Rome Explained

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How did great Renaissance minds modernize Rome? Explore with me the streets and monuments of the Eternal City and understand its architectural character and its genius urban design.

Subtitles available in several languages.

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Map of Rome: 00:00
Sixtus V: 1:29
Restoration of aqueducts: 2:22
Urban plan for Rome: 3:54
Obelisks of Rome: 7:04
Capitoline Hill: 8:49
Porto di Ripetta: 11:08
Four Fountains: 11:36
Colosseum: 12:15
Piazza del Popolo: 12:59
Spanish Steps: 13:26
Piazza Navona: 14:51
Trevi Fountain: 15:46
St Peter's Square: 17:16
Influence of Rome: 18:38
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What’s your favorite monument in Rome?


None of the flowery expensive guidebooks of Rome come close to Manuel’s excellent descriptions and explanations.


I've always described Rome as: "You can close your eyes, walk 100 meters in any direction, open your eyes and see either a fascinating historical site, a great monument, beautiful architecture or any combination of these things all at once. Repeat those steps 100 times and you will still not have discovered half of what the city has to offer."
Truly an amazing place. This documentary gives me even greater appreciation for Rome.


I’m currently living in Rome, and I’m honestly impressed by this incredible short explanation of the city. Of course, it’s impossible to fit everything, but Rome really is a city to put a lot of time into. Even today I’m still discovering new things inside this city.


I'm italian and I thank you so much for this video, this makes me appreciate more Rome.
I would love to see a series of Latin American Capitals explained the same way. 🇮🇹❤


I was there with my mom this year and I told her while we were walking through the ancient part of Rome.
"It's funny right? Each of these monuments and ruins and historical sites on its own could be a national landmark and a famous spot on it's own if you put it in any other country, but here, here you have literally one master piece after another just stacked on top one another. Walking here makes me overwhelmed by the sheer amount of history, craftsmanship, proudness and bigger than life atmosphere Rome gives."


I was lucky enough to be taught latin in high school, 3 hours a week -- everything in it's proper measure!
In the final year the class went to Rome for a week. This must've been i '89. I remember we stayed in a hotel near Campo de' Fiori. Our Latin Magister was a fantastic tour guide, he had some 'local contacts' and got us into St. Peter's early in the morning, via a side door, before the other tourists so we could marvel at the splendour in quiet -- and we got to climb up inside the cupola and see Rome from the lantern. I will never forget it. I remember the streets, the fantastic streets of Rome, with centuries of architectural details and craftsmanship. I also remember the beautiful boyish blond girl in class that shared a bottle of wine, a bench and many kisses and caresses in the warm spring night -- I called her Aemilia. Truly a city for the ages.

I have turned 50 now.
I must go back and spend some more time in this city.
Thanks for making this video.
from a norwegian woodworker


when I was in Rome 5 years ago, I threw a coin in "Fontana di Trevi" in hopes to come back here one more time. After 5 years, it seems like Rome is calling me back to visit it again. This is the greatest city that has ever been built by men.


I adore rome. I've been all over the world but rome holds a magical place in my heart above any other city


This brings back many happy memories of the week I spent in Rome in 1999, walking around many of these streets, seeing these very buildings. Molte grazie dalla Scozia!


There are many fantastic cities out there, but Rome is something truly special. Outstanding video


This is the best video of roman urbanism that I've ever seen.
It was so gorgeous and it made me understand the city of Rome much better.
Fantastic video


As a native roman girl and an architecture student, I would like to thank you because this video is very accurate and it sums up very well our city’s story❤ it truly is the most beautiful in the world!


I was in Rome 3 times already, once with my grandma as a young teen, once with my friends at 19 years old and lastly as a mom with my own kids. Love the city and would love to return because despite 3 times I feel like I haven't seen shit, so much to see. I also love the fact that you can have all that in walking distance. If I survive the cancer I will try to go there once again, even though my rollator will make it harder. After all my kids threw a coin into Trevi, so I will return, right?


This explanation of the city of Rome is priceless.


Manuel Bravo, anzi bravissimo! Credo che sia l’omaggio più bello a Roma che io abbia mai 0:25 visto. Architettura, storia, personaggi si mescolano mirabilmente ad una stupenda fotografia con riprese da togliere il respiro. Bravo ancora, anzi bravissimo!


The sight lines is something to really think about, the idea that each street finishes with an interesting building


I just returned from Italy/Rome and this video gets recommended 2 weeks later! Amazing!


This is honestly such a beautiful explanation that I’m nearly brought to tears. I didn’t really understand Rome when I visited a decade ago but this is the first time I’ve really been interested to go back.


This makes me miss Rome so much. What an incredible city.
