First baby – 24-hour support for breastfeeding - NMC Family Birth Center

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Ashley works in Burlington as an engineer, but she was born and raised in Franklin County where she and her husband, Casey, live. She credits the NMF Family Birth Center with helping her through the challenges of breastfeeding their first child. Her first boy, Callan, came three weeks early, and his labor and birth went fast and uneventfully. But she and Callan had trouble getting the hang of nursing. “The nurses and lactation consultant were so helpful,” Ashley recalls. “Even if I called them at 2:30 in the morning, when he was crying and I was at my wit’s end, they were willing and eager to help.”

By the time Ashley was ready to take Callan home, he was up to his normal weight. Mother and son had enough successful latches to leave feeling confident they could continue on their own. “Of course, I knew I could still call the staff anytime. They offered to help me over the phone, or come to the house if I needed more help,” Ashley says. “You know you don’t have to go it alone after you give birth at NMC, which is a huge comfort when you’re a first-time mom.”
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