Easter vs Passover? - The truth about Easter - Is Easter Pagan?-Jim Staley

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Why have we been celebrating Easter and not Passover if Jesus told us at the Last Supper, which was a Passover meal, to "Do THIS (Passover) in remembrance of [Him]?" In this short video, we explore the fact that not only did the Messiah instruct us to keep it, but the apostle Paul did as well. And if that was not enough, we also have records showing how the early, authentic Christian churches all kept Passover until it was outlawed by the Roman church in both 193 AD and for all time in 325 AD.

#originsofpassover #originsofeaster #eastervspassover #passoverseder #truthortradition #iseasterpagan #whatispassover #passoverforchristians

This video will leave you gripped with the question 'Why don't we celebrate Passover instead of Easter?" There are millions of people around the world that have made the transition of doing Bible things in Bible ways and have never been the same since they did. Will you be one of the End Times remnants that starts the second exodus back to just following Scripture and honoring God the way our ancestors did?

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Really well done and informative video. I grew up in a “we’re Christians who celebrate Easter” family, but now that I am 35, I want to do things the right way in God’s eyes instead of following tradition.


The Spirit is DEFINITELY bringing us back to the worship of Father, and doing things HIS way! I grew up in a protestant home (in South Africa) but asked Father to reveal His true Self to me in 2016. Since then He's been gently bringing me back to the Word and keeping His commandments out of love for Him. Thank you for doing this. xxx


Love the simplicity and clear cut way of breaking this down! Shalom


🎯Hit the target! The mother harlot church has many daughters. Getting back to the Passover is the right thing to do, even if the overall church is apostate.


Love this video! Thank you Jim Staley and Passion for Truth Ministries! Happy Passover! Shalom!


Please pray for me and my children this passover. I’m ready to give up. But my faith in Jesus won’t let me. I lost my job as a social worker because I declined the vaccine. I declined due to my pre existing health condition (Lupus) and heart disease. I’m on a bunch of medications including blood thinners. I was denied my medical/religious exemption from Forsyth hospital. Since losing my job I’ve been struggling to make ends meet. I’m a single mother with two young autistic children. This month I’m facing homelessness. We have nowhere to go. Struggling daily to provide groceries. I’m so ashamed and embarrassed over my situation. I am so overwhelmed, it’s so hard on me. I am all alone no family nor friends to help me durning this time. Please keep me and my children in your prayers this easter. Even though I’m facing homelessness I still have FAITH God will provide!!!


Excellent teaching, but why music in background ? I find that too loud and very disturbing 😢


I'm disappointed that you didn't say "it doesn't matter what it means to us.... what matters is what it means to Him" but it's still very good and worthy of sharing.


Awesome, this was very interesting that they're watching. We've been keeping the Lord supper for years. I'm going to be keeping Until Jesus returns.


In my family I use your haggadah for the Seder. I love it so much. When I read it this year again for the preparation I had to cry because it shows so good what our dear Savior has done for us. Thank you much for your work.


This is wonderful. Concise and to the point. I will pass this on. Thank you Bro Jim!!!


Excellent video! Something to be aware of however...the apple dish and hiding the matza are more added traditions. Keeping this teaching 100% Biblical...it does mention the Lamb, unleavened bread, bitter herbs and gathering together.


Totally agree! How sad our churches promote Easter so strongly and publicly and Not Passover


THANK YOU!!! I don’t know how some TO teachers can’t see it. It’s pretty simple: If it’s not found in Yah’s Word, then it doesn’t belong as a way to worship Him. Yah has given us the great blessings of His feast days and like you said, SOMETHING changed along the way, and it wasn’t good! Have nothing to do with it, brethren!


Thank you for sharing truth. Much appreciated. The Lord Bless you!


Very good video brother ! Keep planting seeds and God will water and bring the increase in his perfect timing


Fantastic job Pastor J! Concise and to the point.


Always a Feast - Passion for a truth 😇🇮🇱💕🌹
Thank you Pastor Jim


Music to loud I could concentrate on what you was saying. My mind kept going to the music almost hypnotize me LOL.
But thank you I tried to listen again


Such an amazing and powerful teaching! A lot of people need to hear this
