[TouchGFX] STM32F746G Discovery Board

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[TouchGFX] STM32F746G Discovery Board
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Can you please sheare the code? Nice work. I mostly intrested in the intreacation between the button and LCD part. Thanks.


I also have this board, and this must be a hard work to code. I still have to learn it. I work atm with ESP32 and Nextion. But my STEMF746G is way better with resistiv display than the nextion with capazitiv display and cheaper. But i dont know really how to get in it that i can controll hardware with the F746G. So, you have my respect :-) Do you maybe have a link for tutorial or something? I would love to transfer my NEX 5.0" Enhanced version to the F746G. To design is no problem with TouchGFX, but to code, dont know how it works on STM
