Video Nugget: Why Are There Scoffers? with Joe McMoneagle

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This New Thinking Allowed "Video Nugget" has been excerpted from a longer conversation with Joe McMoneagle and Jeffrey Mishlove titled "Parapsychology and the Media".

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I tend to agree with Jason Reza Jorjani's view that it may be a socio political opportunity that will allow this evidence to be re-evaluated.


Joe is back in the news, He is / was totally legitimate


Eu queria ver um extra terrestre e comunicar com ele...!


And as long as people like the physics professor can get away with this so easily, the situation is not going to change for the field of parapsychology, regardless how much research will be conducted and how good the resulting data is. As long as the scoffers can make all sorts of bold counter-claims or promises and can mock, ridicule or insult parapsychological scientists or highly successful psi practitioners like Joe McMoneagle, virtually without any risk of damage for their personal or their organization's reputation, the lament will go on, and unheard so by the vast majority of people. What parapsychology really needs, now that so much evidence is available, are people who are willing to take this evidence to the public. But not in this super cautious way as it has been done so long, by almost begging for the skeptic's approval. Such an approval or change of opinion by the hard-nosed skeptics is neither realistic to ever happen nor would it be relevant, because who cares about the opinions of psychologists or even a stage magicians, when it comes to scientific data about psycho-/physical/ matters? Rather, there needs to be people who approach the skeptics, with high public visibility, in a fierce and provocative way, using the data as a weapon against them and to hunt them down on every error they do and ever did. Boom! :-)


Scoffers, kind of like controlled opposition!! Many naysayers when it comes to subject matter, like that of Remote Viewing, until one realizes it's real & works well, most of time & smack's ya in the face with Truth!!!
