Complete Django Celery and Celery Beat Basic to Advance
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Complete Django Celery and Celery Beat Basic to Advance
00:00:00 Introduction to Celery
00:03:21 Request Response without Celery
00:05:10 How Celery works
00:09:48 Introduction to Django Celery
00:10:37 Implementation of Django Celery
00:11:57 apply_async()
00:17:00 delay()
00:18:16 AsyncResult Object
00:19:30 AsyncResult Attributes
00:21:12 AsyncResult Methods
00:22:39 Project Setup
00:23:24 Create Virtual ENV
00:26:16 Install Django
00:27:10 Install Redis
00:27:27 Install Celery
00:27:48 Create Django Project
00:28:38 Check Redis working or not
00:29:40 Create celerypy file
00:29:48 Configure Celery
00:33:42 Celery Settings to define Redis Message Broker
00:35:42 Create Django App
00:41:10 Creating Task in celery py file
00:41:47 Enqueue Task using delay()
00:48:02 Start Celery Worker and Process Task
00:52:00 Create Shared Task in a separate taskpy file
00:52:52 Enqueue Shared Task then Start Process
00:54:22 Enqueue Task using apply_async()
00:55:47 Display Task Result
01:02:27 Enable Result Backend Redis
01:07:43 Enable Result Backend Django-DB
01:08:33 Install django-celery-result
01:09:19 Configure and Migrate django-celery-result
01:11:01 Check Tables of django-celery-result from Admin Panel
01:11:35 Monitor Task detail from Admin Panel
01:14:17 Enable Task Name and Worker Name
01:15:50 Custom Task Name
01:17:25 All Celery Configuration List
01:19:40 Celery Periodic Task using Celery Beat
01:20:28 Create Task
01:21:00 Schedule Task inside setting file
01:23:26 Start Celery Beat
01:26:40 Schedule Task inside celery file
01:29:08 Define Schedule using time delta
01:30:41 Define Schedule using crontab
01:32:40 All Crontab Schedules
01:34:07 Solar Schedule
01:35:12 Install django-celery-beat
01:36:27 Configure and Migrate django-celery-beat
01:38:20 Create Task
01:39:20 Schedule Task using dajngo-celery-beat from Admin Panel
01:45:48 Schedule Periodic Task Programmatically
01:50:00 Use Cases
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T A L K W I T H M E !
00:00:00 Introduction to Celery
00:03:21 Request Response without Celery
00:05:10 How Celery works
00:09:48 Introduction to Django Celery
00:10:37 Implementation of Django Celery
00:11:57 apply_async()
00:17:00 delay()
00:18:16 AsyncResult Object
00:19:30 AsyncResult Attributes
00:21:12 AsyncResult Methods
00:22:39 Project Setup
00:23:24 Create Virtual ENV
00:26:16 Install Django
00:27:10 Install Redis
00:27:27 Install Celery
00:27:48 Create Django Project
00:28:38 Check Redis working or not
00:29:40 Create celerypy file
00:29:48 Configure Celery
00:33:42 Celery Settings to define Redis Message Broker
00:35:42 Create Django App
00:41:10 Creating Task in celery py file
00:41:47 Enqueue Task using delay()
00:48:02 Start Celery Worker and Process Task
00:52:00 Create Shared Task in a separate taskpy file
00:52:52 Enqueue Shared Task then Start Process
00:54:22 Enqueue Task using apply_async()
00:55:47 Display Task Result
01:02:27 Enable Result Backend Redis
01:07:43 Enable Result Backend Django-DB
01:08:33 Install django-celery-result
01:09:19 Configure and Migrate django-celery-result
01:11:01 Check Tables of django-celery-result from Admin Panel
01:11:35 Monitor Task detail from Admin Panel
01:14:17 Enable Task Name and Worker Name
01:15:50 Custom Task Name
01:17:25 All Celery Configuration List
01:19:40 Celery Periodic Task using Celery Beat
01:20:28 Create Task
01:21:00 Schedule Task inside setting file
01:23:26 Start Celery Beat
01:26:40 Schedule Task inside celery file
01:29:08 Define Schedule using time delta
01:30:41 Define Schedule using crontab
01:32:40 All Crontab Schedules
01:34:07 Solar Schedule
01:35:12 Install django-celery-beat
01:36:27 Configure and Migrate django-celery-beat
01:38:20 Create Task
01:39:20 Schedule Task using dajngo-celery-beat from Admin Panel
01:45:48 Schedule Periodic Task Programmatically
01:50:00 Use Cases
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