Response to 'Woke Student Gets Red Pilled' The economics of being constantly outraged.

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This content creator isn't even red pilled or cares about politics, he just knows this divisiveness brings views.

"People never get tired of seeing the other side get burned, regardless of political affiliation. Dems like seeing Repubs roasted and vice versa, so that is somewhat evergreen. Yes, looking to monetize. Not worried about it because I add enough extras to make it my own in YouTube's eyes. Believe it or not, just cutting up a clip and putting your opinion is enough. Not saying I agree, but I didn't invent the game,I just learned the rules and started playing."

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This content creator isn't even red pilled or cares about politics, he just knows this divisiveness brings views. Comments are on OPEN, but people are too lazy to read the title and description.


Love your videos!

Remember Ephesians 4:26-27. Some content does make me angry, but then I try to think about this.

"In your anger do not sin, do not let the sun go down when you're still angry".


You diidn't respond to the video, clickbait, and bad click bait at that
