Global All Stars Is a Train Wreck...

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Rupaul's Drag Race Global All Stars is a Train Wreck | Hot or Rot?

In today's hot or rot we break down episode 4 of Drag Race Global All Stars: Everybody Say Love Girl Groups! Our 11 remaining global superstars were split into 3 girl groups and challenged to come up with lyrics and choreography to various international mixes to 'Say Love', a song about loving something or someone. The runway category was color my world: two colorful reveals. We break down each queens performance in the episode as well as take a look at the extremely dramatic Nehellenia vs Everyone Else untucked fight about their placements.

The entire cast of Rupaul's Drag Race Global All Stars includes Alyssa Edwards, Athena Likis, Eve Le Queen, Gala Varo, Kitty Scott-Claus, Kween Kong, Miranda Lebrao, Nehellenia, Pythia, Soa De Muse, Tessa Testicle, and Vanity Vain.

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Martin Giniger

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00:00 RuPaul's Drag Race Global All Stars is a Train Wreck | Hot or Rot?
00:50 Soa De Muse Say Love Group (K-Pop Mix)
01:44 Soa De Muse Color My World Runway
02:46 Kween Kong Say Love Group (K-Pop Mix)
03:48 Kween Kong Color My World Runway
04:43 Kween Kong Twitter Statement
05:31 Pythia Say Love Group (K-Pop Mix)
06:37 Pythia Twitter Drama
07:09 Pythia Color My World Runway
08:10 Alyssa Edwards Say Love Group (Latinx Mix)
09:28 Alyssa Edwards Color My World Runway
09:57 Eva Le Queen Say Love Group (Latinx Mix)
10:16 Eva Le Queen Color My World Runway
10:54 Miranda Lebrao Say Love Group (Latinx Mix)
11:50 Miranda Lebrao Color My World Runway
12:58 Tessa Testicle Say Love Group (Latinx Mix)
13:49 Tessa Testicle Color My World Runway
14:27 Nehellenia Say Love Group (Europop Mix)
15:42 Nehellenia Color My World Runway
16:21 Kitty Scott-Claus Say Love Group (Europop Mix)
17:40 Kitty Scott-Claus Color My World Runway
18:48 Gala Varo Say Love Group (Europop Mix)
19:31 Gala Varo Color My World Runway
20:24 Vanity Vain Say Love Group (Europop Mix)
21:13 Vanity Vain Color My World Runway
22:35 Nehellenia vs Everyone Untucked Drama
24:52 Confusing Placements & Favoritism
26:39 Miranda Lebrao vs. Vanity Vain Lip Sync
27:21 Final Thoughts on this Train Wreck
29:01 Hottest Hots and Patron Shoutouts

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thanks for dissecting the untucked piece by piece, nehellenia was absolutely being gaslit


When Ru said, "Your lyrics can be in ANY language", I knew she really meant, "Your lyrics can be in any language, but I want to understand them. So if they aren't written in English, you won't win the challenge."


I think it's important to say it again, Nelly's first language isn't English, so maybe she couldn't find the words to say what she wanted to express at the moment, because of the pressure and anxiety some words might have been forgotten by her. Maybe she was trying to say that it was just a feeling from the group and said "everybody". I think we don't give the credit enough for how the language barrier can affect us in a discussion. I'm saying it because I've felt it a lot when it was the case for me.


The gaslighting of Nehellenia is INSANE


SOMEONE TELL ME WHY. WHY did the runway count for Vanity???? and not vanity did great in the challenge. AND NELLIE WAS ROBBED
that “SHOCKED LIKE PIKACHU!” line is so CUTE


I felt soooo bad for Nehellenia. Honestly she’s such a sweet person & because she isn’t as “loud” as the other girls or as big of a personality - some of them are underestimating or overlooking her. I honestly lost respect for a few queens, including Kween Kong who I love, when she said she was a “cunt” & the other queens who just walked off during the conversation. A lot of girls on Drag Race have said much much worse things and ppl still stayed in the room to listen. It shows that there are indeed certain ppl that don’t respect her. It’s a shame. I do wish Nehellenia at a certain point just would have said the names though, but she didn’t say everybody, she said some.


When I rewatched the episode, I made sure to watch close to see how kitty “out performed” Nellie. Kitty was slightly behind the ENTIRE time. She also didn’t have full extension of her limbs like Nellie did. The favoritism is so fucking stupid. This was supposed to be a celebration of drag around the world. And it’s just ignoring the contestants who weren’t on English speaking seasons. It makes me sad.


The judging this episode was bonkers and I'm starting to believe those who says there's favoritism going on.


Thanks for being fair with Miranda, and recognizing that she has limited body movements and can't pull an Alissa Edwards mostly with her right arm. And yes, her runway could have been better executed.. Miranda strongest points is "Bitter Comedy", and that wouldn't sound good in English, but in PT-BR she is really funny though


As a UK resident, i mean this from just a competitive standpoint; but I wish Kitty was replaced by somebody like Cheddar or Tayce. She’s been terribly mid and yet favouritism shines


I feel so sad with the invisible edit they're giving to Gala Varo 😢 she deserved to be in the top!


Kween kongs green crown deserves its own level of golden boot


The way Alyssa called Nellie as one of her bottom two when she wasnt in the room; then to her face says "oh! You were SOMEONE'S bottom! Gay gasp"

Such gaslighting and shitty behaviour from the others


we need an entire segment of the potential reunion where the whole cast apologizes to nellie lmao


I’m Brazilian born & raised and have lived in the USA for about 10 years. I thought Miranda’s elimination was understandable but mostly because everything she did was getting lost in translation.

I understand what Miranda was going for in her runway tonight. In fact, I thought her dress tonight was maybe too literal — in recent years, Brazilian evangelical politicians have been pushing hard for traditional gender roles like “boys wear blue and play football, girls wear pink and play with dolls”. So her blue/pink/nb outfit was a reference in protest of traditional gender norms.

Unfortunately this reference, as simple as it was, seemed to be lost on the judges, with Michelle saying she didn’t understand the concept, and the new Santino guy confused about the doll on her outfit (yes, it’s a doll, duh! — what weird interaction from the judges side).

I wish they would ask more questions about the concept instead of just saying “I don’t understand it”.

On the other hand, I think Miranda’s drag and references are too regional which is why she was a top contender in her original season. Sadly, regional references don’t work on this international season with primarily American judges, unless if the queens play up the stereotypes of their culture (they have to “dumb it down” for the judges).

Bottomline, Miranda’s participation was still a net positive since it’s such a huge platform for her. She represented Brazilian culture well, even the bits that didn’t resonate with the rest of the audience.


Not only was Nehellenia absolutely robbed of the win, it was outright disrespectful how they treated her in Untucked, especially Soa and Kween.


I’m so happy that so many people are supporting Nehellenia and seeing how she was gaslit instead of siding with other queens simply because they are bigger names


Nehellenia is getting the Nina Bonina Brown edit


15:15 It's also really smart for Nehellenia to do this, given her drag name is a reference to the character of the same name from Sailor Moon (Who herself is named after the queen of fairies from another fantasy fiction story) so it's kind of branding herself since that IS her brand.


What I don't understand is why the show forces queens with health limitations to perform in ways that are unhealthy for them. Feels very Corporate USA and insane to me. I wish they would let the queens perform in whatever way is within their bodily abilities and judge them based on their own body's standard, not this universal performance standard. Not very demure, not very queer liberation.
