python celery periodic task

Показать описание
celery is a distributed task queue library for python that allows you to run asynchronous and distributed tasks. in this tutorial, we will focus on creating periodic tasks with celery. periodic tasks are tasks that are executed at specified intervals, making them suitable for recurring jobs like sending emails, updating statistics, or running cleanup tasks.
before you begin, make sure you have the following installed:
you can install celery using the following command:
create a celery project structure:
create a new directory for your celery project and navigate to it:
create a celery configuration file:
adjust the broker_url with your message broker details if you are using something other than the default (rabbitmq).
create a celery instance:
now, let's create a simple periodic task using celery. we'll create a task that prints a message every minute.
define the periodic task:
schedule the periodic task:
in this example, we use crontab(minute='*/1') to schedule the task to run every minute. adjust the minute parameter to set your desired interval.
start celery worker:
open a terminal and navigate to your project directory. run the following command to start the celery worker:
start celery beat:
open another terminal and navigate to your project directory. run the following command to start celery beat, which is responsible for scheduling periodic tasks:
now, your periodic task should be running and printing a message every minute.
congratulations! you have successfully created and scheduled a periodic task using celery in python. feel free to modify the task and schedule based on your specific use case.

#python celery github
#python celery vs
#python celery flower
#python celery redis
#python celery alternative

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