely brilliant. 10/10


Love your review. Honest feedback for a first-time use, but still a positive rating. Based on what I've seen here and the price tag, I don't think this is for me, but I can see it might work for someone else.


LOVE LOVE LOVE the Presenter. And the gizmo seems to be exactly what I imagined it to be. Not much of a replacement for a half decent home cook. I think I'll save my $1500 for something smarter.




How long to clean this thing ? I am not crazy about babysitting the food
