THREE Important Things We Must Learn from Street Riots

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Riots often seise upon people before they can prepare and before they know it. In this video, I talk about three things we can learn from riots in helping us to be prepared in the future. #riots #streetriot #selfdefense 
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Man, I’ve had several people tell me I think the world is as crazy as I am because of my situational awareness and the fact that I carry weapons for defense, I don’t understand how people are oblivious to what’s happening in the world


Thank you Daniel! Solid information! I'm 83...I can't run, I'm unable to engage in physical defense, BUT, by being aware, and otherwise prepared, I think I'll survive! Take care, son...your thoughts and ideas are valuable.🇺🇸👍🇺🇸


that's what i tell my doctor. it isn't PTSD, it's common sense. thank you for the video.


Caution is not paranoia. Prepare, situation awareness, learning All great things bravo Sir thank you


Newly subscribed. I clearly remember the riots in DC of 1968. My dad was a DC firefighter and some of the rioters were shooting at the firefighters. That was such a big memory, I never forgot and still keep aware and ready whatever I’m doing, and……….as unfortunate as this may sound, I am never surprised whenever civil unrest happens. Thanks for the video! Blessings.


I remember coming home from work on 04/29/92 and watching a truck driver named Reginald Denny get beaten almost to death, I was 17 miles from that intersection. I issued myself a concealed carry permit on my own recognizance and started trying buy extra ammo, every store in Los Angeles county and San Bernardino county were forbidden from selling any. Lucky for me I worked in Orange county and stocked up the next day. Nobody was going to pull me out of my car.


Brother, I work in downtown Chicago. At that time, it was very crazy. The city has never been the same again. I always have one eye open. Good video.


Your instruction is extremely needed and very helpful for me, a woman, 72 years old. God bless!!


I'm a Police and Homeland Security Veteran of thirty years...We cannot go out in public, especially with family, without the ability to protect yourself and family...I've seen how horrible people can be...Beware of your surroundings, buying groceries, out to dinner or even just getting gas...Awareness is your first line of defense. Reaction, escape, getting away from the threat as soon as you can...If you cannot, it's up to you to protect those around you...There is a time and place to be wearing flip-flops...Why do you think law enforcement wear heavy boots?? Anyway, always be prepared in today's world.. It isn't at all what it use to be.


Thank you for my daily cup of common sense.


I am a veteran. I was a fireman and am EMT trained. I retired from the Dept of Corrections (max and mental health joints) and the worked in private security (airports, concerts, festivals and campus) and was a dispatcher in a large city.
That's in no way a flex. I'm just saying that by the time I got home from trainng they were already scheduling my next training.
I said all of that to say this. The average person has no idea how much danger they are in every single time they go shopping. This video will make some of those people consider things that they wouldn't normally think about. That might keep them out of trouble some day. Good job, Sir.


My Dad was a WW2 vet. He said never wear footwear you cannot run in and fight in. He said anything is a weapon, look around, plan ahead. Make good friends that will give their life for you, and you for him. Lastly, if in a fight, get it done with quick. He always stressed pay attention to everyone you see. Determine whick ones are a danger.


I live in the Portland-metro area and have to go into the City on occasion. 2020 was my Baptism when I got caught in my car, downtown Portland at the start of a Antifa march/riot during the day. People were on my car, threatening me verbally through my windows and the guy on my hood had a club. "YOU aren't going ANYWHERE!" he yelled, pointing his club at me and striking my hood. I got a 1/2 second clearance and gunned it! They chased me, threw objects, but I got away. I carry every moment I'm outside now.


I lived in Massachusetts until I was 27. I'd seen cars burned, bottles thrown, shots fired. The thing I learned was to become invisible and slide out of the way.I've seen the crush at the door of concerts. I don't go to concerts, ball games, political rallies, movies, city music festivals. I don't miss it. I have a full life. I'd always rather be fishing, walking the dog or working in the garden anyway.
I walk my dog daily, 20 miles a week. I have a small pack with water, some first aid stuff, a poncho and a flashlight.I also carry a sidearm, a pocket knife and a kubotan. I'm known by many in town, welcome in some business, the police station and city hall. If this town has a riot, looting or similar, the rest of America has already fallen.
Signed, small town retired guy.


That's so true, bro! I learned that cities are places to avoid and that staying rural is better.


I live through the Los Angeles riots, one of the most extreme things I remember is the speed of the intensity and the speed of the spread of insanity, law enforcement was overwhelmed quickly.
Best thing to do is stay clear of all of it, but if you get somehow stuck in it be prepared to do the unthinkable to get away. 🙏🏼🤝


Solid comments. The shoe advisory alone makes it worth watching.


I remember the comments they said about "mostly peaceful" in 2020. I'm also reminded of the line from The Princess Bride from Miracle Max who goes on about "mostly dead" being "slightly alive" and that there's a difference between mostly dead and all dead. So there's a difference between "mostly" to "all" peaceful. So he's right in saying these protests weren't peaceful.


Good advice. This is a huge reason to quit alcohol, be ready to help your neighbor, be aware, exercise, practice, stay in shape to be able to hike a long distance without too much fatigue.


I appreciate your laying things out in an easy to understand manner.
