TouchGFX Demo on STM32F4 Discovery Board

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TouchGFX demo running on STMicroelectronic's STM32F429-DISCOVERY board (ARM Cortex M4 -- 180 MHz, 320x240TFT color LCD display).
The demo shows the capabilities of the highly optimized graphics library TouchGFX on modest hardware, achieving the smartphone look and feel required for modern solutions.
In this demo, TouchGFX utilizes the Chrom-art accelerator of the STM32F429 fully. This off loads the MCU when rendering alpha-blended images.
For more information about TouchGFX visit
Evaluation versions of TouchGFX including full functionality, target/simulator build options, and source code for both examples and the demo shown in this video are available.
The demo shows the capabilities of the highly optimized graphics library TouchGFX on modest hardware, achieving the smartphone look and feel required for modern solutions.
In this demo, TouchGFX utilizes the Chrom-art accelerator of the STM32F429 fully. This off loads the MCU when rendering alpha-blended images.
For more information about TouchGFX visit
Evaluation versions of TouchGFX including full functionality, target/simulator build options, and source code for both examples and the demo shown in this video are available.
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