Why your DeWalt planer is not a jointer #planer #woodworking

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A thickness planer is not a jointer.

When running wood through a planer, the downward pressure of the feed rolls will press out most of the cup/warp/twist while cutting and the board will come out the same way, but thinner.

A planer CAN be used as a jointer if you use shims and a sled. There are plenty of videos that cover this.


Thanks for taking the time to show this. I am completely self-taught, and I went all in on buying all of the machines at once. One thing I have quickly found out is if you start tinkering with something before really going out of your way to learn everything about it, there’s a good chance you will break something or create more problems before before you even get to start playing with your new toys.


У меня так же вздулся местами стол. Я полностью снял этот кусок жести. Купил нержавеющий лист толщиной 3мм и прикрутил его к основанию винтами под потай. Предварительно тоненьким слоем нанес на основание полиуретановый герметик. А лист взял такого размера чтобы он лег сразу и на откидные столики. Получился монолитный стол. А герметик выступил виброгасящим элементом. Звона от вибрации нет.


I’ve noticed on shorts like this the comments are sometimes overwhelmingly negative in a way they aren’t on full videos. This guy is doing nothing wrong and simply showing a way to either avoid damaging your planer or if you have a warped bed, mitigating it. It’s helpful!


Why it's not a jointer: It only has one reference surface, whereas a jointer has *two* at a 90° angle to one another, with the cutting head being parallel to one, and perpendicular to the other.

And since we're on the topic of shavingmachines, this machine also isn't a planeshaver, because it's not intended for -or adept at- correcting warping in the estate.

It can be modified into a makeshift planer through the addition of a longer feedtable as shown in the filmstub, and might work decently in that configuration, and an adventurous person could even add a second reference surface perpendicular to the feed table to allow for angleshaving/jointing, but the process of converting this thicknesshaver into a planeshaver, and from a planeshaver into a angleshaver/jointer, will be most laborious.


I’ve used a planer to joint wood in a pro shop. Granted a jointer is obviously the way to go, but we’d run the board through on an angle so it moves over the whole blade left to right .. made hundred of pieces with it


Well, glad I came across your post. I’d buy you a 12-pack if I could!


I seen a few of these videos to not use your planner as a jointer. Okay but my follow up question is... What's the smallest width board you did run through? If i have a 1-1/4" wide 5/8” thick piece that i need to take a 1/32 off the thickness will that damage the machine?


That's pretty cool that for the tip


That would drive me nuts, cant stand tools that are inaccurate or warped


This is literally the information I was looking for was just thinking about if I could use it like that or not


I used mine as a jointer... but I also had the type 1, and I used a jointing board jig I made.


Good share, I have the same issue. Did you look to get the bed replaced for a flat one? I can find anything on doing this anywhere.


I imagine you could replace the base with a steel block cut to fit, or is that impossible? It'd certainly beat having a base that the machine is capable of deforming on it's own.


sorry I'm confused, when you said don't do this, I wasn't sure if you meant the first example or the second? Did the wrong way cause the plate to warp or did using a sled cause it to warp?


This video probably just stopped me from fuckin up my new planet I just bought haha I thought about jointing with it


Also doesn't joint the broads at the end. He planed them... yes a planar is not a jointer.


Craftsman used to make a contractor series 12" planer/molder
That model you could use it as a jointer just due to the heavily made Steel base table plate and not just sheet steel table on the DeWalt.
It Was portable with two guys or one big ass gorilla?


I see the point, but what about just planing narrow stock? Wouldnt a 1x2 do the same damage as the 2x8 or whatever on edge that you demonstrated? Guess I'll find out soon enough as that exact planer is sitting in my garage, waiting for its home on the rotating multi tool stand I'm making for it tomorrow. We'll, I'm starting it tomorrow....


You can easily use your planer as a jointer. I take a 3/4" board of MDF and put recessed holes in it, and then screw down the wood to the MDF and feed it. The MDF is perfectly flat(checked with calipers on all ends) and has no flex to it, and the recessed screw holes allow it to feed perfectly flush along the planer table. Obviously if you need 100% of the length of wood you can't do this, since you need to put a screw into it on each end.
