Is It Always God’s Will To Heal You? | Costi Hinn | EP 158

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In this episode, Costi Hinn provides clarity on one of the most common questions we get as a ministry. God’s will and healing are twisted by faith healers and spiritual abusers who seek to heap burdens on people who need comforting truth. To get healed, do you just need more faith? Does giving money make God provide miracles? This episode will provide biblical truth on this important aspect of God’s will.

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Excellent, brother Costi! I am continually thankful to our Father for your conversion, and the grace given you to be so clear and bold in your proclamation of the truth.


I love how Practical Brother Costi is, he's not saying The Lord doesn't want to heal, or do it, just that we must see the priority and the big picture. Let's keep the main thing, the main thing, salvation and eternity with God.


I agree with this teaching although I keep getting told God always wants to heal and that it's our right as sons and daughters.


Amen! “Your righteousness, O God, reaches to the highest heavens. You have done such wonderful things. Who can compare with you, O God? You have allowed me to suffer much hardship, but you will restore me to life again and lift me up from the depths of the earth. You will restore me to even greater honor and comfort me once again.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭71‬:‭19‬-‭21‬


Continue to teach the truth of God’s Word, Costi. Thank you Lord for using our brother for this purpose!


Thank you brother costi for the videos it brings a lot of light in what is being preached out in pulpits right now it’s sad


Sound doctrine ones again from For The Gospel, thanks brother Costi and brothers and sisters of For The Gospel.


Amazing how God brings out true servants out of the most obscure and unexpected places. Praise God.


I love how the Lord works. I have a friend who follows NAR teachings. Just yesterday I sent her 1 Peter 2 to show the verse By His wounds you have been healed. Clearly this is spiritual healing by the forgiveness of our sins. Not physical healing of our bodies. Now I can send your video and affirm what I showed her yesterday. When we rightly divide the word of God, the truth of scripture shines, and we can discern the error of false teachers.


I love this, it’s what I have come to realize. I have a cousin who is a pastor and he is so into Bill Johnson. I have tried to talk to him but he is dogmatic. It’s ironic he is really against legalism but this is like it.


Really appreciate your solid teaching, Pastor - God bless!


Blessed to hear you go over this topic, thank you.


Kenneth Copeland has a pace maker (for his heart) and a hearing aid.


Amen! Sooo happy this was addressed !!! God is using you an so many other to set things straight! Thank you all for obedience and courage.


Think I've got my sermon for Sunday, praise the Lord, God bless.


Hey Costi I think you missed 4th point. After 3rd point it's showing 5th point. But thank you so much for this podcast videos and this important topic on God's will. God bless you brother and use you more to speak the truth.


Thank you for this. It was very helpful.


The simple answer to this, is the answer to the question, is it always God's will to "save" you? Is it? Seems pretty clear that it is. So hat does "sozo", saved, mean? There you have it.


In Jesus ministry it is clear He healed everyone who came to Him for hiling. Never ever He said "it is not God's will to heal you". Nobody in New Testament ever asked such question "Is the will of God to heal somebody?".


Costi, can you show me one man that came to Jesus and ask for healing and didn't get it? Did the story of Bethezda says that the people there asked Jesus to be healed and he refused them? Why only the paralitic? Because olny him could not walk from there to meet Jesus and he said:, ,I have nobody to put me into the pool" so Jesus came to him. All the other metioned at the pool could have left and meet Jesus in Jerusalem but they prefered to stay there waiting for the angel. So the healing of only the paralitic is not a proof of Jesus choosing who to heal and who not to heal. Secondly is the fact that Jesus had a program in his ministry and left without healing all a proof that he didn't want to heal all. Thirdly you said that believing is not enought for healing. You contradict Jesus that said in Mark 9:23 And Jesus said to him, "'If You can!' All things are possible to him who believes." Keep studing!
