What causes ear infections in a baby ? | Dr. K. R. Meghanadh | MedyBlog

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Do you know that feeding habits are responsible for ear infections in babies?
Ear infections are very common in babies below six months.

The main cause of ear infection in babies
Babies below six months love to sleep, keeping milk in their mouths. Milk has a protein that induces sleep and babies tend to sleep while they are consuming milk. In the mouth, we have many bacteria that can ferment the milk faster than in normal room conditions. This fermented milk and bacteria in the mouth can enter the middle ear through a eustachian or auditory tube. This bacteria along with milk can enter the ear through auditory tubes and this is what causes ear infections in a baby. If this milk enters the nose from the nasopharynx, it causes rhinitis, i.e., cold.

Please read our article for more details.

Based on an article by Dr. K. R. Meghanadh

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