Munich Quantum Software Forum 2024: Talk by Yehuda Naveh (Classiq)

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Creativity and Automation in Quantum Algorithms

The separation between creative work and automation in designing new quantum algorithms is far from being established. I will address this point by introducing the concept and technicalities of automatic synthesis of quantum programs from their functional models. I will show the strength of this approach in creating optimized quantum programs of sizable complexity. The approach establishes a firm line between the tasks requiring human knowledge and creativity and those requiring mere automation. It follows robust methods commonly used in the electronic design industry, thus building upon the experience gained by this industry in sixty years of immense research - and bringing this practice into quantum computing. I will demonstrate the strength of this approach on several state-of-the-art industrial applications.

Dr. Yehuda Naveh is CTO at Classiq. Yehuda gained his Ph.D. in theoretical quantum physics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, followed by research careers at Stony Brook University and IBM Research, before co-founding Classiq to address the software gap in quantum computing.

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