The Secret History of PEPSIMAN — Documentary

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Let's uncover the secret history of Pepsiman! In this documentary you will learn everything you've ever wanted to know about Pepsiman. Most people know about the Pepsiman PS1 game, but how much do you really know about the Pepsiman Japanese commercials? To find out, we learn from experts: the creative team at Industrial Light and Magic that brought the famous Japanese commercial mascot to life, and the mysterious creator of Pepsiman himself. This documentary features exclusive interviews with notable Pepsiman figures, including former Pepsiman speedrun world record holder theboyks and the director of the Pepsiman ads, Wade Howie. And let's not forget the Pepsiman merch! We'll do a deep dive into Pepsiman bottle caps and the infamous Pepsiman toy "The Fuct of Pepsiman". This doc also features the only Pepsiman HD video on YouTube! Neat!
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:33 Part One: Pepsiman Virtual
00:14:32 Part Two: Father of Pepsiman
00:17:55 Part Three: Pepsiman TV
00:51:45 Part Four: Book of Pepsiman
01:02:50 Part Five: BUY PEPSIMAN U.S.A.
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Heh. I worked on Pepsiman at ILMCP. When it was decided to stop producing the commercials, representatives of Onuki came to ILM to plead with the company to keep doing them. It was a half-hour discussion, but it boiled down to them saying "Please don't stop" and the president of ILM saying "We're no longer interested" over and over and over again. They were clearly frightened of having to tell Onukisan we were passing on future commercial projects.


Dude you are a freaking madlad, this has so much important information I've never knew about pepsiman, this is insane, thank you for making this amazing research!


I can definitely say; Bring back Pepsiman, and business is *_BOOMING._*


I partly grew up in Japan so Pepsiman was always around as a kid. I loved the commercials and had a few of the bottle caps. I was surprised to hear that in the States the video game was so popular and that anyone else had interest in this. Seeing Pepsiman fills me with a lot of nostalgic joy. We had so many of the caps around my obachan's home which is now gone. Thanks for this


Honestly didn’t know Pepsiman Twist was considered his own character, and the Pepsiwoman in Dead or Alive idea is brilliant lol! That and Pepsiman in Virtua Fighter would be great marketing!


When I woke up this morning I wasn't expecting to watch an hour and ten minutes of Pepsiman content but I'm so glad I did


Bro you are a criminally underrated YouTuber. I really hope this gives you the big algorithm push you deserve.


this video is extremely underrated, i didn't know there was anybody else that cares this much about pepsiman but i'm glad there is


This documentary was honestly better than I was expecting it to be. Really interesting history. Great job.


55:40 That censored Coke Cola truck is amazing 😂


My older sister had a friend in 2000 who burnt her a copy the pepsiman game. It’s always felt like endless runners were inspired by it


This is the best Pepsiman video I've ever seen


There was a gaming store near my home in Peru run by someone who frequently visited Japan, so it had a lot of JP game imports; as well as a handful of classic anime and gaming merchandise. But something that kept catching my attention were a lot of those Pepsiman bottle caps which were sold in batches. It was unreal seeing those in person honestly. If I wasn’t so tight on money back then I could’ve bought a handful of them. Hopefully the store reopens again soon (it became online-only post quarantine) so that I could see them again. Sadly I didn’t see any copies of the PS1 game. Though if any ever came to the store, there were most likely already sold. Anyway, loved the video, it was a blast to watch. Didn’t know the ads aired in LATAM because I have no memory of ever seeing them. (Likely was around 5yo at the early 00s)


That the bent or misshaped the cans at the end, based on how pepsiman got stuck, or as we learn the other way around, is actually rather hillarious and genious.


Thanks for this. My grandfather was one of the earliest workers for Pepsi in Canada, and unfortunately a lot of my life was drinking the Pepsi family of drinks all day and wearing free Pepsi jackets, hats, and scarves. My childhood was basically being a Pepsi slogan all day because my family was too poor to afford clothes and we had to take any hand-me-downs we could get. I know a lot of Pepsi's secrets, but I was always curious about Pepsiman's origins yet I could never find out anything about it even though I was the biggest Pepsi guy in the 2000's. I guess it was because it was made by their Japanese branch, and my grandfather was more into the manufacturing and not corporate side of things.


It's incredible that you don't have at least 1M views: amazing edition, well scripted and even exclusive info and interviews

It was like watching a movie, simply amazing


In the part of the world where I grew up, Pepsiman was super popular, almost on par with Crash Bandicoot, which is no joke. I think what made it that way was due to piracy back then, since video games were (and still are, to a certain extent) very expensive. I was super surprised that people didn't know about the character until later on!
This review was fantastic, and super insightful into a character that I remembered playing on some Playstation emulator on my cousin's laptop.


I remember being a kid and finding out about Pepsiman some time around 2012. I remembered thinking he was so fascinating and wanted to find out more about him. My search didn't go far, I found out about the video game and it's Japanese origin and left it at that. I'm so glad that a full decade later that curiosity has finally been satisfied.


broke: Lady Dimitrescu



Anyone else here because of Quinton?
Anyways this is really cool. I had never heard of pepsiman before this video
