Munich Quantum Software Forum 2024: Quick Opinions with Bettina Heim, Erick Ochoa, and Blake Johnson

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OpenQASM, QIR, MLIR, and others: What's the future of quantum programming?
There is not the single software tool solving everything. To realize complex software stacks, individual tools need to "talk" to each other. But how? OpenQASM 3, QIR, and various MLIR approaches are currently being explored, but what's the difference between them? Does it already make sense to think about standardization, and if yes, what are the common foundations that we all can agree upon? Finally: Everyone loves Python, but the need for performance has driven developers to move to compiled languages such as C++ or Rust. Are those here to stay, or will Python remain more than a high-level entry point and/or interface?
OpenQASM, QIR, MLIR, and others: What's the future of quantum programming?
There is not the single software tool solving everything. To realize complex software stacks, individual tools need to "talk" to each other. But how? OpenQASM 3, QIR, and various MLIR approaches are currently being explored, but what's the difference between them? Does it already make sense to think about standardization, and if yes, what are the common foundations that we all can agree upon? Finally: Everyone loves Python, but the need for performance has driven developers to move to compiled languages such as C++ or Rust. Are those here to stay, or will Python remain more than a high-level entry point and/or interface?