Does God Promise us Divine Healing?

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Does God promise us divine healing? What exactly does the phrase "By His Stripes we are Healed" really mean? So many people quote this verse to suggest that divine healing is available to everyone who has faith. But, is this really what this verse is teaching? In this video I break down the true meaning of this verse, how it applies to us today and whether God promises us divine healing or not.








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Three times the Lord has healed me from deadly diseases..Praise the Lord


I had a miraculous healing from congestive heart failure. I kept hearing walk by faith not by sight


I was having a bad headache one time and I was on my way to a bible study. I prayed, while I was on the bus, for God to heal me, citing Isaiah 53:5, and I felt the headache leave me like wind. Having faith and holding on to God's promise is what moves mountains.


So, that Question still remains. Does God still heal?

The fact that some people are misunderstanding and misusing that scripture doesn't mean God won't heal. Let us be careful we don't take away on people's faith where healing is concerned. We should rather encourage people to continue to have faith in God where healing is concerned but to also teach that having faith doesn't necessarily mean using God's word to arm twist Him in doing what we want from Him. He's all sovereign God and no man can manipulate Him. He does things when and how He wants it. But just like the 3 Hebrew boys who determined they won't bow down to the idol even at the brink of death, we'll stand in the face of all sicknesses and diseases and say that "I know God will heal me and even if He doesn't I will still worship Him."


I know a senior friend who always quotes that very scripture. My father had prostate cancer and I constantly prayed that God would heal him, he didn't and died and I was so angry at God. So angry that I didn't want to pray or hear from him. After a time, I repented because my anger was great! It was then that His spirit let me know that my father was ready to be with him. I can't tell you how comforting that was to hear that from a loving and compassionate God who truly understood how I felt and stayed with me despite my anger. He is so wonderful! That same senior friend that I mentioned earlier, I was having chest pain from Asthma, and she prayed and laid hands on me, (no, she did not quote that scripture), she sincerely prayed and after a few minutes, I was fine. God is just wonderful.


Thank you Allen, this is exactly as I understood the scriptures. The most incredible healing we could ever ask for is the healing of our Spirit from sin! Thank you Jesus for that!


This hits home with me. My mother prayed for my brother who was very ill. Her church told her that he would be healed and when it didn't happen and he died, she felt so let down by her church and by God. I trust God has a plan for all of us, there are miracles and prayers are answered but sometimes despite our prayers and belief in God not all our loved ones are healed . Thank you for this video to show the biblical message about healing.


“That evening they brought to him many who were oppressed by demons, and he cast out the spirits with a word and healed all who were sick. This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: “He took our illnesses and bore our diseases.””
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭8:16-17‬


My name is Billy and I am coming up on four months sober I have cried out to the Lord so many times help me oh Lord help me save me from my addictions. And I was never saved from my addictions at that time but the moment that I truthfully fell on my knees and cried out with a broken heart and then starting putting his words into action I was healed I know I’m doing right God gives us confirmation And one of those confirmations was to me, right behind you when you’re doing your service it says pray, wait, trust I just bought a plaque a couple weeks back and I hung it on my wall so it’s the first thing I see when I come in my home and the last thing I see when I leave my home!! Three simple words that are the biggest and best impact ! knowing that God’s will will be done through the bad or good but how to use our misery and turn it into a ministry even if we have a short time to live God is good brother keep on blessing us you help me in Ways Ephesians 5 let us be the light for him for once we were dead but now we’re light


You're probably my favorite youtuber, all your stuff is on the money and biblical. Feel like too many people worry so much about their issues on Earth, people need to take a moment and breathe. This world is not our home, keep your eyes on things above. To all the believers this is our "Hell" we have an eternity on the New Earth to look forward to :). Sinless world.


I suffer from severe anxiety, and I lean on Jesus for the ultimate healing. I take prescription medication for it, but I have faith in God that he will deliver me from this, but its something that has made me a stronger person and be more dependent on God and His Word.


Thank you.. The truth rightly divided. I had to cut out people out of my life because of this subject. I was diagnosed with cancer 2yrs ago with 4stage breast cancer that had matastisized to my lungs, spine, and hips. I'm still on chemotherapy every week. The medical profession told me I only had 6 to 7 months to live. Praise God I am still living. God has sustained me and kept me. I am 58 yrs old. I was ready to meet the Lord but as I kept praying and seeking the Lord he begin to show me I needed to repent of some attitudes and ways of my thinking in areas of Theology. Then he showed me he was in control of life and death. He taught me with a greater understanding of his love mercy and grace. This cancer battle has been something God has used to draw me closer to him and helped me see attributes of him in a greater light spiritually. I still praise and worship and love him even more knowing I'm free from sin. Yes I still believe he can heal me physically but the most important is my spiritual walk in Christ. I have had some things said in negative ways like one person told me I was not believing God and my faith was wavering which was a straight out lie from hell. I have learned who your true friends are though this journey. I have learned a greater aspect of God's faithfulness. Thank you. I really enjoyed this video and encouraging truth. I love the Lord and his word and no matter what I face or go through in this life I'm committed to serve and follow Jesus and keep my heart and eyes on him. People can be so mean spirited and rude when they are ignorant on the truth of the Word and there is so much deception even in church which is sad. Continue teaching truth my brother in Christ. Pray for me as I continue my journey and seek truth. Bless you and stay true. Thank you again, your new friend in Jesus.


Hey everyone! I'll keep this short. I hope that you better understand what the Bible teaches about healing, prosperity, health and wealth and specifically, the correct understanding of the phrase, "By His stripes we are healed." Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!


Thank you for being true to God's word. Thank you for spreading the TRUTH and not some out of context or made up beliefs.


I was an asmetic and I got my elders to pray with me for my chest. It's been over 5 years I haven't used the pump. I do not wheeze when the weather changes. Ive been healed. I totally get it brother Allan. We must not mis read scripture 👍


I'm so glad the Lord continues to teach me! I was healed of lung cancer, back pain and alcoholism. This was long ago. But my sins forgiven? Always pray for healing though.


I love the picture behind you. "Pray, Wait, Trust"


Any text, without context, is just a pretext to push one's own agenda.


Well, I had bipolar disorder. Operative word being HAD. I was unemployed, desperate, hopeless, in my mother's house. I cried out to God and He led me to 1John 4:17. The last line of that scripture states...'as Jesus is at the right hand of the father, so are we in this world.' I MEDITATED on that word like my life depended on it. Day and night I declared: 'If I am like Jesus, then as Jesus' brain is, so is my brain..' Symptoms began to vanish after a week. It's been 7 years. I am healed. I do not have bipolar anymore. I do not remember the symptoms, praise God!! And He filled me with the Holy Spirit around that time. It was a wonderful supernatural experience. God has shown Himself mighty in my life since, taking away not just sicknesses, but strongholds and oppressions in the most miraculous ways. My advice? Go to Jesus for this one. Seek Him. I don't know why He helps me and heals me. Maybe someday it won't happen. Maybe it always will. But He is God. Until further notice😉😋, I choose to stand on my testimony that He heals and He wants us well. ❤❤


Brother Allen, I lost my younger brother in 2003 to cancer. I grieved his passing for months and couldn't understand how I prayed for his healing, then he still died. I was speaking with my father in law about this one day and he said sometimes when we ask for something in prayer, we're selfish, here is what I mean. I wanted his health restored so he could continue to live in this world so I could continue to have a relationship with him in this world. His passing actually was a healing. He passed on to Heaven, given a new body, no more pain or suffering. My prayer was answered but it took awhile for me to see this because I was selfish. Once I came to understand this, I saw the goodness of God and Thankful and continue to have Hope that we will be together again .
