Referee Whistle Test - 16 whistles - All price ranges - Molten, Fox 40, Acme...

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I hope this video will show you how much of a difference a whistle can make.

00:00 - All whistles shown
0:16 - Short whistles (Close distance)
1:03 - Hard whistles (Close distance)
1:59 - Choppy whistles (Close distance)
2:56 - Wavy whistles (Medium distance)
3:54 - Hard whistles while running (Far distance)

Here is the list of whistles:
Fox 40 Eclipse CMG
Naysir N1-B
Acme Thunderer 660 (copy)
Cheap quality whistle
Fox 80 Classic (copy)
Fox 40 Classic
Pro Match Unique

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If you have any questions ask me here and I will answer. The graphs are showing how the sound was received with the mic. All from the same distances so the results are fair and accurate.


Finally some practical testing with lots of variation.
Big thank you.

For my work as a swimming pool attendant/life guard I daily use a:
• Fox40 Pearl (90dB) - in case of nice and small attention "Hey, could you please... yeah thank you!"
• Acme Tornado 2000 (122dB) - in case of emergency and big attention "ATTENTION: You do as I say! NOW!"

They never have let me down or did dissapoint me. Never in the usetime of the past 10 years.
I check my co-workers whistles each summer saison and offer them to choose&buy between some models of Fox40 and Acme.


I find it funny that whistles have names like "Terminator 2000 bonebreaker MLG 360 RAZOR".


Fox 40 such a classic and timeless whistle. First whistle I ever owned when I became a referee. Even though I don’t referee now I still have my Fox 40.


This is the reason why my primary whistle is my Molten Dolfin B or F, and my secondary whistle is my Fox 40 CMG. Whether in basketball training, scouting, emergency situations, or enforcing school discipline. Those whistles never let me down.


great exactly what I'm looking for.


Best video about whistles. Thank you Victor!


I came here because I've been researching the effectiveness (i.e. loudness) of electronic whistles. This excellent demonstration proves what I suspected - that electronic whistles are simply not capable of generating any where near the volume of a manual whistle. The electronic whistle was even quieter than the cheap, unbranded whistle.


I love your comparing method! Thanks for including a cheap whistle for the comparison:)


Thank you. I was wondering how an electronic whistle would hold up against my Fox 40 CMG and the Fox 40 Sonik Blast in a gym. After hearing this, I think not well.


This is an epic thing helping refs to decide which whistle is better really fox 40 has some interesting stuffs thank you


Thanks for taking out the time to make this very informative video. I was contemplating the purchase of an electronic whistle (thinking it was much louder than traditional whistles) however after this review, I'll stick with the Acme Thunder :-)


Unfortunately, this is proving what I suspected from the beginning: the electronic whistles can't stand up to the real thing. I'm a soccer official, swimming official, and pool manager; a good whistle is crucial. No way that an electronic whistle will be heard in a crowded aquatic center or stadium. (Personal favorites for me are Fox40 Classic/Pearl/Sonik or Acme Thunderer. Thunderer is easier to blow if you need a solid whistle but don't have the lung power for the Fox40 line.)


I have conducted my own tests with the WW1 trench whistle and it was heard 1.3km away.
If thats not a loud whistle then I don't know what is.
If you are looking for a durable, RELIABLE, super loud emergency whistle, the WW1 trench whistle is the whistle you want. Trust me, as I have said, I have conducted my own testing with another person in semi hilly terrain with scattered trees, and it was heard 1.3km away.


Fantastic comparison. Thank you for all the time that went into making this video.


The fox 40 classic is my way to go, remember too many champions league start of the match whistle just exactly like that, even FIFA games


Thank you!! This is exactly what I needed!


Few interesting conclusions I found:
1. It seems that electronic whistles are really weak, although some manufacturers claim that they are louder.
2. Unbranded cheap whistles are bad but fake fox40 by China actually seems not that bad, that's same as my experience. I used them in high school several years ago. Comparing with my current fox40 classic...similar sound power but sounds not that clear as the original one. It is much cheaper, maybe $1~$2 each. For someone needs a whistle better than a toy store one and wants to save money, Chinese fake fox40 might be a good choice.

My personal suggestions:
(Overall: fox40 blast>fox 40 classic>rest I had)

1. Molten valkeen is not that great considering its price, very high. I thought I wasted some money after I got mine(or maybe I don't know how to blow it?). If you just want best sound power I recommend fox40 blast. I found it is even easier to make it aloud than fox40 classic, but might be harder to control. My sports teacher at high school also told me that she recommended me to use classic for training and blast for refereeing as she did.
2. I think acme T2000 is cheaper than fox40 classic and it seems a bit louder than it(I tried). However I don't like it because it's ugly If you don't mind it would be a great choice for you.
3. I think fox40 epic and eclipse are not as good as fox40 classic. They sound a little bit shaper?(I'm unsure)
4. I just use pea whistle for fun and I recommend not to use pea whistle as a referee lol

If you have ideas on better whistle on reasonable price I will have a try.


the naysir and the cheap branded whistle sounds pretty similar. and i quite like the sounds. the devastator is nice too. but i'm most used to a fox40.


Top quality content mate! One video on the entire YT
