Straw Bale vs Hay Bale - What is the difference (Important!)

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Many gardeners seem to be a little confused regarding the difference between Straw and Hay - and suffer the consequences!
First of all - they are NOT the same thing, and for a gardener or farmer to use straw instead of hay or Vice versa, would only lead to dissapointment or indeed tragedy!
This is a quick video to explain quickly the difference between straw and hay in laymans terms so that you can make a more informed decision regarding using either in your own garden.
A fuller explanation of the straw bale or hay bale garden method can be found on my blog at this link
First of all - they are NOT the same thing, and for a gardener or farmer to use straw instead of hay or Vice versa, would only lead to dissapointment or indeed tragedy!
This is a quick video to explain quickly the difference between straw and hay in laymans terms so that you can make a more informed decision regarding using either in your own garden.
A fuller explanation of the straw bale or hay bale garden method can be found on my blog at this link
Straw Bale vs Hay Bale - What is the difference (Important!)
Hay Bale Vs Straw Bale gardening -DIY Daddy
The Difference Between Hay and Straw
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Straw Is Amazing For Your Garden, IF It's Safe.
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