EASY WAY To Play This Eagles Classic - Beginner Guitar

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Learn the beginner guitar version of Hotel California by The Eagles in this guitar lesson and play it for your friends!

The 8 chords you must know:

00:00 Intro
01:16 Chords
03:46 Intro with easy picking
08:43 Verse and easy strum pattern
10:44 Intermediate strum pattern
13:05 Chorus

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Hello. I am 66 years old and I have been learning guitar for 3 years. By chance he found your channel and it has been a blessing. The patience with which you teach us to play those beautiful songs is a priceless piece of luck. Thank you very much and continue teaching guitar that way. 🎸🎸🤗🤗💯💯Hello.
I am 66 years old and I have been learning guitar for 3 years.
By chance he found your channel and it has been a blessing. The patience with which you teach us to play those beautiful songs is a priceless piece of luck.
Thank you very much and continue teaching guitar that way.


I’m 68 and have been playing for around 30 years started as a project with my 14 year old son. I love how you dissect a song and simplify it. As we get older our hands don’t always move as smoothly as you used to. Thanks for your channel


Hi Kevin, I just came across your Hotel California lesson and I really enjoyed it.
I consider myself a senior (meaning 70 years old) beginner/intermediate.
I have subscribed to your channel because I like your choices of music, and also your teaching style. You have named your channel perfectly.
I look forward to checking out many more of your lessons.


Thank God for the internet.
Every single musician should see what lessons should be like. That "FM Radio Voice" doesn't hurt ears either.


Love your videos man. In my late 40s and never played an instrument in my life. Picked up guitar about a year ago and have gone through the various channels and learnings, but your style and pace just work so well for me. Really appreciate your dedication to helping others like myself learn and progress on guitar. Keep it up!


I struggle with bar cords, but there are alternatives. Don’t give up. Just play a different F cord.


That was a great lesson. Slow - easy - clear. I’m 72 and started learning 10 years ago. Still learning how much I don’t know. That was so fun. Can’t wait to play it. Thank you


I have played the guitar a little everyday since high school, I am now crowding sixty and haven’t really leaned anything new until I found your channel. I am having so much fun learning from you !
Thank you so much !
P.S. I love your style of teaching


What a great teacher..as a beginner you make it simple and make you me want to pick up the guitar daily..thank you


Thank you I am 70 years old and love this song I am still a beginner and have been trying to play this song for years I am now going to practice with this method.


Im 73 stated playing when i was 63 have drifted in and out of guitar TIIL i fonund this ste AMAZING thank you fromMick


Started playing 2 months ago with the app Simply Guitar (at 43 years old). I've always wanted to learn how to play this iconic song. So happy I found your channel!!!! Big thumbs up. Greetz from Belgium


Thank you, Thank you, you are the first teacher I have found that makes the intro look easy for those of us who are old enough to have bought the album when it first came out.


As a seasoned guitarist, I must say, I think you are giving some of the best beginner lessons I have ever watched. I'm a new sub just so that I can play along with you. You are doing a great justice to the music world. Thank you.


Maggie mae is one of my fav; stairway to heaven; tx u


Awesome lessen. Simple and to the point. Already playing it. Not to smooth yet but I'm getting there.
Tx again.


Loved this video. I've just started learning a couple of months ago, at 63yo, and this was the easiest lesson to follow. You Made it seem simple and it was. Especially the picking pattern. I'm still struggling with Barre chords. So the alternative F worked out great.
This is the first song I've managed to play the whole way through, as so far I've just been learning chords and progressions.. and just been putting little bits together.. I'll be checking out some of your other videos now. Thankyou


I play electric (Les Paul Classic) now, but always keep that acoustic close by! Listen to Kevin! Also, check out Billy Strings to show just how far you can go, and beyond on acoustic! God Bless you, Kevin!


Excellent instruction ! "We have a F chord and don't turn off the video here" LOL, hahahaha


Finally!... an amazing lesson for beginner/intermediate guitarists like myself on this beautiful song... many thanks. Loved it.
