Autonomic Neuropathy: Common Underdiagnosed Problem

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Here’s what you need to know about autonomic neuropathy—especially if you have a blood sugar issue. 

0:00 What is autonomic neuropathy? 
1:07 Causes of autonomic neuropathy
1:57 Autonomic neuropathy symptoms 
3:45 What to do about autonomic neuropathy

Today we’re going to talk about a very common yet under-diagnosed condition called autonomic neuropathy. Neuropathy means nerve damage. With autonomic, we’re dealing with a part of the nervous system called the autonomic nervous system, which controls things automatically. It works on its own. 

The autonomic nervous system is a combination of:
• The fight or flight (stress response)
• The parasympathetic nervous system (rest or digest)
• The enteric system (another system that can control your digestive system) 

The #1 cause of autonomic neuropathy is diabetes. But, you don’t end up with diabetes overnight. It’s a gradual condition that starts with high insulin, which leads to insulin resistance, then prediabetes, and finally, diabetes. Autonomic neuropathy is also a condition that gradually occurs. You could have one or more symptoms, which are really the beginning of this condition. 

Just because you haven’t been diagnosed with diabetes doesn’t mean that your autonomic neuropathy isn’t related to a blood sugar issue. But, other causes of autonomic neuropathy could be an autoimmune condition to part of the nervous system, or a virus. 

Symptoms of autonomic neuropathy:
1. Urinary retention 
2. Hypertension
3. Abdominal pain 
4. Malabsorption 
5. Gastroparesis 
6. Constipation
7. Sleep apnea 
8. Abnormal sweating 
9. Orthostatic hypotension (POTS) 
10. Arrhythmias 

As far as having autonomic neuropathy of the genitals, you could experience symptoms ranging from pain to lack of function of those organs. 

What you could do about autonomic neuropathy:
1. Benfotiamine 
2. Alpha-lipoic acid 
+ Keto and intermittent fasting 

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 58, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg’s Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full-time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps you better understand autonomic neuropathy and what you could do about it.
Рекомендации по теме

I was overdosed on chemotherapy for breast cancer at the same time I was exposed to black mold and being withdrawn from antidepressants and benzodiazepines and it caused all of this. I still can't work. I thought I had an adrenal body type from benzodiazepine withdrawal, but no, my cancer has spread and I have massive ascites and I'm losing my home in 1 week. My life is hell. Please pray for me and for my son and our elderly pets. Especially for my son. Thank you.


Dr. Berg has literally saved my life multiple times. There were days I was on my last breath, on my death bed when doctors told me it's nothing they could do. Then I see a Dr. Berg video explaining exactly what's wrong with me and how to fix it!!! I really wish he could be my doctor in real life but I'm in Chicago 😞


I saw my doctor in 2005 for this problem. “it is very strange that you’re having nerve problems”. Prescribed gabapentin and sent me away. 2021, I get diagnosed with diabetes 2. Some Doctors just wait for your system to crash before they take you seriously. Luckily, I’ve found Dr Berg and am learning how to reverse it. Thank you.


This is ME! I have had the full blown symptoms since 2009. I am not diabetic. I unfortunately there aren't that many doctors who even know about it. I have hypotension, malapsorbtion, bouts of gastroparesis, constipation and diarrhea, OI, can't regulate body temp etc. I saw a doctor in mayo clinic. I have Neurocardiogenic Syncope, Hyperadernergic Dysautonomia, disfunctional breathing and suspected mast cell activation. Thr lack of knowledge about this conditoin in the medical industry is killing people. The average diagnosis takes 7 years and people suffer depression and commit sucide because of thr pain, distress and lack if belief from their doctors. Thank you so much for even speaking about it


The trouble with medicine is that it waits for something to go wrong then treats the symptoms.
So many conditions could be healed or avoided if medicine focused on prevention.


Now I can go to my Doctor & tell him what's going on with me that have a name.
It's so hard to explain my symptoms to my Doctor in 3 minutes. He only spends 3 to 5 minutes with his patients, because he is always over booked.
This makes is so much easier than having him giving me a prescription that usually don't work & handing me the bill as he walks out of the room. 🤦🏾‍♀️
I am so tired of leaving his office Confusion & feeling worse after seeing the Doctor.
I'm most grateful.


Why don't doctors tell us these things when we go to them with symptoms? My doctors haven't said anything or they just prescribe something with no explanation. Are they just waiting until we get diabetes, cancer or something else? I get more info from Dr Berg than my own doctors.


My boyfriend has been watching your videos for awhile and now I see why. Such valuable information. Thank you!


I have POTS, sweating at night, digestive stuff even after 3 years on keto, but I was in much worse shape before I started so I'm glad this is all I deal with. I have also lost 105lbs. So I'll be patient. Mineral salt, electrolytes and avoiding dehydration also helps.


This makes 100% sense. Its also curious to think about the damage done to the brain during diabetes. starting out slow with the feet and hands, it's having its role in the brain too as we know of course. But personally, having dealt with yellowing, painful, tingling feet and hands, wondering what those years of chornic hyperinsulinemia and hyperglycemia was doing to the brain as well. Thanks to two years of IF and Keto, I experience nearly zero symptoms in the hands and feet besides the skin is yellow on the heal, but the brain is still having its days with memory and such. Its getting better absolutely. but It makes me wonder how much is damaged. Also, the Mercury amalgom fillings surely cant help and various enviornmental exposures to other things. But with optimal nutrition with some extras is feeling like such a right track. Thanks Dr berg. You saved my life. and I have used your videos to convince my mother, father, two sisters, neice, and a couple good friends to all be keto. They also feed My uncle keto because he has dementia, and its night and day. Many many thanks, and appreciations. This adventure has been wonderful and will continue to be so.


I love this doctor he is so clear and precise and he looks great for his age and I've learned so much from him and I wish I had found him years ago every time I talk to my friends about health I usually say here go to YouTube and follow this gentleman if you want to remain healthy or get healthy. thanks again for a great job believe me millions of people are healthier because of you and your wonderful wife with all the beautiful food that she makes


I was waiting for this one since ages... Thank you so much Dr berg 💪 You are a lifesaver ✌️😇


You're truly blessed, Dr. Berg! It's like your following every health concern I've been concerned with lately!


You explain things very easy in my opinion and I can thank you enough for making and sharing these videos with us. Thank you!


Wish I could find a SMART DOCTOR like you to get to the bottom of my condition 😕 burning in my hands and feet and extremely bad chronic itching over my entire body! Have been suffering every day for 2 in a half years!


Thank you for pre-diagnosis. I have all of these symptoms and I am not on the Keto Diet yet. But getting older I need to get busy. Amen


I just had autonomic testing. I've been trying to recover from a serious car accident for almost 2 years and I have all of these symptoms.


Hi Dr berg I am from India

No words to say about you, getting education and knowledge is to educate the people in the right direction, Prevention is better than cure ( this is what our world is lacking today ) .This world needs you Dr Berg 👏


I have each and every one of these symptoms. I've been to cardiologist, urologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, primary care, and it's like a circular firing squad, each pointing at the others. Diagnoses from depression to medication side effects, to menopause (as a man they even checked my estrogen which was normal.) All of my labs come back nearly normal. Body temp, blood pressure all over the place. This is absolutely maddening. I've almost given up but I just can't live the rest of my life like this. I sleep alternately under a heating blanket or sweating on top of the sheets. I take an Ambien and a lorazepam before bed and still take 2 hours to fall asleep. And yet I can go back to bed and sleep for an hour 4 times a day. I ache, my arms are weak and heavy. I feel like I have a small case of the flu all... the... time.


1. Benfotiamine
2. Alpha Lipoic Acid
3. Keto & IF
